
Check the standard Config!

Config = {}

Config.Main = {
    Information = {
        language = "de",
        notifys = "sservice",
        esxevent = "es_extended",
        msnotifytimer = 400,
        payments = "bank", -- "money"; "bank"; "both"
        maxwarehouseamount = 5, -- How many warehouses may a player own at the same time
        statesellpercent = 0.99, -- Sale including upgrades. For example: 500$ warehouse, 1x 500$ upgrade = 1000$. If statesellpercent is set to 1.00, then the player receives 1000$ back when he sells to the state.
        RemovePoliceBlipAfterMinutes = 5 -- After how many minutes the Blips should be removed from the map.
    Function = {
        DisableEstate = false, -- Should there be a display platform showing where and which warehouses are available for purchase?
        DisableWeaponComponentsUI = false,
        NotifyAfterToManyErrorTrys = true,
        ResetWarehouseAfterSelling = true,
        MaxErrors = 5,
        Enable = {
            EnableMainMenu = true,
            EnableCrafter = true,
            EnableStorage = true
        WhitelistetPlayers = {
            EnableMainMenu = true,
            EnableCrafter = true,
            EnableStorage = true
        BreakIn = {
            lockpickitem = "lockpick",
            minigame = false,
            GetItemsByTime = true,
            robstorage = false, -- Should items be allowed to be stolen from the warehouse when breaking in. You can add points to steal items in the BreakIn Config.
            animationbreakin = {
                scenario = "WORLD_HUMAN_CONST_DRILL"
            animationopentables = {
                animdict = "missheist_jewel",
                animname = "smash_case"
            bytimebreakin = {
                [1] = {
                    time = 60000,
                    items = {
                            name = "metall",
                            count = 10
            Police = {
                ["police"] = true
        Workbench = {
            AttachmentsItems = {
                ["WEAPON_PISTOL"] = {
                    ["flashlight"] = {
                        -- Item name
                        label = "Flashlight", --Display Label
                        type = "flashlight", -- "clip", "scope", "suppressor", "flashlight", "barrel", "tint"
                        componentname = "flashlight" -- Component name => Can be found in the weapon config from esx
                    ["luxuryfinish"] = {
                        label = "Luxuryfinish",
                        type = "tint",
                        componentname = "luxary_finish"
                    ["suppressor"] = {
                        label = "Suppressor",
                        type = "suppressor",
                        componentname = "suppressor"
                    ["extendedclip"] = {
                        label = "Clip Extended",
                        type = "clip",
                        componentname = "clip_extended"
            MaxSameTimeCrafter = 3
    Visuals = {
        RealEstate = {
            EnablePedRealEstate = true, -- Ped or Marker ? True = Ped
            PedRealEstate = {
                Ped = GetHashKey("s_m_m_fiboffice_02")
            MarkerRealEstate = {
                -- Only if EnablePedRealEstate is false
                markertype = 1, -- https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/markers/
                markersize = vector3(1.5, 1.5, 0.5),
                markercolor = {r = 1, g = 1, b = 1}
        WareHouse = {
            EnableWarehousePed = false,
            PedWarehouse = {
                Ped = GetHashKey("s_m_m_fiboffice_02")
            MarkerWareHouse = {
                markertype = 1, -- https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/markers/
                markersize = vector3(1.5, 1.5, 0.5),
                markercolor = {r = 1, g = 1, b = 1}
            MarkerStorage = {
                markertype = 1, -- https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/markers/
                markersize = vector3(1.5, 1.5, 0.5),
                markercolor = {r = 1, g = 1, b = 1}
            Workbench = {
                markertype = 1, -- https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/markers/
                markersize = vector3(1.5, 1.5, 0.5),
                markercolor = {r = 1, g = 1, b = 1}
            MainMenu = {
                markertype = 1, -- https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/markers/
                markersize = vector3(1.5, 1.5, 0.5),
                markercolor = {r = 1, g = 1, b = 1}
            Exit = {
                markertype = 1, -- https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/markers/
                markersize = vector3(1.5, 1.5, 0.5),
                markercolor = {r = 1, g = 1, b = 1}
    Blips = {
        Warehouse = {
            DisableNotOwnedBlips = false, -- Should unpurchased (unoccupied) warehouses be displayed with a blip ?
