Check the standard Config!
Config = {}
Config.Start = {
language = "de",
esxevent = "es_extended",
announce = "sservice",
notifys = "sservice",
AdminCarPlate = "ADMINCAR",
InsertVehicleIntoDB = true,
AdminChatNotify = true,
-- You have to replace the notify if you don't have our S-HUD or S-Notify
BlacklistetWeaponReset = {
connectsteamcheck = false
Config.Misc = {
Coords = {
roundednumber = 4 -- On which decimal should be the number rounded
NameTags = {
healthdisplay = false,
amordisplay = false,
jobdisplay = true,
distance = 100.0
NoClip = {
keyspeedup = 21,
keyspeeddown = 137,
resetspeed = 194,
DefaultSpeed = 2.0,
speedsteps = {[1] = 0.5, [2] = 1.0, [3] = 3.0, [4] = 6.0, [4] = 10.0},
despawnvehicleswhenhit = false
Settings = {
shortmenu = "left",
defaultpanel = "home",
uisize = "1.0",
uicolor = "red",
spectate = "false",
aduty = "true"
Config.Timers = {
UpdatePlayers = 1000 -- ms
Config.Events = {
["playerrevive"] = "esx_ambulancejob_Revive_ffa",
["openInventoryofPlayer"] = "esx_ambulancejob_Revive_ffa",
["OpenClothMenu"] = "esx_ambulancejob_Revive_ffa",
["OpenFaceMenu"] = "esx_ambulancejob_Revive_ffa"
Config.Admin = {
["admin"] = {
male = {
["tshirt_1"] = 15,
["tshirt_2"] = 0,
["torso_1"] = 287,
["torso_2"] = 1,
["decals_1"] = 0,
["decals_2"] = 0,
["arms"] = 3,
["pants_1"] = 114,
["pants_2"] = 1,
["shoes_1"] = 78,
["shoes_2"] = 1,
["helmet_1"] = -1,
["helmet_2"] = 0,
["mask_1"] = 135,
["mask_2"] = 1,
["chain_1"] = 0,
["chain_2"] = 0,
["ears_1"] = 0,
["ears_2"] = 0,
["bags_1"] = 0,
["bags_2"] = 0,
["hair_1"] = 0,
["hair_2"] = 0,
["bproof_1"] = 0,
["bproof_2"] = 0
female = {
["tshirt_1"] = 14,
["tshirt_2"] = 0,
["torso_1"] = 300,
["torso_2"] = 9,
["decals_1"] = 0,
["decals_2"] = 0,
["arms"] = 13,
["pants_1"] = 121,
["pants_2"] = 9,
["shoes_1"] = 4,
["shoes_2"] = 6,
["helmet_1"] = -1,
["helmet_2"] = 0,
["mask_1"] = 135,
["mask_2"] = 9,
["chain_1"] = 0,
["chain_2"] = 0,
["ears_1"] = 0,
["ears_2"] = 0,
["bags_1"] = 0,
["bags_2"] = 0,
["hair_1"] = 4,
["hair_2"] = 0,
["bproof_1"] = 0,
["bproof_2"] = 0
Config.Permissions = {
["admin"] = {}
Config.AdminMenu = {
["MainMenu"] = {
name = "Admin",
DoesHaveSubMenu = true,
Location = "Admin",
IMGSrc = "img/AdminMenuIcons/security_24px.svg",
ColorPicker = false,
CloseMenu = false,
activebar = false,
saveactivebar = false
name = "Vehicle",
DoesHaveSubMenu = true,
Location = "Vehicle",
IMGSrc = "img/AdminMenuIcons/security_24px.svg",
ColorPicker = false,
CloseMenu = false,
activebar = false,
saveactivebar = false
name = "Players",
DoesHaveSubMenu = true,
Location = "GetPlayers",
IMGSrc = "img/AdminMenuIcons/security_24px.svg",
ColorPicker = false,
CloseMenu = false,
activebar = false,
saveactivebar = false
name = "Display",
DoesHaveSubMenu = true,
Location = "DisplayMenu",
IMGSrc = "img/AdminMenuIcons/security_24px.svg",
ColorPicker = false,
CloseMenu = false,
activebar = false,
saveactivebar = false
name = "Misc",
DoesHaveSubMenu = true,
Location = "Misc",
IMGSrc = "img/AdminMenuIcons/security_24px.svg",
ColorPicker = false,
CloseMenu = false,
activebar = false,
saveactivebar = false
name = "Admin Panel",
DoesHaveSubMenu = false,
Location = "OpenMainMenu",
IMGSrc = "img/AdminMenuIcons/security_24px.svg",
ColorPicker = false,
CloseMenu = true,
activebar = false,
saveactivebar = false
["DisplayMenu"] = {
