Check the default Config!
Config = {}
Config.Main = {
language = "de",
esxevent = "es_extended",
Notifys = "sservice",
timeoutlength = 1, -- In minutes
ringingcooldown = 30, -- In seconds
percentforverkaufpreisfaktor = 1.15, -- 15% more
purchasecontractradius = 5.0,
soundrangeofalarm = 25,
WaitBevorRemoveSoundAndPDBlip = 5,
clearcatalogafterrestard = false,
breakin = {
police = {
["police"] = true
neededitems = {
name = "lockpick",
label = "Lockpick",
amount = 1
breakinrandomitems = false,
afterpolicenotify = 20, -- in sec
animationbreakin = {
animationopentables = {
animdict = "missheist_jewel",
animname = "smash_case"
Blips = {
PDBlip = {
RadiusOfBlip = 100,
blipspriteradius = 161, -- Sprite of radius
middleblipsprite = 137, -- Sprite of Blip
display = 6, -- Display
scale = 1.0, -- Scale = Float
colour = 3
-- Color
TimeOut = {
BreakInPlayerCooldown = true,
BreakInPlayerCooldownTime = 100,
BreakInHouseCooldown = false,
BreakInHouseCooldownTime = 100
beschreibungdefault = "Hier finden Sie ein Unbewohntes Haus mit einer Garage, einem Kleiderschrank und einem Lager. Schauen Sie es sich vor Ort an sofern es Offen ist"
Config.Houses = {
SellHouse = {
Blips = {
Show = true,
Blipsprite = 350,
BlipColor = 5,
BlipScale = 0.5,
BlipName = "Chrisi's House"
OwnedHouse = {
Blips = {
Show = true,
Blipsprite = 40,
BlipColor = 2,
BlipScale = 1.0,
BlipName = "Buy House"
Marker = {
markersize = vector3(1, 1, 1),
markertype = 1,
markercolor = {r = 1, g = 1, b = 1}
GarageParkIn = {
markersize = vector3(3, 3, 1),
markertype = 1,
markercolor = {r = 1, g = 1, b = 1}
Creator = {
markersize = vector3(0.3, 0.3, 0.3),
markertype = 0,
markercolor = {r = 1, g = 1, b = 1}
Config.SellHouses = {
location = vector3(-69.182907104492, -802.93280029297, 44.22730255127),
heading = 337.0,
pedormarker = true,
ped = GetHashKey("s_m_m_fiboffice_02"),
closed = false,
Marker = {
markertype = 1, -- https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/markers/
markersize = vector3(1, 1, 1),
markercolor = {r = 1, g = 1, b = 1}
Blip = {
active = true, -- Enable or disable (true, false)
Blipsprite = 475, -- https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/blips/
BlipColor = 2,
BlipScale = 1.0,
BlipName = "Real Estate"
Config.Einbrechen = {
[1] = {
["white"] = {
coords = vector4(-789.03088378906, 319.97601318359, 217.03825378418, 85.087684631348),
robbed = false,
items = {
{name = "meth", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 10},
{name = "jewellery", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 3},
{name = "money", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 1000}
coords = vector4(-789.00030517578, 321.61291503906, 217.03825378418, 88.30883026123),
robbed = false,
items = {
{name = "meth", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 10},
{name = "jewellery", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 3},
{name = "money", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 1000}
coords = vector4(-783.12054443359, 325.3782043457, 217.03825378418, 175.67526245117),
robbed = false,
items = {
{name = "meth", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 10},
{name = "jewellery", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 3},
{name = "money", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 1000}
coords = vector4(-792.65380859375, 331.86968994141, 217.03828430176, 87.843124389648),
robbed = false,
items = {
{name = "meth", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 10},
{name = "jewellery", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 3},
{name = "money", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 1000}
coords = vector4(-792.64831542969, 329.15643310547, 217.03828430176, 88.873504638672),
robbed = false,
items = {
{name = "meth", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 10},
{name = "jewellery", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 3},
{name = "money", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 1000}
coords = vector4(-796.50634765625, 328.24697875977, 217.03825378418, 358.45666503906),
robbed = false,
items = {
{name = "meth", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 10},
{name = "jewellery", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 3},
{name = "money", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 1000}
coords = vector4(-795.01910400391, 326.55142211914, 217.03825378418, 267.93350219727),
robbed = false,
items = {
{name = "meth", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 10},
{name = "jewellery", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 3},
{name = "money", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 1000}
coords = vector4(-793.39617919922, 341.91305541992, 216.83856201172, 87.468521118164),
robbed = false,
items = {
{name = "meth", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 10},
{name = "jewellery", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 3},
{name = "money", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 1000}
coords = vector4(-796.42608642578, 327.66644287109, 220.43856811523, 271.32196044922),
robbed = false,
items = {
{name = "meth", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 10},
{name = "jewellery", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 3},
{name = "money", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 1000}
coords = vector4(-800.07672119141, 338.40081787109, 220.43836975098, 91.836212158203),
robbed = false,
items = {
{name = "meth", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 10},
{name = "jewellery", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 3},
{name = "money", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 1000}
["brown"] = {
coords = vector4(-788.97723388672, 319.93475341797, 187.31297302246, 88.714218139648),
robbed = false,
items = {
{name = "meth", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 10},
{name = "jewellery", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 3},
{name = "money", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 1000}
coords = vector4(-788.95294189453, 321.68841552734, 187.31298828125, 86.550079345703),
robbed = false,
items = {
{name = "meth", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 10},
{name = "jewellery", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 3},
{name = "money", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 1000}
coords = vector4(-784.09954833984, 325.4814453125, 187.31300354004, 182.85752868652),
robbed = false,
items = {
{name = "meth", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 10},
{name = "jewellery", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 3},
{name = "money", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 1000}
coords = vector4(-796.48828125, 328.33413696289, 187.31329345703, 358.86383056641),
robbed = false,
items = {
{name = "meth", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 10},
{name = "jewellery", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 3},
{name = "money", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 1000}