            NotOwned = {
                Blipsprite = 473, -- https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/blips/
                BlipColor = 1,
                BlipScale = 0.5,
                BlipName = "Warehouse"
            Owned = {
                Blipsprite = 473, -- https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/blips/
                BlipColor = 24,
                BlipScale = 0.5,
                BlipName = "My Warehouse"
            PDBlip = {
                RadiusOfBlip = 100,
                blipspriteradius = 161, -- Sprite of radius
                middleblipsprite = 137, -- Sprite of Blip
                display = 6, -- Display
                scale = 1.0, -- Scale = Float
                colour = 3
                -- Color
        Estate = {
                location = vector4(1196.8449707031, -3253.6196289062, 7.0951824188232, 78.928665161133),
                Blip = {
                    active = true, -- Enable or disable (true, false)
                    Blipsprite = 474, -- https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/blips/
                    BlipColor = 1,
                    BlipScale = 0.8,
                    BlipName = "Warehouse Estate"

Config.Shells = {
    -- Important!
    [1] = {
        name = "Warehouse Small",
        size = "Klein",
        workbench = vector4(1104.361328125, -3102.0021972656, -38.999931335449, 196.26461791992),
        storage = vector4(1096.4246826172, -3098.7397460938, -38.999931335449, 0.52520853281021),
        exit = vector4(1094.988, -3101.776, -39.00363, 180.0),
        mainmenu = vector4(1088.6561279297, -3101.2727050781, -38.999931335449, 90.072845458984)
    [2] = {
        name = "Warehouse Medium",
        size = "Medium",
        workbench = vector4(1048.7960205078, -3104.7785644531, -38.999977111816, 98.832855224609),
        storage = vector4(1051.9633789062, -3100.7280273438, -38.999977111816, 237.89074707031),
        exit = vector4(1048.0231933594, -3097.1535644531, -38.999908447266, 267.91247558594),
        mainmenu = vector4(1049.0684814453, -3100.724609375, -38.999977111816, 92.018547058105)
    [3] = {
        name = "Warehouse Large",
        size = "GroรŸ",
        workbench = vector4(1001.2431030273, -3091.23828125, -38.999866485596, 0.49725198745728),
        storage = vector4(1018.46875, -3098.8508300781, -38.999858856201, 295.98248291016),
        exit = vector4(992.27819824219, -3097.837890625, -38.995861053467, 276.06524658203),
        mainmenu = vector4(999.59368896484, -3112.2644042969, -38.999870300293, 173.91352844238)

Config.Warehouse = {
    [1] = {
        name = "Warehouse",
        shell = 1,
        price = 1000,
        maxkeys = 3,
        stashlevel = 1,
        safteylevel = 1,
        workbenchlevel = 1,
        entry = vector4(1218.5772705078, -3235.6059570312, 5.5287489891052, 10.181455612183)
    [2] = {
        name = "Warehouse",
        shell = 2,
        price = 5000,
        maxkeys = 5,
        stashlevel = 1,
        safteylevel = 1,
        workbenchlevel = 1,
        entry = vector4(1233.5322265625, -3235.4838867188, 5.5287494659424, 6.5909466743469)
    [3] = {
        name = "Warehouse",
        shell = 3,
        price = 10000,
        maxkeys = 10,
        stashlevel = 1,
        safteylevel = 1,
        workbenchlevel = 1,
        entry = vector4(1183.3087158203, -3262.6745605469, 5.5287570953369, 91.965293884277)
    [4] = {
        name = "Warehouse",
        shell = 1,
        price = 1000,
        maxkeys = 3,
        stashlevel = 1,
        safteylevel = 1,
        workbenchlevel = 1,
        entry = vector4(1183.1437988281, -3288.5959472656, 5.5287466049194, 92.244522094727)
    [5] = {
        name = "Warehouse",
        shell = 1,
        price = 1000,
        maxkeys = 3,
        stashlevel = 1,
        safteylevel = 1,
        workbenchlevel = 1,
        entry = vector4(-71.595031738281, 213.85346984863, 97.229019165039, 180.67489624023)
    [6] = {
        name = "Warehouse",
        shell = 1,
        price = 1000,
        maxkeys = 3,
        stashlevel = 1,
        safteylevel = 1,
        workbenchlevel = 1,
        entry = vector4(575.31945800781, 136.93550109863, 99.474746704102, 250.98962402344)
    [7] = {
        name = "Warehouse",
        shell = 1,
        price = 1000,
        maxkeys = 3,
        stashlevel = 1,
        safteylevel = 1,
        workbenchlevel = 1,
        entry = vector4(-178.33201599121, 218.96095275879, 89.904510498047, 182.14651489258)

Config.Crafterrecipes = {
        label = "Flashlight",
        name = "flashlight",
        type = "item",
        timetocraft = 10, -- In seconds
        need = {
                name = "metall",
                amount = 10
                name = "waffenteile",
                amount = 2
                name = "aufsatzteile",
                amount = 10
        label = "Bandage",
        name = "bandage",
        type = "item",
        timetocraft = 10, -- In seconds
        need = {
                name = "metall",
                amount = 10
                name = "waffenteile",
                amount = 2
                name = "aufsatzteile",
                amount = 10
        label = "Assaultrifle",
        name = "weapon_assaultrifle",
        type = "weapon",
        timetocraft = 10, -- In seconds
        need = {
                name = "metall",
                amount = 10