name = "Nametags",
DoesHaveSubMenu = false,
Location = "nametag",
IMGSrc = "img/AdminMenuIcons/security_24px.svg",
ColorPicker = false,
CloseMenu = false,
activebar = false,
saveactivebar = true
name = "Coords",
DoesHaveSubMenu = false,
Location = "MakeCoords",
IMGSrc = "img/AdminMenuIcons/security_24px.svg",
ColorPicker = false,
CloseMenu = false,
activebar = false,
saveactivebar = true
name = "Near Players On Map",
DoesHaveSubMenu = false,
Location = "ShowPlayersOnMap",
IMGSrc = "img/AdminMenuIcons/security_24px.svg",
ColorPicker = false,
CloseMenu = false,
activebar = false,
saveactivebar = true
["Admin"] = {
name = "Aduty",
DoesHaveSubMenu = false,
Location = "aduty",
IMGSrc = "img/AdminMenuIcons/security_24px.svg",
ColorPicker = false,
CloseMenu = false,
activebar = false,
saveactivebar = true
name = "No Clip",
DoesHaveSubMenu = false,
Location = "noclip",
IMGSrc = "img/AdminMenuIcons/security_24px.svg",
ColorPicker = false,
CloseMenu = true,
activebar = false,
saveactivebar = true
name = "Invisible",
DoesHaveSubMenu = false,
Location = "setinvisible",
IMGSrc = "img/AdminMenuIcons/security_24px.svg",
ColorPicker = false,
CloseMenu = false,
activebar = false,
saveactivebar = true
name = "God Mode",
DoesHaveSubMenu = false,
Location = "setGodmode",
IMGSrc = "img/AdminMenuIcons/security_24px.svg",
ColorPicker = false,
CloseMenu = false,
activebar = false,
saveactivebar = true
name = "Revive",
DoesHaveSubMenu = false,
Location = "RevivePlayerCustom",
IMGSrc = "img/AdminMenuIcons/security_24px.svg",
ColorPicker = false,
CloseMenu = false,
activebar = false,
saveactivebar = false
name = "Heal",
DoesHaveSubMenu = false,
Location = "HealMiniCustom",
IMGSrc = "img/AdminMenuIcons/security_24px.svg",
ColorPicker = false,
CloseMenu = false,
activebar = false,
saveactivebar = false
name = "Announce",
DoesHaveSubMenu = false,
Location = "SetAnnounce",
IMGSrc = "img/AdminMenuIcons/security_24px.svg",
ColorPicker = false,
CloseMenu = true,
activebar = false,
saveactivebar = false
name = "Teleport to Marker",
DoesHaveSubMenu = false,
Location = "Tpm",
IMGSrc = "img/AdminMenuIcons/security_24px.svg",
ColorPicker = false,
CloseMenu = false,
activebar = false,
saveactivebar = false
name = "Teleport to ID",
DoesHaveSubMenu = false,
Location = "TeleportToID",
IMGSrc = "img/AdminMenuIcons/security_24px.svg",
ColorPicker = false,
CloseMenu = true,
activebar = false,
saveactivebar = false
name = "Teleport to Coords",
DoesHaveSubMenu = false,
Location = "TeleportToCoords",
IMGSrc = "img/AdminMenuIcons/security_24px.svg",
ColorPicker = false,
CloseMenu = true,
activebar = false,
saveactivebar = false
name = "Bring ID",
DoesHaveSubMenu = false,
Location = "bringid",
IMGSrc = "img/AdminMenuIcons/security_24px.svg",
ColorPicker = false,
CloseMenu = true,
activebar = false,
saveactivebar = false
name = "Kick ID",
DoesHaveSubMenu = false,
Location = "kickid",
IMGSrc = "img/AdminMenuIcons/security_24px.svg",
ColorPicker = false,
CloseMenu = true,
activebar = false,
saveactivebar = false
name = "Revive ID",
DoesHaveSubMenu = false,
Location = "reviveid",
IMGSrc = "img/AdminMenuIcons/security_24px.svg",
ColorPicker = false,
CloseMenu = true,
activebar = false,
saveactivebar = false
name = "Bring All",
DoesHaveSubMenu = false,
Location = "bringall",
IMGSrc = "img/AdminMenuIcons/security_24px.svg",