coords = vector4(-795.07489013672, 326.6086730957, 187.31329345703, 270.23693847656),
robbed = false,
items = {
{name = "meth", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 10},
{name = "jewellery", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 3},
{name = "money", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 1000}
coords = vector4(-792.42755126953, 330.24642944336, 187.3136138916, 87.085510253906),
robbed = false,
items = {
{name = "meth", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 10},
{name = "jewellery", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 3},
{name = "money", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 1000}
coords = vector4(-792.56146240234, 328.30987548828, 187.31355285645, 89.578582763672),
robbed = false,
items = {
{name = "meth", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 10},
{name = "jewellery", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 3},
{name = "money", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 1000}
coords = vector4(-793.44049072266, 341.94720458984, 187.11363220215, 88.354362487793),
robbed = false,
items = {
{name = "meth", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 10},
{name = "jewellery", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 3},
{name = "money", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 1000}
coords = vector4(-796.30206298828, 327.70562744141, 190.71601867676, 267.24407958984),
robbed = false,
items = {
{name = "meth", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 10},
{name = "jewellery", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 3},
{name = "money", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 1000}
coords = vector4(-800.02069091797, 338.35556030273, 190.71601867676, 86.878410339355),
robbed = false,
items = {
{name = "meth", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 10},
{name = "jewellery", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 3},
{name = "money", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 1000}
["red"] = {
coords = vector4(-771.99371337891, 337.72036743164, 196.08572387695, 267.27062988281),
robbed = false,
items = {
{name = "meth", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 10},
{name = "jewellery", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 3},
{name = "money", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 1000}
coords = vector4(-771.98455810547, 336.14166259766, 196.08573913574, 265.36218261719),
robbed = false,
items = {
{name = "meth", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 10},
{name = "jewellery", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 3},
{name = "money", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 1000}
coords = vector4(-776.94470214844, 332.28381347656, 196.08573913574, 0.070802293717861),
robbed = false,
items = {
{name = "meth", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 10},
{name = "jewellery", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 3},
{name = "money", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 1000}
coords = vector4(-764.53503417969, 329.47955322266, 196.08605957031, 177.6636505127),
robbed = false,
items = {
{name = "meth", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 10},
{name = "jewellery", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 3},
{name = "money", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 1000}
coords = vector4(-765.9853515625, 331.19161987305, 196.08605957031, 87.130302429199),
robbed = false,
items = {
{name = "meth", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 10},
{name = "jewellery", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 3},
{name = "money", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 1000}
coords = vector4(-778.9345703125, 324.21014404297, 196.08602905273, 179.71394348145),
robbed = false,
items = {
{name = "meth", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 10},
{name = "jewellery", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 3},
{name = "money", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 1000}
coords = vector4(-771.23937988281, 321.54565429688, 195.88639831543, 269.49151611328),
robbed = false,
items = {
{name = "meth", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 10},
{name = "jewellery", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 3},
{name = "money", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 1000}
coords = vector4(-777.75366210938, 322.60610961914, 195.88639831543, 358.13848876953),
robbed = false,
items = {
{name = "meth", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 10},
{name = "jewellery", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 3},
{name = "money", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 1000}
coords = vector4(-764.69586181641, 330.11865234375, 199.48626708984, 90.670829772949),
robbed = false,
items = {
{name = "meth", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 10},
{name = "jewellery", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 3},
{name = "money", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 1000}
coords = vector4(-760.88140869141, 319.73547363281, 199.48626708984, 267.57360839844),
robbed = false,
items = {
{name = "meth", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 10},
{name = "jewellery", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 3},
{name = "money", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 1000}
[2] = {
["normal"] = {
coords = vector4(265.86456298828, -999.41839599609, -99.008689880371, 273.60537719727),
robbed = false,
items = {
{name = "meth", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 10},
{name = "money", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 100},
{name = "weed", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 10},
{name = "weed", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 10}
coords = vector4(265.84301757812, -996.45751953125, -99.008689880371, 267.77133178711),
robbed = false,
items = {
{name = "meth", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 10},
{name = "money", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 100},
{name = "weed", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 10}
coords = vector4(264.01031494141, -995.44793701172, -99.008689880371, 359.12829589844),
robbed = false,
items = {
{name = "meth", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 10},
{name = "money", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 100},
{name = "weed", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 10}
coords = vector4(257.05285644531, -995.65130615234, -99.008674621582, 45.087211608887),
robbed = false,
items = {
{name = "meth", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 10},
{name = "money", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 100},
{name = "weed", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 10}
coords = vector4(261.14727783203, -1002.5029907227, -99.00853729248, 350.56103515625),
robbed = false,
items = {
{name = "meth", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 10},
