Check the standard Config!
Config = {
Global = {
language = "de", -- Write your preferred language here
esxevent = "esx:getSharedObject",
-- Your ESX event
howmanygebietemax = 12, -- How many areas can a job have
blacklistetjobname = {"unemployed"}, -- Blacklistet Jobs
mindefender = 0, -- Minimum number of defenders online
rank = 6, -- Min Rank for an attack
prephase = 7, -- Preparation phase in minutes
roundtime = 5, -- Main Phase in minutes
killpoints = 3, -- Points for a kill
infiniteammo = true, -- Infinite Ammunition
autoclear = true, -- Deletes cars at certain intervals
autocleartimer = 60, -- Spacing between each clear
CarClearDistance = 15.0, --Distance from the player to the car, If over, the car is deleted
driveby = true, -- Driveby
deathtimer = 5, -- How long players lie on the floor after death
zonecolor = {r = 169, g = 66, b = 46}, -- Main Zone Color
Vest = {
Time = 10, -- How long it takes to take a vest
UnlimitedVest = true, -- If not then Numbers of Total Vests. If Unlimited then = true
Cooldown = 1000 -- Cooldown between Each vest attempt
Medic = {
Time = 5, -- How long it takes to take a Medkit
UnlimitedMedic = true, -- If not then Numbers of Total Medkits. If Unlimited then = true
Cooldown = 1000
-- Cooldown between Each Medkit attempt
AllowedMarkerLeader = true,
MarkerColor = {r = 169, g = 66, b = 46},
MarkerType = 4,
MarkerSize = vector3(0.8, 0.8, 0.8),
hexnotify = false
Logo = {
LogosNUI = "src/pictures/sservice.png" -- Logo on the Scoreboard and Gangwar Start
Zonen = {
name = "MirrorPark", -- Uniqe Zone name
radius = 200.0, -- Radius of the Zone
zonenmiddle = vector3(770.54388427734, -233.89489746094, 66.114471435547), -- Middle Point of the Zone, for radius etc.
-- If you don't want any Helicopters, then leave this field on standart
vehicles = {
{name = "drafter", label = "Drafter"}, -- Cars, Helicopters... name = name and label = Displayed Name
{name = "jugular", label = "Jugular"},
-- Cars, Helicopters... name = name and label = Displayed Name
{name = "revolter", label = "Revolter"},
{name = "sultan3", label = "Sultan3"}
-- Cars, Helicopters... name = name and label = Displayed Name
--{name = "Buzzard2", label = "Buzzard2"}
-- Cars, Helicopters... name = name and label = Displayed Name
Fraktion1Angreifer = {
Spawnpoint = vector3(1104.0639648438, -337.16656494141, 67.203872680664), -- Spawn point from the attacker faction
heading = 122.54570007324, -- Heading of the attackers faction
NPCPed = "a_f_m_beach_01", -- Vehicle NPC
VehicleNPC = vector3(1099.3465576172, -345.82232666016, 67.183662414551), -- Coords of the Vehicle NPC
headingNPC = 292.20812988281, -- Heading of the Vehicle NPC
VehicleSpawner = vector3(1098.1767578125, -335.59582519531, 67.214416503906), -- Coords where the Vehicles Spawn
VehicleHeading = 119.96
-- Vehicle Spawn Point Heading
Fraktion2Verteidiger = {
Spawnpoint = vector3(611.69323730469, 99.252784729004, 92.735466003418), -- Spawn point from the attacker faction
heading = 161.50141906738, -- Heading of the attackers faction
NPCPed = "a_f_m_beach_01",
-- Vehicle NPC
VehicleNPC = vector3(598.07989501953, 90.73673248291, 92.850738525391),
-- Coords of the Vehicle NPC
headingNPC = 250.86199951172,
-- Heading of the Vehicle NPC
VehicleSpawner = vector3(611.43365478516, 86.027008056641, 91.988983154297),
-- Coords where the Vehicles Spawn
VehicleHeading = 158.90324401855 -- Vehicle Spawn Point Heading
Waffen = {},
Flag = {
-- If Flag active
coordsflag = vector3(770.54388427734, -233.89489746094, 66.114471435547), -- Coords of the Flag
big = vector3(7.0, 7.0, 2.0), -- Size of the Flag, x,y,z
markertype = 1, -- Marker type of the Flag
color = {r = 169, g = 66, b = 46} -- Color of the Flag
dimension = 100, -- What Dimension the People schould be Teleportet
color = 1, -- Color of the Blip
blipsprite = 84, -- Sprite of the Blip
cooldown = 1, -- In Minutes. Time between the end of a gangwar and start, DON'T USE NUMBERS LIKE 9,5. Only Full Minutes.
cooldownactive = 0, -- Don't change it. Static
headingofnpc = 332.26644897461 -- If NPC for leader is activated, Heading of NPC
AllowNpc = {
-- Allow to Spawn a NPC and not a marker for the start of the War
Leader = false,
Npcleaderhash = "a_f_m_beach_01"
Waverevive = {
-- Activate Wave revive
allow = false,
-- All Players will be revived
waverevive = 5
Discord = {
On = true,
title = "Gangwar Ergebnisse",
color = 11027200,
avatar_url = "",
footertext = "S-Scripts",
icon_url = "",
thumbnailurl = "",
webhook = "Eigener Webhook"
Fraks = {
name = "lcn", -- Jobname
CarColor = {r = 0, g = 0, b = 0}, -- RGB Variable,
TypeColor = 0, --0: Normal 1: Metallic 2: Pearl 3: Matte 4: Metal 5: Chrome
BlipColor = 40,
-- Blip Color
imgsrc = "src/logos/LCN.png",
-- Logo of faction
gangwarjoinpunkt = vector3(-1528.5738525391, 845.2998046875, 181.59465026855), -- Gangwar join point
markertypegangwarjoin = 1,
-- Marker for Join Point
markersize = vector3(1, 1, 1),
-- Size for the Marker
markercolorgangwarjoin = {r = 255, g = 0, b = 0},
-- Color of Gangwar Marker
CustomNumberPlate = "LCN",
spawnaftergangwar = vector3(-1520.599, 849.547, 181.595), -- Spawnpoint after the Gangwar
spawnaftergangwarheading = 159.81585693359 -- Heading of the Player
If you find any errors in the configuration and you can't fix them yourself, open a ticket!
Last updated