ColorPicker = false,
CloseMenu = false,
activebar = false,
saveactivebar = false
name = "Revive All",
DoesHaveSubMenu = false,
Location = "reviveall",
IMGSrc = "img/AdminMenuIcons/security_24px.svg",
ColorPicker = false,
CloseMenu = false,
activebar = false,
saveactivebar = false
name = "Kick All",
DoesHaveSubMenu = false,
Location = "KickALL",
IMGSrc = "img/AdminMenuIcons/security_24px.svg",
ColorPicker = false,
CloseMenu = false,
activebar = false,
saveactivebar = false
name = "Give Item",
DoesHaveSubMenu = false,
Location = "GiveItemCustom",
IMGSrc = "img/AdminMenuIcons/security_24px.svg",
ColorPicker = false,
CloseMenu = true,
activebar = false,
saveactivebar = false
name = "Give Weapon",
DoesHaveSubMenu = false,
Location = "GiveWeaponCustom",
IMGSrc = "img/AdminMenuIcons/security_24px.svg",
ColorPicker = false,
CloseMenu = true,
activebar = false,
saveactivebar = false
name = "Give all Weapons",
DoesHaveSubMenu = false,
Location = "GiveAllWeapon",
IMGSrc = "img/AdminMenuIcons/security_24px.svg",
ColorPicker = false,
CloseMenu = false,
activebar = false,
saveactivebar = false
["Vehicle"] = {
name = "Spawn",
DoesHaveSubMenu = false,
Location = "spawnvehicle",
IMGSrc = "img/AdminMenuIcons/security_24px.svg",
ColorPicker = false,
CloseMenu = false,
activebar = false,
saveactivebar = false
name = "Repair",
DoesHaveSubMenu = false,
Location = "repaircar",
IMGSrc = "img/AdminMenuIcons/security_24px.svg",
ColorPicker = false,
CloseMenu = false,
activebar = false,
saveactivebar = false
name = "Delete Vehicle",
DoesHaveSubMenu = false,
Location = "DeleteVehicle",
IMGSrc = "img/AdminMenuIcons/security_24px.svg",
ColorPicker = false,
CloseMenu = false,
activebar = false,
saveactivebar = false
name = "Radius Delete",
DoesHaveSubMenu = false,
Location = "radiusdelete",
IMGSrc = "img/AdminMenuIcons/security_24px.svg",
ColorPicker = false,
CloseMenu = true,
activebar = false,
saveactivebar = false
name = "God Mode",
DoesHaveSubMenu = false,
Location = "Godmodevehicle",
IMGSrc = "img/AdminMenuIcons/security_24px.svg",
ColorPicker = false,
CloseMenu = false,
activebar = false,
saveactivebar = true
--[[ {
name = "Color",
DoesHaveSubMenu = false,
Location = "ShowPlayersOnMap",
IMGSrc = "img/AdminMenuIcons/security_24px.svg",
ColorPicker = true,
CloseMenu = false,
activebar = false,
saveactivebar = false
name = "Best Tuning",
DoesHaveSubMenu = false,
Location = "BestTunning",
IMGSrc = "img/AdminMenuIcons/security_24px.svg",
ColorPicker = false,
CloseMenu = false,
activebar = false,
saveactivebar = false
name = "Set Plate",
DoesHaveSubMenu = false,
Location = "SetPlate",
IMGSrc = "img/AdminMenuIcons/security_24px.svg",
ColorPicker = false,
CloseMenu = false,
activebar = false,
saveactivebar = false
name = "Refuel",
DoesHaveSubMenu = false,
Location = "refuel",
IMGSrc = "img/AdminMenuIcons/security_24px.svg",
ColorPicker = true,
CloseMenu = false,
activebar = false,
saveactivebar = false
name = "Speed Boost",
DoesHaveSubMenu = false,
Location = "nametag",
IMGSrc = "img/AdminMenuIcons/security_24px.svg",
ColorPicker = false,
CloseMenu = false,
activebar = false,
saveactivebar = false
name = "Torq Boost",
DoesHaveSubMenu = false,
Location = "MakeCoords",
IMGSrc = "img/AdminMenuIcons/security_24px.svg",
ColorPicker = false,
CloseMenu = false,
activebar = false,