{name = "money", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 100},
{name = "weed", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 10}
[3] = {
["normal"] = {
coords = vector4(-675.60656738281, 595.27655029297, 145.37977600098, 38.110504150391),
robbed = false,
items = {
{name = "meth", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 10},
{name = "jewellery", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 3},
{name = "money", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 1000}
coords = vector4(-673.625, 594.19000244141, 145.37977600098, 231.96014404297),
robbed = false,
items = {
{name = "meth", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 10},
{name = "jewellery", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 3},
{name = "money", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 1000}
coords = vector4(-674.51281738281, 584.67730712891, 145.16941833496, 131.92828369141),
robbed = false,
items = {
{name = "meth", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 10},
{name = "jewellery", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 3},
{name = "money", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 1000}
coords = vector4(-671.78289794922, 581.20031738281, 144.97035217285, 130.84921264648),
robbed = false,
items = {
{name = "meth", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 10},
{name = "jewellery", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 3},
{name = "money", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 1000}
coords = vector4(-668.2724609375, 588.041015625, 145.1695098877, 219.68910217285),
robbed = false,
items = {
{name = "meth", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 10},
{name = "jewellery", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 3},
{name = "money", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 1000}
coords = vector4(-671.22534179688, 580.70373535156, 141.56991577148, 125.6752243042),
robbed = false,
items = {
{name = "meth", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 10},
{name = "jewellery", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 3},
{name = "money", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 1000}
coords = vector4(-666.75463867188, 586.97235107422, 141.59558105469, 294.58203125),
robbed = false,
items = {
{name = "meth", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 10},
{name = "money", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 100},
{name = "weed", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 10}
coords = vector4(-681.71691894531, 590.7998046875, 137.76831054688, 219.89920043945),
robbed = false,
items = {
{name = "meth", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 10},
{name = "money", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 100},
{name = "weed", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 10}
coords = vector4(-681.2548828125, 586.70330810547, 137.76979064941, 127.06700134277),
robbed = false,
items = {
{name = "meth", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 10},
{name = "money", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 100},
{name = "weed", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 10}
coords = vector4(-680.88891601562, 588.97943115234, 137.76979064941, 37.903137207031),
robbed = false,
items = {
{name = "meth", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 10},
{name = "money", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 100},
{name = "weed", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 10}
[4] = {
["normal"] = {
coords = vector4(346.18951416016, -1001.8010253906, -99.196243286133, 88.245941162109),
robbed = false,
items = {
{name = "meth", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 10},
{name = "money", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 100},
{name = "weed", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 10}
coords = vector4(340.89270019531, -1003.2926635742, -99.196243286133, 179.14433288574),
robbed = false,
items = {
{name = "meth", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 10},
{name = "money", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 100},
{name = "weed", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 10}
coords = vector4(340.58987426758, -996.291015625, -99.196243286133, 271.14367675781),
robbed = false,
items = {
{name = "meth", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 10},
{name = "money", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 100},
{name = "weed", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 10}
coords = vector4(345.28598022461, -994.11798095703, -99.196243286133, 269.78707885742),
robbed = false,
items = {
{name = "meth", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 10},
{name = "money", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 100},
{name = "weed", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 10}
coords = vector4(345.19580078125, -997.13000488281, -99.196243286133, 266.31213378906),
robbed = false,
items = {
{name = "meth", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 10},
{name = "money", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 100},
{name = "weed", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 10}
coords = vector4(351.29650878906, -999.23181152344, -99.196304321289, 178.30816650391),
robbed = false,
items = {
{name = "meth", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 10},
{name = "money", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 100},
{name = "weed", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 10}
[5] = {
["normal"] = {
coords = vector4(-777.99273681641, 331.88458251953, 211.39714050293, 350.97918701172),
robbed = false,
items = {
{name = "meth", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 10},
{name = "jewellery", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 3},
{name = "money", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 1000}
coords = vector4(-781.05310058594, 331.92153930664, 211.19729614258, 355.70269775391),
robbed = false,
items = {
{name = "meth", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 10},
{name = "jewellery", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 3},
{name = "money", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 1000}
coords = vector4(-769.91186523438, 335.38366699219, 211.39714050293, 181.5816192627),
robbed = false,
items = {
{name = "meth", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 10},
{name = "jewellery", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 3},
{name = "money", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 1000}
coords = vector4(-769.32391357422, 342.96490478516, 211.39714050293, 265.67053222656),
robbed = false,
items = {
{name = "meth", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 10},
{name = "jewellery", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 3},
{name = "money", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 1000}
coords = vector4(-786.17486572266, 338.90798950195, 211.19717407227, 88.636756896973),