                name = "waffenteile",
                amount = 2
                name = "aufsatzteile",
                amount = 10
Config.Upgrades = {
    [1] = {
        ["storage"] = {
            [0] = {
                name = "Storage Upgrade",
                kg = 2500,
                enablestorage = false
            [1] = {
                name = "Storage Upgrade",
                desc = "Expand your warehouse!",
                infodesc = "Unlock your storage with a space of 2500 kg.",
                kg = 2500,
                enablestorage = true,
                price = 250000
            [2] = {
                name = "Storage Upgrade",
                desc = "Expand your warehouse!",
                infodesc = "Improve your warehouse and increase the possible storage space to 2750 kg.",
                kg = 2750,
                enablestorage = true,
                price = 250000
            [3] = {
                name = "Storage Upgrade",
                desc = "Expand your warehouse!",
                infodesc = "Improve your warehouse and increase the possible storage space to 3000 kg.",
                kg = 3000,
                enablestorage = true,
                price = 250000
        ["security"] = {
            [0] = {
                name = "Security Upgrade",
                upgradetext = "Low",
                drilllength = 5 -- In Sec
            [1] = {
                name = "Security Upgrade",
                desc = "Expand the safety!",
                infodesc = "Improve your warehouse and increase the possible security level to mid.",
                upgradetext = "Mid",
                drilllength = 7, -- In Sec
                price = 250000
            [2] = {
                name = "Security Upgrade",
                desc = "Expand the safety!",
                infodesc = "Improve your warehouse and increase the possible security level to high.",
                upgradetext = "High",
                drilllength = 10, -- In Sec
                price = 250000
            [3] = {
                name = "Security Upgrade",
                desc = "Expand the safety!",
                infodesc = "Improve your warehouse and increase the possible security level to very high.",
                upgradetext = "Very High",
                drilllength = 15, -- In Sec
                price = 250000
        ["workbench"] = {
            [0] = {
                name = "Workbench Upgrade",
                maxrecipies = 0,
                enableworkbench = false
            [1] = {
                name = "Workbench Upgrade",
                desc = "Expand the abilities",
                infodesc = "Unlock your workbench.",
                maxrecipies = 1,
                upgradetext = "Recipes",
                addedtext = "+1 Recipe",
                enableworkbench = true,
                price = 250000
            [2] = {
                name = "Workbench Upgrade",
                desc = "Expand the abilities",
                infodesc = "Improve your warehouse and unlock one new recipe for the workbench.",
                maxrecipies = 2,
                upgradetext = "Recipes",
                addedtext = "+1 Recipe",
                enableworkbench = true,
                price = 250000
            [3] = {
                name = "Workbench Upgrade",
                desc = "Expand the abilities",
                infodesc = "Improve your warehouse and unlock one new recipe for the workbench.",
                maxrecipies = 3,
                upgradetext = "Recipes",
                addedtext = "+1 Recipe",
                enableworkbench = true,
                price = 250000
    [2] = {
        ["storage"] = {
            [0] = {
                name = "Storage Upgrade",
                kg = 3000,
                enablestorage = false
            [1] = {
                name = "Storage Upgrade",
                desc = "Expand your warehouse!",
                infodesc = "Unlock your storage with a space of 2500 kg.",
                kg = 3500,
                enablestorage = true,
                price = 250000
            [2] = {
                name = "Storage Upgrade",
                desc = "Expand your warehouse!",
                infodesc = "Improve your warehouse and increase the possible storage space to 2750 kg.",
                kg = 3750,
                enablestorage = true,
                price = 250000
            [3] = {
                name = "Storage Upgrade",
                desc = "Expand your warehouse!",
                infodesc = "Improve your warehouse and increase the possible storage space to 3000 kg.",
                kg = 4000,
                enablestorage = true,
                price = 250000
        ["security"] = {
            [0] = {
                name = "Security Upgrade",
                upgradetext = "Low",
                drilllength = 7 -- In Sec
            [1] = {
                name = "Security Upgrade",
                desc = "Expand the safety!",
                infodesc = "Improve your warehouse and increase the possible security level to mid.",
                upgradetext = "Mid",
                drilllength = 10, -- In Sec
                price = 250000
            [2] = {
                name = "Security Upgrade",
                desc = "Expand the safety!",
                infodesc = "Improve your warehouse and increase the possible security level to high.",