saveactivebar = false
},]] {
name = "Drift Mode",
DoesHaveSubMenu = false,
Location = "SetDrift",
IMGSrc = "img/AdminMenuIcons/security_24px.svg",
ColorPicker = true,
CloseMenu = false,
activebar = false,
saveactivebar = false
["Misc"] = {
name = "Set Ped",
DoesHaveSubMenu = false,
Location = "setpedmenu",
IMGSrc = "img/AdminMenuIcons/security_24px.svg",
ColorPicker = false,
CloseMenu = true,
activebar = false,
saveactivebar = false
name = "Reset Ped",
DoesHaveSubMenu = false,
Location = "resetped",
IMGSrc = "img/AdminMenuIcons/security_24px.svg",
ColorPicker = false,
CloseMenu = false,
activebar = false,
saveactivebar = false
name = "Super Powers",
DoesHaveSubMenu = true,
Location = "SuperPowers",
IMGSrc = "img/AdminMenuIcons/security_24px.svg",
ColorPicker = false,
CloseMenu = false,
activebar = false,
saveactivebar = false
["SuperPowers"] = {
name = "Super Punch",
DoesHaveSubMenu = false,
Location = "superpunch",
IMGSrc = "img/AdminMenuIcons/security_24px.svg",
ColorPicker = false,
CloseMenu = false,
activebar = false,
saveactivebar = false
name = "Super Jump",
DoesHaveSubMenu = false,
Location = "superjump",
IMGSrc = "img/AdminMenuIcons/security_24px.svg",
ColorPicker = false,
CloseMenu = false,
activebar = false,
saveactivebar = false
name = "Fast Run",
DoesHaveSubMenu = false,
Location = "fastrun",
IMGSrc = "img/AdminMenuIcons/security_24px.svg",
ColorPicker = false,
CloseMenu = false,
activebar = false,
saveactivebar = false
["PlayerOptions"] = {
name = "Player Options",
DoesHaveSubMenu = true,
Location = "PlayerOptionsMore",
IMGSrc = "img/AdminMenuIcons/security_24px.svg",
ColorPicker = false,
CloseMenu = false,
activebar = false,
saveactivebar = false
name = "Troll Player",
DoesHaveSubMenu = true,
Location = "TrollMenu",
IMGSrc = "img/AdminMenuIcons/security_24px.svg",
ColorPicker = false,
CloseMenu = false,
activebar = false,
saveactivebar = false
name = "Teleport Options",
DoesHaveSubMenu = true,
Location = "TeleportOptions",
IMGSrc = "img/AdminMenuIcons/security_24px.svg",
ColorPicker = false,
CloseMenu = false,
activebar = false,
saveactivebar = false
["TeleportOptions"] = {
name = "Goto",
DoesHaveSubMenu = false,
Location = "GotoOptionSmallMenu",
IMGSrc = "img/AdminMenuIcons/security_24px.svg",
ColorPicker = false,
CloseMenu = false,
activebar = false,
saveactivebar = false
name = "Go Back",
DoesHaveSubMenu = false,
Location = "GoBackSmallMenu",
IMGSrc = "img/AdminMenuIcons/security_24px.svg",
ColorPicker = false,
CloseMenu = false,
activebar = false,
saveactivebar = false
name = "Bring",
DoesHaveSubMenu = false,
Location = "Bringsmallmenu",
IMGSrc = "img/AdminMenuIcons/security_24px.svg",
ColorPicker = false,
CloseMenu = false,
activebar = false,
saveactivebar = false
name = "Bring Back",
DoesHaveSubMenu = false,
Location = "BringBacksmallmenu",
IMGSrc = "img/AdminMenuIcons/security_24px.svg",
ColorPicker = false,
CloseMenu = false,
activebar = false,
saveactivebar = false
name = "To Player",
DoesHaveSubMenu = false,
Location = "ToPlayerSmallMenu",
IMGSrc = "img/AdminMenuIcons/security_24px.svg",
ColorPicker = false,
CloseMenu = true,
activebar = false,
saveactivebar = false
name = "Set Dimension",
DoesHaveSubMenu = false,
Location = "SetDimension",
IMGSrc = "img/AdminMenuIcons/security_24px.svg",
ColorPicker = false,