robbed = false,
items = {
{name = "meth", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 10},
{name = "jewellery", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 3},
{name = "money", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 1000}
coords = vector4(-786.23852539062, 336.7712097168, 211.19717407227, 92.722274780273),
robbed = false,
items = {
{name = "meth", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 10},
{name = "jewellery", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 3},
{name = "money", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 1000}
coords = vector4(-790.00531005859, 334.26617431641, 210.83171081543, 268.00366210938),
robbed = false,
items = {
{name = "meth", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 10},
{name = "jewellery", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 3},
{name = "money", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 1000}
coords = vector4(-790.71173095703, 330.78176879883, 210.79672241211, 177.01623535156),
robbed = false,
items = {
{name = "meth", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 10},
{name = "jewellery", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 3},
{name = "money", count = 1, randomcount = false, maxcount = 1000}
Config.Garage = {
[1] = {
GarageDrinneLeavePunkt = vector4(228.24333190918, -1006.3071899414, -99.0, 355.85113525391),
LeaveGarageInGarage = vector4(240.4769744873, -1004.8265991211, -98.999992370605, 89.16194152832),
-- Max 12 / 240.53729248047, -1004.829284668, -98.999839782715, 89.536727905273 / 228.16900634766, -1006.2409667969, -98.999839782715, 359.46508789062 (haus/raus)
SpawnPoints = {
{coords = vector3(223.07534790039, -1002.1403808594, -99.40998840332), heading = 241.69491577148},
{coords = vector3(223.15852355957, -998.39514160156, -99.409957885742), heading = 237.93286132812},
{coords = vector3(223.16036987305, -994.49353027344, -99.40998840332), heading = 236.69058227539},
{coords = vector3(223.21281433105, -990.62957763672, -99.409980773926), heading = 234.61756896973},
{coords = vector3(223.24855041504, -986.734375, -99.409965515137), heading = 235.39973449707},
{coords = vector3(223.34281921387, -982.73266601562, -99.409973144531), heading = 235.81181335449},
{coords = vector3(223.57330322266, -978.81243896484, -99.410011291504), heading = 233.7946472168},
{coords = vector3(234.06304931641, -1002.3883056641, -99.410026550293), heading = 129.84327697754},
{coords = vector3(233.79145812988, -998.54711914062, -99.409996032715), heading = 129.42822265625},
{coords = vector3(233.7318572998, -994.32122802734, -99.409957885742), heading = 123.07012939453},
{coords = vector3(233.66983032227, -990.3271484375, -99.409965515137), heading = 126.28063964844},
{coords = vector3(233.71063232422, -986.15844726562, -99.409957885742), heading = 124.27671813965}
[2] = {
-- Max 4 / 212.17633056641, -999.01934814453, -98.999862670898, 89.19905090332 / 198.3858795166, -1007.3135375977, -98.999877929688, 359.09191894531 (haus/raus)
GarageDrinneLeavePunkt = vector4(198.3858795166, -1007.3135375977, -98.999877929688, 359.09191894531),
LeaveGarageInGarage = vector4(206.9845123291, -999.15435791016, -98.999900817871, 2.4808926582336),
SpawnPoints = {
{coords = vector3(193.07608032227, -1000.852355957, -99.181114196777), heading = 180.77308654785},
{coords = vector3(196.39212036133, -1000.6822509766, -99.181907653809), heading = 180.41966247559},
{coords = vector3(200.40995788574, -1000.5930175781, -99.181205749512), heading = 181.01884460449},
{coords = vector3(203.99333190918, -1000.7797241211, -99.185050964355), heading = 181.36210632324}
[3] = {
-- Max 2 / 179.06774902344, -1000.5521240234, -98.999992370605, 181.53381347656 / 176.3829498291, -1008.1826782227, -98.999992370605, 0.97112083435059 (haus/raus)
GarageDrinneLeavePunkt = vector4(176.3829498291, -1008.1826782227, -98.999992370605, 0.97112083435059),
LeaveGarageInGarage = vector4(179.06774902344, -1000.5521240234, -98.999992370605, 181.53381347656),
SpawnPoints = {
{coords = vector3(174.16062927246, -1003.9083862305, -99.378524780273), heading = 178.82395935059},
{coords = vector3(170.87641906738, -1003.9182739258, -99.377899169922), heading = -178.82395935059}
Config.DefaultHouses = {
[1] = {
drillingdirection = 100.0,
drillinglenth = 5,
-- in sec
colorshells = {
["white"] = {
text = "Weiร tapezieren",
description = "Fรคrbe dein Haus in eine ganz neue Farbe! Dabei werden nicht nur Wรคnde gestrichen, sondern deine gesamte Einrichtung รคndert sich. Keine Sorge du kannst es immer wieder รคndern!.",
newvalue = "white",
type = "colorchange",
img = "https://i.ibb.co/1QTB3Mk/RedColor.png",
dbvalue = "",
coords = {
InHouseLeaveCoords = vector4(-785.34558105469, 314.43325805664, 217.63821411133, 356.78564453125),
JoinGaragePunkt = vector4(-787.18988037109, 315.75772094727, 217.63821411133, 266.25271606445),
HausMenu = vector4(-783.60626220703, 331.4880065918, 217.03829956055, 0),
KleiderSchrank = vector4(-797.83990478516, 328.25201416016, 220.43836975098, 0),
LagerPunkt = vector4(-795.16516113281, 326.63626098633, 217.03805541992, 0)
["brown"] = {
text = "Braun tapezieren",
description = "Fรคrbe dein Haus in eine ganz neue Farbe! Dabei werden nicht nur Wรคnde gestrichen, sondern deine gesamte Einrichtung รคndert sich. Keine Sorge du kannst es immer wieder รคndern!.",
newvalue = "brown",
type = "colorchange",
img = "https://i.ibb.co/LQpgcj2/Brown-Color.png",
dbvalue = "",
coords = {
InHouseLeaveCoords = vector4(-785.2919921875, 314.45239257812, 187.91339111328, 357.44125366211),
JoinGaragePunkt = vector4(-787.00329589844, 315.73724365234, 187.91339111328, 270.05194091797),
HausMenu = vector4(-783.63537597656, 331.62231445312, 187.31327819824, 0),
KleiderSchrank = vector4(-797.87646484375, 328.24349975586, 190.71601867676, 0),
LagerPunkt = vector4(-795.19671630859, 326.65545654297, 187.31297302246, 0)
["red"] = {
text = "Rot tapezieren",
description = "Fรคrbe dein Haus in eine ganz neue Farbe! Dabei werden nicht nur Wรคnde gestrichen, sondern deine gesamte Einrichtung รคndert sich. Keine Sorge du kannst es immer wieder รคndern!.",
newvalue = "red",
type = "colorchange",
img = "https://i.ibb.co/1QTB3Mk/RedColor.png",
dbvalue = "",
coords = {
InHouseLeaveCoords = vector4(-775.63500976562, 343.12310791016, 196.68609619141, 177.68937683105),
JoinGaragePunkt = vector4(-774.02612304688, 342.03024291992, 196.68609619141, 88.340545654297),
HausMenu = vector4(-777.33862304688, 326.17349243164, 196.08601379395, 0),
KleiderSchrank = vector4(-763.23370361328, 329.21896362305, 199.48628234863, 0),
LagerPunkt = vector4(-765.71392822266, 331.11706542969, 196.08605957031, 0)
["changepos"] = {
text = "Reposition housemenu",
description = "You no longer want to access your home menu from this location? Then simply change the position with this function. You can reposition it anywhere in the house.",
newvalue = "changeposhausmenu",
type = "changepos",
dbvalue = "hausmenu",
img = "https://i.ibb.co/BP6N9j0/Change-Menu.png"