                upgradetext = "High",
                drilllength = 15, -- In Sec
                price = 250000
            [3] = {
                name = "Security Upgrade",
                desc = "Expand the safety!",
                infodesc = "Improve your warehouse and increase the possible security level to very high.",
                upgradetext = "Very High",
                drilllength = 20, -- In Sec
                price = 250000
        ["workbench"] = {
            [0] = {
                name = "Workbench Upgrade",
                maxrecipies = 0,
                enableworkbench = false
            [1] = {
                name = "Workbench Upgrade",
                desc = "Expand the abilities",
                infodesc = "Unlock your workbench.",
                maxrecipies = 2,
                upgradetext = "Recipes",
                addedtext = "+2 Recipe",
                enableworkbench = true,
                price = 250000
            [2] = {
                name = "Workbench Upgrade",
                desc = "Expand the abilities",
                infodesc = "Improve your warehouse and unlock one new recipe for the workbench.",
                maxrecipies = 3,
                upgradetext = "Recipes",
                addedtext = "+1 Recipe",
                enableworkbench = true,
                price = 250000
            [3] = {
                name = "Workbench Upgrade",
                desc = "Expand the abilities",
                infodesc = "Improve your warehouse and unlock one new recipe for the workbench.",
                maxrecipies = 4,
                upgradetext = "Recipes",
                addedtext = "+1 Recipe",
                enableworkbench = true,
                price = 250000
    [3] = {
        ["storage"] = {
            [0] = {
                name = "Storage Upgrade",
                kg = 4000,
                enablestorage = false
            [1] = {
                name = "Storage Upgrade",
                desc = "Expand your warehouse!",
                infodesc = "Unlock your storage with a space of 2500 kg.",
                kg = 4500,
                enablestorage = true,
                price = 250000
            [2] = {
                name = "Storage Upgrade",
                desc = "Expand your warehouse!",
                infodesc = "Improve your warehouse and increase the possible storage space to 2750 kg.",
                kg = 4750,
                enablestorage = true,
                price = 250000
            [3] = {
                name = "Storage Upgrade",
                desc = "Expand your warehouse!",
                infodesc = "Improve your warehouse and increase the possible storage space to 3000 kg.",
                kg = 5000,
                enablestorage = true,
                price = 250000
        ["security"] = {
            [0] = {
                name = "Security Upgrade",
                upgradetext = "Low",
                drilllength = 10 -- In Sec
            [1] = {
                name = "Security Upgrade",
                desc = "Expand the safety!",
                infodesc = "Improve your warehouse and increase the possible security level to mid.",
                upgradetext = "Mid",
                drilllength = 15, -- In Sec
                price = 250000
            [2] = {
                name = "Security Upgrade",
                desc = "Expand the safety!",
                infodesc = "Improve your warehouse and increase the possible security level to high.",
                upgradetext = "High",
                drilllength = 20, -- In Sec
                price = 250000
            [3] = {
                name = "Security Upgrade",
                desc = "Expand the safety!",
                infodesc = "Improve your warehouse and increase the possible security level to very high.",
                upgradetext = "Very High",
                drilllength = 25, -- In Sec
                price = 250000
        ["workbench"] = {
            [0] = {
                name = "Workbench Upgrade",
                maxrecipies = 0,
                enableworkbench = false
            [1] = {
                name = "Workbench Upgrade",
                desc = "Expand the abilities",
                infodesc = "Unlock your workbench.",
                maxrecipies = 2,
                upgradetext = "Recipes",
                addedtext = "+2 Recipe",
                enableworkbench = true,
                price = 250000
            [2] = {
                name = "Workbench Upgrade",
                desc = "Expand the abilities",
                infodesc = "Improve your warehouse and unlock one new recipe for the workbench.",
                maxrecipies = 5,
                upgradetext = "Recipes",
                addedtext = "+3 Recipe",
                enableworkbench = true,
                price = 250000
            [3] = {
                name = "Workbench Upgrade",
                desc = "Expand the abilities",
                infodesc = "Improve your warehouse and unlock one new recipe for the workbench.",
                maxrecipies = 10,
                upgradetext = "Recipes",
                addedtext = "+5 Recipe",
                enableworkbench = true,
                price = 250000
    [4] = {
        ["storage"] = {
            [0] = {
                name = "Storage Upgrade",
                kg = 2500,
                enablestorage = false
            [1] = {