CloseMenu = true,
activebar = false,
saveactivebar = false
["TrollMenu"] = {
name = "Jumpscare",
DoesHaveSubMenu = false,
Location = "JumpScarePlayer",
IMGSrc = "img/AdminMenuIcons/security_24px.svg",
ColorPicker = false,
CloseMenu = false,
activebar = false,
saveactivebar = false
name = "On Fire",
DoesHaveSubMenu = false,
Location = "SetPlayerOnFire",
IMGSrc = "img/AdminMenuIcons/security_24px.svg",
ColorPicker = false,
CloseMenu = false,
activebar = false,
saveactivebar = false
name = "Kill",
DoesHaveSubMenu = false,
Location = "KillPlayerSmallMenu",
IMGSrc = "img/AdminMenuIcons/security_24px.svg",
ColorPicker = false,
CloseMenu = false,
activebar = false,
saveactivebar = false
name = "Explode",
DoesHaveSubMenu = false,
Location = "ExplodePlayer",
IMGSrc = "img/AdminMenuIcons/security_24px.svg",
ColorPicker = false,
CloseMenu = false,
activebar = false,
saveactivebar = false
name = "Freeze",
DoesHaveSubMenu = false,
Location = "FreezePlayer2",
IMGSrc = "img/AdminMenuIcons/security_24px.svg",
ColorPicker = false,
CloseMenu = false,
activebar = false,
saveactivebar = false
name = "Slap",
DoesHaveSubMenu = false,
Location = "SlapPlayer",
IMGSrc = "img/AdminMenuIcons/security_24px.svg",
ColorPicker = false,
CloseMenu = false,
activebar = false,
saveactivebar = false
name = "Gravity",
DoesHaveSubMenu = false,
Location = "GravityPlayer",
IMGSrc = "img/AdminMenuIcons/security_24px.svg",
ColorPicker = false,
CloseMenu = false,
activebar = false,
saveactivebar = false
name = "Pause Player",
DoesHaveSubMenu = false,
Location = "PausePlayer",
IMGSrc = "img/AdminMenuIcons/security_24px.svg",
ColorPicker = false,
CloseMenu = false,
activebar = false,
saveactivebar = false
name = "Fake lag",
DoesHaveSubMenu = false,
Location = "Fakelag",
IMGSrc = "img/AdminMenuIcons/security_24px.svg",
ColorPicker = false,
CloseMenu = false,
activebar = false,
saveactivebar = false
name = "Cage Player",
DoesHaveSubMenu = false,
Location = "CagePlayer",
IMGSrc = "img/AdminMenuIcons/security_24px.svg",
ColorPicker = false,
CloseMenu = false,
activebar = false,
saveactivebar = false
name = "Shrink Player",
DoesHaveSubMenu = false,
Location = "ShrinkPlayer",
IMGSrc = "img/AdminMenuIcons/security_24px.svg",
ColorPicker = false,
CloseMenu = false,
activebar = false,
saveactivebar = false
name = "Crash Player",
DoesHaveSubMenu = false,
Location = "CrashPlayer",
IMGSrc = "img/AdminMenuIcons/security_24px.svg",
ColorPicker = false,
CloseMenu = false,
activebar = false,
saveactivebar = false
name = "DestroyTires",
DoesHaveSubMenu = false,
Location = "DeytroyTires",
IMGSrc = "img/AdminMenuIcons/security_24px.svg",
ColorPicker = false,
CloseMenu = false,
activebar = false,
saveactivebar = false
name = "FlashBang",
DoesHaveSubMenu = false,
Location = "FlashBang",
IMGSrc = "img/AdminMenuIcons/security_24px.svg",
ColorPicker = false,
CloseMenu = false,
activebar = false,
saveactivebar = false
name = "MerryWeather",
DoesHaveSubMenu = false,
Location = "MerryWeather",
IMGSrc = "img/AdminMenuIcons/security_24px.svg",
ColorPicker = false,
CloseMenu = false,
activebar = false,
saveactivebar = false
name = "ClownAttack",
DoesHaveSubMenu = false,
Location = "ClownAttack",
IMGSrc = "img/AdminMenuIcons/security_24px.svg",
ColorPicker = false,
CloseMenu = false,
activebar = false,
saveactivebar = false