["changepos2"] = {
text = "Reposition house entry",
description = "Are you tired of leaving your home from this location? Then simply change the position with this function. You can reposition it anywhere in the house.",
newvalue = "changeposhausmenu",
type = "changepos",
dbvalue = "hausausgang",
img = "https://i.ibb.co/TgLm9T1/Change-Enty.png"
["changepos3"] = {
text = "Reposition garage entry",
description = "You no longer want to enter your garage from this location? Then simply change the position with this function. You can reposition it anywhere in the house.",
newvalue = "changeposhausmenu",
type = "changepos",
dbvalue = "garagejoinpunkt",
img = "https://i.ibb.co/TgLm9T1/Change-Enty.png"
["changepos4"] = {
text = "Reposition storage",
description = "You no longer want to access your warehouse from this location? Then simply change the position with this function. You can reposition it anywhere in the house.",
newvalue = "changeposhausmenu",
type = "changepos",
dbvalue = "lagerpunkt",
img = "https://i.ibb.co/DwTWVfw/Change-Lager.png"
["changepos5"] = {
text = "Reposition wardrobe",
description = "Are you tired of accessing your wardrobe from this location? Then simply change the position with this function. You can reposition it anywhere in the house.",
newvalue = "changeposhausmenu",
type = "changepos",
dbvalue = "kleiderschrankcoords",
img = "https://i.ibb.co/hyZMZh5/Change-Cloth.png"
[2] = {
drillingdirection = 100.0,
drillinglenth = 5,
-- in sec
colorshells = {
["normal"] = {
text = "Normal tapezieren",
description = "Fรคrbe dein Haus in eine ganz neue Farbe! Dabei werden nicht nur Wรคnde gestrichen, sondern deine gesamte Einrichtung รคndert sich. Keine Sorge du kannst es immer wieder รคndern!.",
newvalue = "white",
type = "colorchange",
img = "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1278785438923882526/1284270679763582987/image.png?ex=66f13a86&is=66efe906&hm=523470da2f1d5f8f451e64e791d97f9fb2c3d82bd1395b8370efd80f63cf11f8&",
dbvalue = "",
coords = {
InHouseLeaveCoords = vector4(266.0491027832, -1007.2103271484, -101.00867462158, 358.07846069336),
JoinGaragePunkt = vector4(264.63967895508, -1003.4047851562, -99.008728027344, 315.12628173828),
HausMenu = vector4(262.47039794922, -999.91247558594, -99.008682250977, 0),
KleiderSchrank = vector4(260.7080078125, -1003.1736450195, -99.008682250977, 0),
LagerPunkt = vector4(265.46176147461, -997.66241455078, -99.008682250977, 0)
["changepos"] = {
text = "Reposition housemenu",
description = "You no longer want to access your home menu from this location? Then simply change the position with this function. You can reposition it anywhere in the house.",
newvalue = "changeposhausmenu",
type = "changepos",
dbvalue = "hausmenu",
img = "https://i.ibb.co/BP6N9j0/Change-Menu.png"
["changepos2"] = {
text = "Reposition house entry",
description = "Are you tired of leaving your home from this location? Then simply change the position with this function. You can reposition it anywhere in the house.",
newvalue = "changeposhausmenu",
type = "changepos",
dbvalue = "hausausgang",
img = "https://i.ibb.co/TgLm9T1/Change-Enty.png"
["changepos3"] = {
text = "Reposition garage entry",
description = "You no longer want to enter your garage from this location? Then simply change the position with this function. You can reposition it anywhere in the house.",
newvalue = "changeposhausmenu",
type = "changepos",
dbvalue = "garagejoinpunkt",
img = "https://i.ibb.co/TgLm9T1/Change-Enty.png"
["changepos4"] = {
text = "Reposition storage",
description = "You no longer want to access your warehouse from this location? Then simply change the position with this function. You can reposition it anywhere in the house.",
newvalue = "changeposhausmenu",
type = "changepos",
dbvalue = "lagerpunkt",
img = "https://i.ibb.co/DwTWVfw/Change-Lager.png"
["changepos5"] = {
text = "Reposition wardrobe",
description = "Are you tired of accessing your wardrobe from this location? Then simply change the position with this function. You can reposition it anywhere in the house.",
newvalue = "changeposhausmenu",
type = "changepos",
dbvalue = "kleiderschrankcoords",
img = "https://i.ibb.co/hyZMZh5/Change-Cloth.png"
[3] = {
drillingdirection = 100.0,
drillinglenth = 5,
-- in sec
colorshells = {
["normal"] = {
text = "Normal tapezieren",
description = "Fรคrbe dein Haus in eine ganz neue Farbe! Dabei werden nicht nur Wรคnde gestrichen, sondern deine gesamte Einrichtung รคndert sich. Keine Sorge du kannst es immer wieder รคndern!.",
newvalue = "white",
type = "colorchange",
img = "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1278785438923882526/1284270878137253888/image.png?ex=66f13ab5&is=66efe935&hm=74d77f7b2903c5487137f588d94babc5f70afd9698f41425d54839bf899f8bdf&",
dbvalue = "",
coords = {
InHouseLeaveCoords = vector4(-682.310546875, 592.48583984375, 145.3908996582, 221.74287414551),
JoinGaragePunkt = vector4(-682.45971679688, 585.61145019531, 145.37980651855, 354.05426025391),
HausMenu = vector4(-675.29254150391, 592.26617431641, 145.3796081543, 0),
KleiderSchrank = vector4(-671.67114257812, 587.474609375, 141.5699005127, 0),
LagerPunkt = vector4(-680.89483642578, 588.91796875, 137.7698059082, 0)
["changepos"] = {
text = "Reposition housemenu",
description = "You no longer want to access your home menu from this location? Then simply change the position with this function. You can reposition it anywhere in the house.",
newvalue = "changeposhausmenu",
type = "changepos",
dbvalue = "hausmenu",
img = "https://i.ibb.co/BP6N9j0/Change-Menu.png"
["changepos2"] = {
text = "Reposition house entry",
description = "Are you tired of leaving your home from this location? Then simply change the position with this function. You can reposition it anywhere in the house.",
newvalue = "changeposhausmenu",
type = "changepos",
dbvalue = "hausausgang",
img = "https://i.ibb.co/TgLm9T1/Change-Enty.png"
["changepos3"] = {
text = "Reposition garage entry",
description = "You no longer want to enter your garage from this location? Then simply change the position with this function. You can reposition it anywhere in the house.",
newvalue = "changeposhausmenu",
type = "changepos",
dbvalue = "garagejoinpunkt",
img = "https://i.ibb.co/TgLm9T1/Change-Enty.png"
["changepos4"] = {
text = "Reposition storage",
description = "You no longer want to access your warehouse from this location? Then simply change the position with this function. You can reposition it anywhere in the house.",
newvalue = "changeposhausmenu",
type = "changepos",
dbvalue = "lagerpunkt",
img = "https://i.ibb.co/DwTWVfw/Change-Lager.png"
["changepos5"] = {
text = "Reposition wardrobe",
description = "Are you tired of accessing your wardrobe from this location? Then simply change the position with this function. You can reposition it anywhere in the house.",
newvalue = "changeposhausmenu",
type = "changepos",
dbvalue = "kleiderschrankcoords",
img = "https://i.ibb.co/hyZMZh5/Change-Cloth.png"
[4] = {
drillingdirection = 100.0,
drillinglenth = 5,
-- in sec
colorshells = {