                name = "Storage Upgrade",
                desc = "Expand your warehouse!",
                infodesc = "Unlock your storage with a space of 2500 kg.",
                kg = 2500,
                enablestorage = true,
                price = 250000
            [2] = {
                name = "Storage Upgrade",
                desc = "Expand your warehouse!",
                infodesc = "Improve your warehouse and increase the possible storage space to 2750 kg.",
                kg = 2750,
                enablestorage = true,
                price = 250000
            [3] = {
                name = "Storage Upgrade",
                desc = "Expand your warehouse!",
                infodesc = "Improve your warehouse and increase the possible storage space to 3000 kg.",
                kg = 3000,
                enablestorage = true,
                price = 250000
        ["security"] = {
            [0] = {
                name = "Security Upgrade",
                upgradetext = "Low",
                drilllength = 5 -- In Sec
            [1] = {
                name = "Security Upgrade",
                desc = "Expand the safety!",
                infodesc = "Improve your warehouse and increase the possible security level to mid.",
                upgradetext = "Mid",
                drilllength = 7, -- In Sec
                price = 250000
            [2] = {
                name = "Security Upgrade",
                desc = "Expand the safety!",
                infodesc = "Improve your warehouse and increase the possible security level to high.",
                upgradetext = "High",
                drilllength = 10, -- In Sec
                price = 250000
            [3] = {
                name = "Security Upgrade",
                desc = "Expand the safety!",
                infodesc = "Improve your warehouse and increase the possible security level to very high.",
                upgradetext = "Very High",
                drilllength = 15, -- In Sec
                price = 250000
        ["workbench"] = {
            [0] = {
                name = "Workbench Upgrade",
                maxrecipies = 0,
                enableworkbench = false
            [1] = {
                name = "Workbench Upgrade",
                desc = "Expand the abilities",
                infodesc = "Unlock your workbench.",
                maxrecipies = 1,
                upgradetext = "Recipes",
                addedtext = "+1 Recipe",
                enableworkbench = true,
                price = 250000
            [2] = {
                name = "Workbench Upgrade",
                desc = "Expand the abilities",
                infodesc = "Improve your warehouse and unlock one new recipe for the workbench.",
                maxrecipies = 2,
                upgradetext = "Recipes",
                addedtext = "+1 Recipe",
                enableworkbench = true,
                price = 250000
            [3] = {
                name = "Workbench Upgrade",
                desc = "Expand the abilities",
                infodesc = "Improve your warehouse and unlock one new recipe for the workbench.",
                maxrecipies = 3,
                upgradetext = "Recipes",
                addedtext = "+1 Recipe",
                enableworkbench = true,
                price = 250000
    [5] = {
        ["storage"] = {
            [0] = {
                name = "Storage Upgrade",
                kg = 2500,
                enablestorage = false
            [1] = {
                name = "Storage Upgrade",
                desc = "Expand your warehouse!",
                infodesc = "Unlock your storage with a space of 2500 kg.",
                kg = 2500,
                enablestorage = true,
                price = 250000
            [2] = {
                name = "Storage Upgrade",
                desc = "Expand your warehouse!",
                infodesc = "Improve your warehouse and increase the possible storage space to 2750 kg.",
                kg = 2750,
                enablestorage = true,
                price = 250000
            [3] = {
                name = "Storage Upgrade",
                desc = "Expand your warehouse!",
                infodesc = "Improve your warehouse and increase the possible storage space to 3000 kg.",
                kg = 3000,
                enablestorage = true,
                price = 250000
        ["security"] = {
            [0] = {
                name = "Security Upgrade",
                upgradetext = "Low",
                drilllength = 5 -- In Sec
            [1] = {
                name = "Security Upgrade",
                desc = "Expand the safety!",
                infodesc = "Improve your warehouse and increase the possible security level to mid.",
                upgradetext = "Mid",
                drilllength = 7, -- In Sec
                price = 250000
            [2] = {
                name = "Security Upgrade",
                desc = "Expand the safety!",
                infodesc = "Improve your warehouse and increase the possible security level to high.",
                upgradetext = "High",
                drilllength = 10, -- In Sec
                price = 250000
            [3] = {
                name = "Security Upgrade",
                desc = "Expand the safety!",
                infodesc = "Improve your warehouse and increase the possible security level to very high.",