["PlayerOptionsMore"] = {
name = "Spectate",
DoesHaveSubMenu = false,
Location = "SpectatePlayerMiniMenu",
IMGSrc = "img/AdminMenuIcons/security_24px.svg",
ColorPicker = false,
CloseMenu = true,
activebar = false,
saveactivebar = false
name = "Heal",
DoesHaveSubMenu = false,
Location = "HealPlayerMiniMenu",
IMGSrc = "img/AdminMenuIcons/security_24px.svg",
ColorPicker = false,
CloseMenu = false,
activebar = false,
saveactivebar = false
name = "Revive",
DoesHaveSubMenu = false,
Location = "RevivePlayerMiniMenu",
IMGSrc = "img/AdminMenuIcons/security_24px.svg",
ColorPicker = false,
CloseMenu = false,
activebar = false,
saveactivebar = false
name = "Kill",
DoesHaveSubMenu = false,
Location = "KillPlayerSmallMenu",
IMGSrc = "img/AdminMenuIcons/security_24px.svg",
ColorPicker = false,
CloseMenu = false,
activebar = false,
saveactivebar = false
name = "Freeze",
DoesHaveSubMenu = false,
Location = "FreezePlayerStanding",
IMGSrc = "img/AdminMenuIcons/security_24px.svg",
ColorPicker = false,
CloseMenu = false,
activebar = false,
saveactivebar = false
name = "Warn",
DoesHaveSubMenu = false,
Location = "WarnCustom",
IMGSrc = "img/AdminMenuIcons/security_24px.svg",
ColorPicker = false,
CloseMenu = true,
activebar = false,
saveactivebar = false
name = "Kick",
DoesHaveSubMenu = false,
Location = "KickCustom",
IMGSrc = "img/AdminMenuIcons/security_24px.svg",
ColorPicker = false,
CloseMenu = true,
activebar = false,
saveactivebar = false
name = "Ban",
DoesHaveSubMenu = false,
Location = "BanCuston",
IMGSrc = "img/AdminMenuIcons/security_24px.svg",
ColorPicker = false,
CloseMenu = true,
activebar = false,
saveactivebar = false
name = "Screenshot",
DoesHaveSubMenu = false,
Location = "RequestScreenshotMiniMenu",
IMGSrc = "img/AdminMenuIcons/security_24px.svg",
ColorPicker = false,
CloseMenu = true,
activebar = false,
saveactivebar = false
name = "Copyoutfit",
DoesHaveSubMenu = false,
Location = "TeleportOptions",
IMGSrc = "img/AdminMenuIcons/security_24px.svg",
ColorPicker = false,
CloseMenu = false,
activebar = false,
saveactivebar = false
name = "Give clothmenu",
DoesHaveSubMenu = false,
Location = "OpenClothMenu2",
IMGSrc = "img/AdminMenuIcons/security_24px.svg",
ColorPicker = false,
CloseMenu = false,
activebar = false,
saveactivebar = false
name = "Give face menu",
DoesHaveSubMenu = false,
Location = "OpenFaceMenu2",
IMGSrc = "img/AdminMenuIcons/security_24px.svg",
ColorPicker = false,
CloseMenu = false,
activebar = false,
saveactivebar = false
name = "Give vehicle",
DoesHaveSubMenu = false,
Location = "GiveVehicleCustomNUI",
IMGSrc = "img/AdminMenuIcons/security_24px.svg",
ColorPicker = false,
CloseMenu = true,
activebar = false,
saveactivebar = false
name = "Give Item",
DoesHaveSubMenu = false,
Location = "GiveItemCustomMini",
IMGSrc = "img/AdminMenuIcons/security_24px.svg",
ColorPicker = false,
CloseMenu = true,
activebar = false,
saveactivebar = false
name = "Give Weapon",
DoesHaveSubMenu = false,
Location = "GiveWeaponCustomMini",
IMGSrc = "img/AdminMenuIcons/security_24px.svg",
ColorPicker = false,
CloseMenu = true,
activebar = false,
saveactivebar = false
name = "Open Inventory",
DoesHaveSubMenu = false,
Location = "OpenInventory",
IMGSrc = "img/AdminMenuIcons/security_24px.svg",
ColorPicker = false,
CloseMenu = true,
activebar = false,
saveactivebar = false