["normal"] = {
text = "Normal tapezieren",
description = "Fรคrbe dein Haus in eine ganz neue Farbe! Dabei werden nicht nur Wรคnde gestrichen, sondern deine gesamte Einrichtung รคndert sich. Keine Sorge du kannst es immer wieder รคndern!.",
newvalue = "white",
type = "colorchange",
img = "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1278785438923882526/1284271367113408633/image.png?ex=66f13b2a&is=66efe9aa&hm=17e23d0a37f0dc2e9704296a886a72c913052731d165956cf899b8ccacfce58a&",
dbvalue = "",
coords = {
InHouseLeaveCoords = vector4(346.50875854492, -1012.7682495117, -99.1962890625, 357.61370849609),
JoinGaragePunkt = vector4(349.94577026367, -1007.4936523438, -99.1962890625, 87.137031555176),
HausMenu = vector4(342.51431274414, -1001.6481323242, -99.196235656738, 0),
KleiderSchrank = vector4(350.58840942383, -994.29254150391, -99.147972106934, 0),
LagerPunkt = vector4(345.26324462891, -995.80487060547, -99.196243286133, 0)
["changepos"] = {
text = "Reposition housemenu",
description = "You no longer want to access your home menu from this location? Then simply change the position with this function. You can reposition it anywhere in the house.",
newvalue = "changeposhausmenu",
type = "changepos",
dbvalue = "hausmenu",
img = "https://i.ibb.co/BP6N9j0/Change-Menu.png"
["changepos2"] = {
text = "Reposition house entry",
description = "Are you tired of leaving your home from this location? Then simply change the position with this function. You can reposition it anywhere in the house.",
newvalue = "changeposhausmenu",
type = "changepos",
dbvalue = "hausausgang",
img = "https://i.ibb.co/TgLm9T1/Change-Enty.png"
["changepos3"] = {
text = "Reposition garage entry",
description = "You no longer want to enter your garage from this location? Then simply change the position with this function. You can reposition it anywhere in the house.",
newvalue = "changeposhausmenu",
type = "changepos",
dbvalue = "garagejoinpunkt",
img = "https://i.ibb.co/TgLm9T1/Change-Enty.png"
["changepos4"] = {
text = "Reposition storage",
description = "You no longer want to access your warehouse from this location? Then simply change the position with this function. You can reposition it anywhere in the house.",
newvalue = "changeposhausmenu",
type = "changepos",
dbvalue = "lagerpunkt",
img = "https://i.ibb.co/DwTWVfw/Change-Lager.png"
["changepos5"] = {
text = "Reposition wardrobe",
description = "Are you tired of accessing your wardrobe from this location? Then simply change the position with this function. You can reposition it anywhere in the house.",
newvalue = "changeposhausmenu",
type = "changepos",
dbvalue = "kleiderschrankcoords",
img = "https://i.ibb.co/hyZMZh5/Change-Cloth.png"
[5] = {
drillingdirection = 100.0,
drillinglenth = 5,
-- in sec
colorshells = {
["normal"] = {
text = "Normal tapezieren",
description = "Fรคrbe dein Haus in eine ganz neue Farbe! Dabei werden nicht nur Wรคnde gestrichen, sondern deine gesamte Einrichtung รคndert sich. Keine Sorge du kannst es immer wieder รคndern!.",
newvalue = "white",
type = "colorchange",
img = "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1278785438923882526/1284271673050398750/image.png?ex=66f13b73&is=66efe9f3&hm=cddabff907b0981f903409ac9395ce65269ceae99d7845b4b22f0e83a85663ef&",
dbvalue = "",
coords = {
InHouseLeaveCoords = vector4(-781.71002197266, 322.34805297852, 211.99728393555, 357.48776245117),
JoinGaragePunkt = vector4(-785.01629638672, 323.63006591797, 211.99728393555, 266.28823852539),
HausMenu = vector4(-771.31091308594, 336.2233581543, 211.39714050293, 0),
KleiderSchrank = vector4(-793.40289306641, 326.53384399414, 210.79672241211, 0),
LagerPunkt = vector4(-766.62561035156, 328.12075805664, 211.39657592773, 0)
["changepos"] = {
text = "Reposition housemenu",
description = "You no longer want to access your home menu from this location? Then simply change the position with this function. You can reposition it anywhere in the house.",
newvalue = "changeposhausmenu",
type = "changepos",
dbvalue = "hausmenu",
img = "https://i.ibb.co/BP6N9j0/Change-Menu.png"
["changepos2"] = {
text = "Reposition house entry",
description = "Are you tired of leaving your home from this location? Then simply change the position with this function. You can reposition it anywhere in the house.",
newvalue = "changeposhausmenu",
type = "changepos",
dbvalue = "hausausgang",
img = "https://i.ibb.co/TgLm9T1/Change-Enty.png"
["changepos3"] = {
text = "Reposition garage entry",
description = "You no longer want to enter your garage from this location? Then simply change the position with this function. You can reposition it anywhere in the house.",
newvalue = "changeposhausmenu",
type = "changepos",
dbvalue = "garagejoinpunkt",
img = "https://i.ibb.co/TgLm9T1/Change-Enty.png"
["changepos4"] = {
text = "Reposition storage",
description = "You no longer want to access your warehouse from this location? Then simply change the position with this function. You can reposition it anywhere in the house.",
newvalue = "changeposhausmenu",
type = "changepos",
dbvalue = "lagerpunkt",
img = "https://i.ibb.co/DwTWVfw/Change-Lager.png"
["changepos5"] = {
text = "Reposition wardrobe",
description = "Are you tired of accessing your wardrobe from this location? Then simply change the position with this function. You can reposition it anywhere in the house.",
newvalue = "changeposhausmenu",
type = "changepos",
dbvalue = "kleiderschrankcoords",
img = "https://i.ibb.co/hyZMZh5/Change-Cloth.png"
Config.Upgrades = {
[1] = {
-- Shell number
["Lager"] = {
-- Uprade nane. Do not change
[0] = {
slots = 5, -- Slots for Warehouse
weight = 1000
[1] = {
-- Upgrades. Max 3
headingname = "Storage capacity", -- Display name for titel
desciription = "Upgrade to 5000 KG. You must have all items with you to start the update. Every update takes time.", -- Description
reqitems = {
-- Items that will be needed
name = "screws",
count = "50",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "metal",
count = "100",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "money",
count = "10000",
types = "money",
owned = false
slots = 10, -- Slots for Warehouse
weight = 5000, -- Max kg for Warehouse
upgradetype = "Lager", -- Do not change
herstellungzeit = 1 -- In hours => manufacturing time
[2] = {
headingname = "Storage capacity", -- Display name for titel
desciription = "Upgrade to 10000 KG. You must have all items with you to start the update. Every update takes time.", -- Description
reqitems = {
-- Items that will be needed
name = "screws",
count = "150",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "metal",
count = "200",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "money",
count = "50000",
types = "money",
owned = false
slots = 20,
-- Slots for Warehouse
weight = 10000,
-- Max kg for Warehouse
upgradetype = "Lager",
-- Do not change
herstellungzeit = 3
-- In hours => manufacturing time
[3] = {
headingname = "Storage capacity", -- Display name for titel
desciription = "Upgrade to 50000 KG. You must have all items with you to start the update. Every update takes time.", -- Description