                upgradetext = "Very High",
                drilllength = 15, -- In Sec
                price = 250000
        ["workbench"] = {
            [0] = {
                name = "Workbench Upgrade",
                maxrecipies = 0,
                enableworkbench = false
            [1] = {
                name = "Workbench Upgrade",
                desc = "Expand the abilities",
                infodesc = "Unlock your workbench.",
                maxrecipies = 1,
                upgradetext = "Recipes",
                addedtext = "+1 Recipe",
                enableworkbench = true,
                price = 250000
            [2] = {
                name = "Workbench Upgrade",
                desc = "Expand the abilities",
                infodesc = "Improve your warehouse and unlock one new recipe for the workbench.",
                maxrecipies = 2,
                upgradetext = "Recipes",
                addedtext = "+1 Recipe",
                enableworkbench = true,
                price = 250000
            [3] = {
                name = "Workbench Upgrade",
                desc = "Expand the abilities",
                infodesc = "Improve your warehouse and unlock one new recipe for the workbench.",
                maxrecipies = 3,
                upgradetext = "Recipes",
                addedtext = "+1 Recipe",
                enableworkbench = true,
                price = 250000
    [6] = {
        ["storage"] = {
            [0] = {
                name = "Storage Upgrade",
                kg = 2500,
                enablestorage = false
            [1] = {
                name = "Storage Upgrade",
                desc = "Expand your warehouse!",
                infodesc = "Unlock your storage with a space of 2500 kg.",
                kg = 2500,
                enablestorage = true,
                price = 250000
            [2] = {
                name = "Storage Upgrade",
                desc = "Expand your warehouse!",
                infodesc = "Improve your warehouse and increase the possible storage space to 2750 kg.",
                kg = 2750,
                enablestorage = true,
                price = 250000
            [3] = {
                name = "Storage Upgrade",
                desc = "Expand your warehouse!",
                infodesc = "Improve your warehouse and increase the possible storage space to 3000 kg.",
                kg = 3000,
                enablestorage = true,
                price = 250000
        ["security"] = {
            [0] = {
                name = "Security Upgrade",
                upgradetext = "Low",
                drilllength = 5 -- In Sec
            [1] = {
                name = "Security Upgrade",
                desc = "Expand the safety!",
                infodesc = "Improve your warehouse and increase the possible security level to mid.",
                upgradetext = "Mid",
                drilllength = 7, -- In Sec
                price = 250000
            [2] = {
                name = "Security Upgrade",
                desc = "Expand the safety!",
                infodesc = "Improve your warehouse and increase the possible security level to high.",
                upgradetext = "High",
                drilllength = 10, -- In Sec
                price = 250000
            [3] = {
                name = "Security Upgrade",
                desc = "Expand the safety!",
                infodesc = "Improve your warehouse and increase the possible security level to very high.",
                upgradetext = "Very High",
                drilllength = 15, -- In Sec
                price = 250000
        ["workbench"] = {
            [0] = {
                name = "Workbench Upgrade",
                maxrecipies = 0,
                enableworkbench = false
            [1] = {
                name = "Workbench Upgrade",
                desc = "Expand the abilities",
                infodesc = "Unlock your workbench.",
                maxrecipies = 1,
                upgradetext = "Recipes",
                addedtext = "+1 Recipe",
                enableworkbench = true,
                price = 250000
            [2] = {
                name = "Workbench Upgrade",
                desc = "Expand the abilities",
                infodesc = "Improve your warehouse and unlock one new recipe for the workbench.",
                maxrecipies = 2,
                upgradetext = "Recipes",
                addedtext = "+1 Recipe",
                enableworkbench = true,
                price = 250000
            [3] = {
                name = "Workbench Upgrade",
                desc = "Expand the abilities",
                infodesc = "Improve your warehouse and unlock one new recipe for the workbench.",
                maxrecipies = 3,
                upgradetext = "Recipes",
                addedtext = "+1 Recipe",
                enableworkbench = true,
                price = 250000
    [7] = {
        ["storage"] = {
            [0] = {
                name = "Storage Upgrade",
                kg = 2500,
                enablestorage = false
            [1] = {
                name = "Storage Upgrade",
                desc = "Expand your warehouse!",
                infodesc = "Unlock your storage with a space of 2500 kg.",
                kg = 2500,
                enablestorage = true,
                price = 250000
            [2] = {
                name = "Storage Upgrade",