name = "Set Job",
DoesHaveSubMenu = false,
Location = "SetJobCustomMini",
IMGSrc = "img/AdminMenuIcons/security_24px.svg",
ColorPicker = false,
CloseMenu = true,
activebar = false,
saveactivebar = false
name = "Set Group",
DoesHaveSubMenu = false,
Location = "SetGroupCustomMini",
IMGSrc = "img/AdminMenuIcons/security_24px.svg",
ColorPicker = false,
CloseMenu = true,
activebar = false,
saveactivebar = false
["GetPlayers"] = {},
["Close"] = {}
Config.PreviousMenus = {
["MainMenu"] = "Close",
["Admin"] = "MainMenu",
["Vehicle"] = "MainMenu",
["Misc"] = "MainMenu",
["DisplayMenu"] = "MainMenu",
["SuperPowers"] = "Misc",
["GetPlayers"] = "MainMenu",
["PlayerOptions"] = "GetPlayers",
["PlayerOptionsMore"] = "PlayerOptions",
["TeleportOptions"] = "PlayerOptions",
["TrollMenu"] = "PlayerOptions"
Config.ShortCuts = {
NoClip = {
active = true,
keydefault = "x"
Aduty = {
active = false,
keydefault = "x"
Invisible = {
active = false,
keydefault = "x"
GodMode = {
active = false,
keydefault = "x"
-- Tuning
Config.Upgrades = {
["Suspension"] = 3,
["Armour"] = 4,
["Transmission"] = 2,
["Turbo"] = true,
["Engine"] = 2,
["Brakes"] = 2
ConfigServer = {}
ConfigServer.Main = {
ResetTime = 1, -- For Admin Stats
admins = {
["admin"] = true
ConfigServer.Screenshot = {
Webhooks = ""
ConfigServer.GiveWeapons = {
["admin"] = {
["weapon_knife"] = true,
["weapon_nightstick"] = true,
["weapon_hammer"] = true,
["weapon_bat"] = true,
["weapon_golfclub"] = true,
["weapon_crowbar"] = true,
["weapon_bottle"] = true,
["weapon_dagger"] = true,
["weapon_hatchet"] = true,
["weapon_knuckle"] = true,
["weapon_machete"] = true,
["weapon_flashlight"] = true,
["weapon_switchblade"] = true,
["weapon_poolcue"] = true,
["weapon_wrench"] = true,
["weapon_battleaxe"] = true,
["weapon_stone_hatchet"] = true,
["weapon_pistol"] = true,
["weapon_pistol_mk2"] = true,
["weapon_combatpistol"] = true,
["weapon_appistol"] = true,
["weapon_stungun"] = true,
["weapon_pistol50"] = true,
["weapon_snspistol"] = true,
["weapon_snspistol_mk2"] = true,
["weapon_heavypistol"] = true,
["weapon_vintagepistol"] = true,
["weapon_flaregun"] = true,
["weapon_marksmanpistol"] = true,
["weapon_revolver"] = true,
["weapon_revolver_mk2"] = true,
["weapon_doubleaction"] = true,
["weapon_raypistol"] = true,
["weapon_ceramicpistol"] = true,
["weapon_navyrevolver"] = true,
["weapon_microsmg"] = true,
["weapon_smg"] = true,
["weapon_smg_mk2"] = true,
["weapon_assaultsmg"] = true,
["weapon_combatpdw"] = true,
["weapon_machinepistol"] = true,
["weapon_minismg"] = true,
["weapon_raycarbine"] = true,
["weapon_pumpshotgun"] = true,
["weapon_pumpshotgun_mk2"] = true,
["weapon_sawnoffshotgun"] = true,
["weapon_assaultshotgun"] = true,
["weapon_bullpupshotgun"] = true,
["weapon_musket"] = true,
["weapon_heavyshotgun"] = true,
["weapon_dbshotgun"] = true,
["weapon_autoshotgun"] = true,
["weapon_assaultrifle"] = true,
["weapon_assaultrifle_mk2"] = true,
["weapon_carbinerifle"] = true,
["weapon_carbinerifle_mk2"] = true,
["weapon_advancedrifle"] = true,
["weapon_specialcarbine"] = true,
["weapon_specialcarbine_mk2"] = true,
["weapon_bullpuprifle"] = true,
["weapon_bullpuprifle_mk2"] = true,
["weapon_compactrifle"] = true,
["weapon_militaryrifle"] = true,
["weapon_mg"] = true,
["weapon_combatmg"] = true,
["weapon_combatmg_mk2"] = true,