reqitems = {
-- Items that will be needed
name = "screws",
count = "250",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "metal",
count = "500",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "money",
count = "100000",
types = "money",
owned = false
slots = 30,
-- Slots for Warehouse
weight = 50000,
-- Max kg for Warehouse
upgradetype = "Lager",
-- Do not change
herstellungzeit = 5
-- In hours => manufacturing time
["Security"] = {
[0] = {
cams = 0 -- Max cams
[1] = {
headingname = "Security level", -- Display name for titel
desciription = "Upgrade to 2 cams. You must have all items with you to start the update. Every update takes time.", -- Description
reqitems = {
-- Items that will be needed
name = "screws",
count = "50",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "metal",
count = "100",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "electronics_parts",
count = "10",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "money",
count = "1000",
types = "money",
owned = false
cams = 2, -- Max cams
upgradetype = "Security",
-- Do not change
herstellungzeit = 1
-- In hours => manufacturing time
[2] = {
headingname = "Security level", -- Display name for titel
desciription = "Upgrade to 4 cams. You must have all items with you to start the update. Every update takes time.", -- Description
reqitems = {
-- Items that will be needed
name = "screws",
count = "100",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "metal",
count = "200",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "electronics_parts",
count = "20",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "money",
count = "50000",
types = "money",
owned = false
cams = 4,
-- Max cams
upgradetype = "Security",
-- Do not change
herstellungzeit = 2
-- In hours => manufacturing time
[3] = {
headingname = "Security level", -- Display name for titel
desciription = "Upgrade to 6 cams. You must have all items with you to start the update. Every update takes time.", -- Description
reqitems = {
-- Items that will be needed
name = "screws",
count = "200",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "metal",
count = "500",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "electronics_parts",
count = "50",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "money",
count = "100000",
types = "money",
owned = false
cams = 6,
-- Max cams
upgradetype = "Security",
-- Do not change
herstellungzeit = 5
-- In hours => manufacturing time
["Garage"] = {
[0] = {
platz = 2 -- Max cars
[1] = {
headingname = "Garage", -- Display name for titel
desciription = "Upgrade to 4 spaces. You must have all items with you to start the update. Every update takes time.", -- Description
reqitems = {
-- Items that will be needed
name = "screws",
count = "50",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "metal",
count = "100",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "concrete",
count = "10",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "money",
count = "1000",
types = "money",
owned = false
upgradetype = "Garage",
-- Do not change
platz = 4, -- Max garage spots
herstellungzeit = 1
-- In hours => manufacturing time
[2] = {
headingname = "Garage",
-- Display name for titel
desciription = "Upgrade to 8 spaces. You must have all items with you to start the update. Every update takes time.", -- Description
reqitems = {
-- Items that will be needed
name = "screws",
count = "100",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "metal",
count = "200",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "concrete",
count = "20",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "money",
count = "50000",
types = "money",
owned = false
upgradetype = "Garage",
-- Do not change
platz = 8, -- Max garage spots
herstellungzeit = 2
-- In hours => manufacturing time
[3] = {
headingname = "Garage",
-- Display name for titel
desciription = "Upgrade to 12 spaces. You must have all items with you to start the update. Every update takes time.", -- Description
reqitems = {
-- Items that will be needed
name = "screws",
count = "200",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "metal",
count = "500",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "concrete",
count = "50",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "money",
count = "100000",
types = "money",
owned = false
platz = 12, -- Max garage spots
upgradetype = "Garage", -- Do not change
herstellungzeit = 5
-- In hours => manufacturing time
[2] = {
-- Shell number
["Lager"] = {
-- Uprade nane. Do not change
[0] = {
slots = 5, -- Slots for Warehouse
weight = 500
[1] = {
-- Upgrades. Max 3
headingname = "Storage capacity", -- Display name for titel
desciription = "Upgrade to 1000 KG. You must have all items with you to start the update. Every update takes time.", -- Description
reqitems = {
-- Items that will be needed
name = "screws",
count = "10",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "metal",
count = "50",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "money",
count = "1000",
types = "money",
owned = false
slots = 10, -- Slots for Warehouse
weight = 1000, -- Max kg for Warehouse
upgradetype = "Lager", -- Do not change
herstellungzeit = 1 -- In hours => manufacturing time
[2] = {
headingname = "Storage capacity", -- Display name for titel
desciription = "Upgrade to 2000 KG. You must have all items with you to start the update. Every update takes time.", -- Description
reqitems = {
-- Items that will be needed
name = "screws",
count = "50",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "metal",
count = "100",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "money",
count = "10000",
types = "money",
owned = false
slots = 20,
-- Slots for Warehouse
weight = 2000,
-- Max kg for Warehouse
upgradetype = "Lager",
-- Do not change
herstellungzeit = 3
-- In hours => manufacturing time
[3] = {
headingname = "Storage capacity", -- Display name for titel
desciription = "Upgrade to 10000 KG. You must have all items with you to start the update. Every update takes time.", -- Description
reqitems = {
-- Items that will be needed
name = "screws",
count = "200",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "metal",
count = "500",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "money",
count = "50000",
types = "money",
owned = false
slots = 30,
-- Slots for Warehouse
weight = 10000,
-- Max kg for Warehouse
upgradetype = "Lager",
-- Do not change
herstellungzeit = 5
-- In hours => manufacturing time
["Security"] = {
[0] = {
cams = 0 -- Max cams
[1] = {
headingname = "Security level", -- Display name for titel
desciription = "Upgrade to 2 cams. You must have all items with you to start the update. Every update takes time.", -- Description
reqitems = {
-- Items that will be needed
name = "screws",
count = "50",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "metal",
count = "100",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "electronics_parts",
count = "10",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "money",
