Check the standard Config!
Config = {}
Config.Start = {
framework = "esx", -- esx or qbcore
esxevent = "esx:getSharedObject",
language = "de", -- de, pl, en, fr
visnaresupport = false,
ShowBlips = true,
MedicMin = 1,
MedicJobName = "medic",
PriceOnRevive = 0,
RangeOfRevive = 5,
AllowBankPay = false,
Locations = {
{id = 1, x = -463.10931396484, y = -338.79315185547, z = 34.500904083252, heading = 86.038864135742}
Blips = {
Blipsprite = 280, -- Blip Sprite
BlipColor = 17,
BlipName = "ReviveStation"
PedOrMarker = true,
Marker = {
markertype = 1, -- Type of the Marker
size = vector(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), -- Size of the Marker
color = {r = 255, g = 140, b = 0}
-- Color of the Marker
Ped = {
pedmodel = GetHashKey("s_m_y_armymech_01") -- Ped model
Config.Notify = {
error = 5,
success = 5
Config.RespawnPoints = {
{id = 1, x = -462.58877563477, y = -336.85943603516, z = 34.500930786133, heading = 120.09252929688}
Config.Discord = {
On = true,
title = "Gangwar Ergebnisse",
color = 11027200,
avatar_url = "",
footertext = "S-Scripts",
icon_url = "",
thumbnailurl = "",
webhook = ""
If you find any errors in the configuration and you can't fix them yourself, open a ticket!
Last updated