["weapon_gusenberg"] = true,
["weapon_sniperrifle"] = true,
["weapon_heavysniper"] = true,
["weapon_heavysniper_mk2"] = true,
["weapon_marksmanrifle"] = true,
["weapon_marksmanrifle_mk2"] = true,
["weapon_rpg"] = true,
["weapon_grenadelauncher"] = true,
["weapon_grenadelauncher_smoke"] = true,
["weapon_minigun"] = true,
["weapon_firework"] = true,
["weapon_railgun"] = true,
["weapon_hominglauncher"] = true,
["weapon_compactlauncher"] = true,
["weapon_rayminigun"] = true,
["weapon_grenade"] = true,
["weapon_bzgas"] = true,
["weapon_molotov"] = true,
["weapon_stickybomb"] = true,
["weapon_proxmine"] = true,
["weapon_snowball"] = true,
["weapon_pipebomb"] = true,
["weapon_ball"] = true,
["weapon_smokegrenade"] = true,
["weapon_flare"] = true,
["weapon_petrolcan"] = true,
["gadget_parachute"] = true,
["weapon_fireextinguisher"] = true,
["weapon_hazardcan"] = true
ConfigServer.Permissions = {
["admin"] = {
["revive"] = true,
["healplayer"] = true,
["kill"] = true,
["freeze"] = true,
["spectate"] = true,
["gotoplayer"] = true,
["bringplayer"] = true,
["bringbackplayer"] = true,
["viewinventory"] = true,
["clearinventory"] = true,
["adminping"] = true,
["jumpscare"] = true,
["PlayertoPlayer"] = true,
["GiveItem"] = true,
["GiveCar"] = true,
["GiveWeapon"] = true,
["GiveMoney"] = true,
["GiveGroup"] = true,
["GiveJob"] = true,
["CopyOutfit"] = true,
["OpenClothMenu"] = true,
["OpenFaceMenu"] = true,
["WarnPlayer"] = true,
["KickPlayer"] = true,
["noclip"] = true,
["aduty"] = true,
["setinvisible"] = true,
["setGodmode"] = true,
["radiusrevive"] = true,
["banplayer"] = true,
["GiveAllWeapon"] = true,
["SetPlayerOnFire"] = true,
["KillPlayer"] = true,
["ExplodePlayer"] = true,
["FreezePlayer"] = true,
["SlapPlayer"] = true,
["GravityPlayer"] = true,
["PausePlayer"] = true,
["FakeLag"] = true,
["CagePlayer"] = true,
["ShrinkPlayer"] = true,
["CrashGame"] = true,
["StoryMode"] = true,
["DeytroyTires"] = true,
["FlashBang"] = true,
["MerryWeather"] = true,
["ClownAttack"] = true,
["reviveother"] = true,
["healplayerother"] = true,
["FreezePlayerStanding"] = true,
["SetDimension"] = true,
["SetPlate"] = true,
["DeleteRadiusVehicle"] = true,
["SpawnVehicle"] = true,
["SetPed"] = true,
["ResetPed"] = true,
["ReviveAll"] = true,
["Announce"] = true,
["bringall"] = true,
["ShowCoords"] = true,
["Screenshot"] = true,
["DeleteNote"] = true,
["DeleteNachricht"] = true,
["BestTuning"] = true,
["KickAll"] = true,
["MarkPlayers"] = true,
["MakeNotiz"] = true,
["RevokeBan"] = true,
["SendMessage"] = true,
["TeleportToCoord"] = true,
["TeleportToPlayer"] = true,
["Aduty"] = true,
["repaircar"] = true,
["TPM"] = true,
["fastrun"] = true,
["superpunch"] = true,
["superjump"] = true,
["refuel"] = true,
["Driftmode"] = true,
["Godmodevehicle"] = true,
["DeleteVehicle"] = true,
["SpawnCar"] = true,
["Unban"] = true,
["copycoords"] = true
ConfigServer.Commands = {
ReviveRadiusCommand = {
Name = "Raviverad"
CopyCoordsCommand = {
Name = "CopyCoords"
ConfigServer.Discord = {
On = true,
title = "S-Admin",
author = "S-Roleplay",
color = 16711680,
avatar_url = "",
footertext = "S-Scripts",
icon_url = "",
thumbnailurl = ""
ConfigServer.Webhooks = {
["Default"] = "",
["Noclip"] = ""
If you find any errors in the configuration and you can't fix them yourself, open a ticket!
Last updated