                desc = "Expand your warehouse!",
                infodesc = "Improve your warehouse and increase the possible storage space to 2750 kg.",
                kg = 2750,
                enablestorage = true,
                price = 250000
            [3] = {
                name = "Storage Upgrade",
                desc = "Expand your warehouse!",
                infodesc = "Improve your warehouse and increase the possible storage space to 3000 kg.",
                kg = 3000,
                enablestorage = true,
                price = 250000
        ["security"] = {
            [0] = {
                name = "Security Upgrade",
                upgradetext = "Low",
                drilllength = 5 -- In Sec
            [1] = {
                name = "Security Upgrade",
                desc = "Expand the safety!",
                infodesc = "Improve your warehouse and increase the possible security level to mid.",
                upgradetext = "Mid",
                drilllength = 7, -- In Sec
                price = 250000
            [2] = {
                name = "Security Upgrade",
                desc = "Expand the safety!",
                infodesc = "Improve your warehouse and increase the possible security level to high.",
                upgradetext = "High",
                drilllength = 10, -- In Sec
                price = 250000
            [3] = {
                name = "Security Upgrade",
                desc = "Expand the safety!",
                infodesc = "Improve your warehouse and increase the possible security level to very high.",
                upgradetext = "Very High",
                drilllength = 15, -- In Sec
                price = 250000
        ["workbench"] = {
            [0] = {
                name = "Workbench Upgrade",
                maxrecipies = 0,
                enableworkbench = false
            [1] = {
                name = "Workbench Upgrade",
                desc = "Expand the abilities",
                infodesc = "Unlock your workbench.",
                maxrecipies = 1,
                upgradetext = "Recipes",
                addedtext = "+1 Recipe",
                enableworkbench = true,
                price = 250000
            [2] = {
                name = "Workbench Upgrade",
                desc = "Expand the abilities",
                infodesc = "Improve your warehouse and unlock one new recipe for the workbench.",
                maxrecipies = 2,
                upgradetext = "Recipes",
                addedtext = "+1 Recipe",
                enableworkbench = true,
                price = 250000
            [3] = {
                name = "Workbench Upgrade",
                desc = "Expand the abilities",
                infodesc = "Improve your warehouse and unlock one new recipe for the workbench.",
                maxrecipies = 3,
                upgradetext = "Recipes",
                addedtext = "+1 Recipe",
                enableworkbench = true,
                price = 250000
Config.BreakIn = {
    [1] = {
            coords = vector4(1092.3470458984, -3102.9497070312, -38.999973297119, 222.40487670898),
            randomitem = false,
            robbed = false, -- Do not Edit this
            items = {
                {name = "bread", label = "Bread", count = 10, randomcount = false, maxcount = 12},
                {name = "pistol", label = "Pistol", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 1},
                {name = "money", label = "Money", count = 1000, randomcount = false, maxcount = 1500}
            coords = vector4(1088.4630126953, -3102.4675292969, -38.999961853027, 75.626533508301),
            randomitem = false,
            robbed = false, -- Do not Edit this
            items = {
                {name = "bread", label = "Bread", count = 10, randomcount = false, maxcount = 12}
            coords = vector4(1089.8746337891, -3098.3833007812, -38.999961853027, 357.74502563477),
            randomitem = false,
            robbed = false, -- Do not Edit this
            items = {
                {name = "bread", label = "Bread", count = 10, randomcount = false, maxcount = 12}
            coords = vector4(1099.3494873047, -3098.2094726562, -38.999961853027, 348.36773681641),
            randomitem = false,
            robbed = false, -- Do not Edit this
            items = {
                {name = "bread", label = "Bread", count = 10, randomcount = false, maxcount = 12}
            coords = vector4(1104.6181640625, -3101.3161621094, -38.999961853027, 225.64967346191),
            randomitem = false,
            robbed = false, -- Do not Edit this
            items = {
                {name = "bread", label = "Bread", count = 10, randomcount = false, maxcount = 12}
    [2] = {
            coords = vector4(1048.9826660156, -3094.392578125, -38.985816955566, 73.889915466309),
            randomitem = false,
            robbed = false, -- Do not Edit this
            items = {
                {name = "bread", label = "Bread", count = 10, randomcount = false, maxcount = 12}
            coords = vector4(1055.1743164062, -3096.96484375, -38.999897003174, 346.47439575195),
            randomitem = false,
            robbed = false, -- Do not Edit this
            items = {
                {name = "bread", label = "Bread", count = 10, randomcount = false, maxcount = 12}
            coords = vector4(1071.2642822266, -3097.6362304688, -38.99991607666, 324.22644042969),
            randomitem = false,
            robbed = false, -- Do not Edit this
            items = {
                {name = "bread", label = "Bread", count = 10, randomcount = false, maxcount = 12}
            coords = vector4(1072.2197265625, -3106.337890625, -38.99991607666, 222.55117797852),
            randomitem = false,
            robbed = false, -- Do not Edit this
            items = {
                {name = "bread", label = "Bread", count = 10, randomcount = false, maxcount = 12}
            coords = vector4(1069.6840820312, -3108.0004882812, -38.99991607666, 214.91079711914),
            randomitem = false,
            robbed = false, -- Do not Edit this
            items = {
                {name = "bread", label = "Bread", count = 10, randomcount = false, maxcount = 12}
            coords = vector4(1050.1490478516, -3108.048828125, -38.99991607666, 114.26929473877),
            randomitem = false,
            robbed = false, -- Do not Edit this
            items = {
                {name = "bread", label = "Bread", count = 10, randomcount = false, maxcount = 12}
            coords = vector4(1048.9697265625, -3101.9060058594, -38.999889373779, 55.18151473999),
            randomitem = false,
            robbed = false, -- Do not Edit this
            items = {
                {name = "bread", label = "Bread", count = 10, randomcount = false, maxcount = 12}
    [3] = {
            coords = vector4(994.83428955078, -3096.4091796875, -38.995861053467, 350.76876831055),
            randomitem = false,
            robbed = false, -- Do not Edit this
            items = {
                {name = "bread", label = "Bread", count = 10, randomcount = false, maxcount = 12}
            coords = vector4(994.99084472656, -3098.1130371094, -38.995861053467, 268.13195800781),
            randomitem = false,
            robbed = false, -- Do not Edit this
            items = {
                {name = "bread", label = "Bread", count = 10, randomcount = false, maxcount = 12}
            coords = vector4(993.50323486328, -3102.7163085938, -38.995861053467, 174.36972045898),
            randomitem = false,
            robbed = false, -- Do not Edit this
            items = {
                {name = "bread", label = "Bread", count = 10, randomcount = false, maxcount = 12}
            coords = vector4(997.74450683594, -3097.4013671875, -38.999889373779, 30.832715988159),
            randomitem = false,
            robbed = false, -- Do not Edit this
            items = {
                {name = "bread", label = "Bread", count = 10, randomcount = false, maxcount = 12}
            coords = vector4(998.41351318359, -3090.7575683594, -38.999851226807, 16.650991439819),
            randomitem = false,
            robbed = false, -- Do not Edit this
            items = {
                {name = "bread", label = "Bread", count = 10, randomcount = false, maxcount = 12}
            coords = vector4(1021.4831542969, -3092.08203125, -38.999820709229, 354.1423034668),
            randomitem = false,
            robbed = false, -- Do not Edit this
            items = {
                {name = "bread", label = "Bread", count = 10, randomcount = false, maxcount = 12}
            coords = vector4(1021.9710083008, -3112.236328125, -38.999858856201, 175.1298828125),
            randomitem = false,
            robbed = false, -- Do not Edit this
            items = {
                {name = "bread", label = "Bread", count = 10, randomcount = false, maxcount = 12}
            coords = vector4(1019.0065917969, -3111.892578125, -38.999858856201, 160.2052154541),
            randomitem = false,
            robbed = false, -- Do not Edit this
            items = {
                {name = "bread", label = "Bread", count = 10, randomcount = false, maxcount = 12}
            coords = vector4(1003.8408203125, -3112.2373046875, -38.999858856201, 170.63082885742),
            randomitem = false,
            robbed = false, -- Do not Edit this
            items = {
                {name = "bread", label = "Bread", count = 10, randomcount = false, maxcount = 12}
            coords = vector4(998.65075683594, -3112.2707519531, -38.999858856201, 163.07014465332),
            randomitem = false,
            robbed = false, -- Do not Edit this
            items = {
                {name = "bread", label = "Bread", count = 10, randomcount = false, maxcount = 12}
ConfigServer = {}

ConfigServer.Discord = {
    On = true,
    title = "S-ClothShop",
    author = "S-Roleplay",
    color = 16711680,
    avatar_url = "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1293659211804180634/1293663889950773269/Static_Halloween_Logo.png?ex=671d49e2&is=671bf862&hm=26ed7b1e77f5a662a84d99006ba8fd367484ba8ee124238ea254a5600e7fd83d&",
    footertext = "S-Scripts",
    icon_url = "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1293659211804180634/1293663889950773269/Static_Halloween_Logo.png?ex=671d49e2&is=671bf862&hm=26ed7b1e77f5a662a84d99006ba8fd367484ba8ee124238ea254a5600e7fd83d&",
    thumbnailurl = "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1293659211804180634/1293663889950773269/Static_Halloween_Logo.png?ex=671d49e2&is=671bf862&hm=26ed7b1e77f5a662a84d99006ba8fd367484ba8ee124238ea254a5600e7fd83d&"

ConfigServer.Webhooks = {
    ["Default"] = ""

If you find any errors in the configuration and you can't fix them yourself, open a ticket!

Last updated