count = "1000",
types = "money",
owned = false
cams = 1, -- Max cams
upgradetype = "Security",
-- Do not change
herstellungzeit = 1
-- In hours => manufacturing time
[2] = {
headingname = "Security level", -- Display name for titel
desciription = "Upgrade to 3 cams. You must have all items with you to start the update. Every update takes time.", -- Description
reqitems = {
-- Items that will be needed
name = "screws",
count = "100",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "metal",
count = "200",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "electronics_parts",
count = "20",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "money",
count = "50000",
types = "money",
owned = false
cams = 2,
-- Max cams
upgradetype = "Security",
-- Do not change
herstellungzeit = 2
-- In hours => manufacturing time
[3] = {
headingname = "Security level", -- Display name for titel
desciription = "Upgrade to 4 cams. You must have all items with you to start the update. Every update takes time.", -- Description
reqitems = {
-- Items that will be needed
name = "screws",
count = "200",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "metal",
count = "500",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "electronics_parts",
count = "50",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "money",
count = "100000",
types = "money",
owned = false
cams = 3,
-- Max cams
upgradetype = "Security",
-- Do not change
herstellungzeit = 5
-- In hours => manufacturing time
["Garage"] = {
[0] = {
platz = 0 -- Max cars
[1] = {
headingname = "Garage", -- Display name for titel
desciription = "Upgrade to 2 spaces. You must have all items with you to start the update. Every update takes time.", -- Description
reqitems = {
-- Items that will be needed
name = "screws",
count = "200",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "metal",
count = "500",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "concrete",
count = "100",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "money",
count = "10000",
types = "money",
owned = false
upgradetype = "Garage",
-- Do not change
platz = 1, -- Max garage spots
herstellungzeit = 1
-- In hours => manufacturing time
[2] = {
headingname = "Garage",
-- Display name for titel
desciription = "Upgrade to 3 spaces. You must have all items with you to start the update. Every update takes time.", -- Description
reqitems = {
-- Items that will be needed
name = "screws",
count = "100",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "metal",
count = "200",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "concrete",
count = "20",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "money",
count = "50000",
types = "money",
owned = false
upgradetype = "Garage",
-- Do not change
platz = 2, -- Max garage spots
herstellungzeit = 2
-- In hours => manufacturing time
[3] = {
-- Shell number
["Lager"] = {
-- Uprade nane. Do not change
[0] = {
slots = 5, -- Slots for Warehouse
weight = 1000
[1] = {
-- Upgrades. Max 3
headingname = "Storage capacity", -- Display name for titel
desciription = "Upgrade to 5000 KG. You must have all items with you to start the update. Every update takes time.", -- Description
reqitems = {
-- Items that will be needed
name = "screws",
count = "50",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "metal",
count = "100",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "money",
count = "10000",
types = "money",
owned = false
slots = 10, -- Slots for Warehouse
weight = 5000, -- Max kg for Warehouse
upgradetype = "Lager", -- Do not change
herstellungzeit = 1 -- In hours => manufacturing time
[2] = {
headingname = "Storage capacity", -- Display name for titel
desciription = "Upgrade to 10000 KG. You must have all items with you to start the update. Every update takes time.", -- Description
reqitems = {
-- Items that will be needed
name = "screws",
count = "150",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "metal",
count = "200",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "money",
count = "50000",
types = "money",
owned = false
slots = 20,
-- Slots for Warehouse
weight = 10000,
-- Max kg for Warehouse
upgradetype = "Lager",
-- Do not change
herstellungzeit = 3
-- In hours => manufacturing time
[3] = {
headingname = "Storage capacity", -- Display name for titel
desciription = "Upgrade to 50000 KG. You must have all items with you to start the update. Every update takes time.", -- Description
reqitems = {
-- Items that will be needed
name = "screws",
count = "250",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "metal",
count = "500",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "money",
count = "100000",
types = "money",
owned = false
slots = 30,
-- Slots for Warehouse
weight = 50000,
-- Max kg for Warehouse
upgradetype = "Lager",
-- Do not change
herstellungzeit = 5
-- In hours => manufacturing time
["Security"] = {
[0] = {
cams = 1 -- Max cams
[1] = {
headingname = "Security level", -- Display name for titel
desciription = "Upgrade to 2 cams. You must have all items with you to start the update. Every update takes time.", -- Description
reqitems = {
-- Items that will be needed
name = "screws",
count = "50",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "metal",
count = "100",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "electronics_parts",
count = "10",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "money",
count = "1000",
types = "money",
owned = false
cams = 2, -- Max cams
upgradetype = "Security",
-- Do not change
herstellungzeit = 1
-- In hours => manufacturing time
[2] = {
headingname = "Security level", -- Display name for titel
desciription = "Upgrade to 4 cams. You must have all items with you to start the update. Every update takes time.", -- Description
reqitems = {
-- Items that will be needed
name = "screws",
count = "100",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "metal",
count = "200",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "electronics_parts",
count = "20",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "money",
count = "50000",
types = "money",
owned = false
cams = 4,
-- Max cams
upgradetype = "Security",
-- Do not change
herstellungzeit = 2
-- In hours => manufacturing time
[3] = {
headingname = "Security level", -- Display name for titel
desciription = "Upgrade to 6 cams. You must have all items with you to start the update. Every update takes time.", -- Description
reqitems = {
-- Items that will be needed
name = "screws",
count = "200",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "metal",
count = "500",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "electronics_parts",
count = "50",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "money",
count = "100000",
types = "money",
owned = false
cams = 6,
-- Max cams
upgradetype = "Security",
-- Do not change
herstellungzeit = 5
-- In hours => manufacturing time
["Garage"] = {
[0] = {
platz = 2 -- Max cars
[1] = {
headingname = "Garage", -- Display name for titel
desciription = "Upgrade to 4 spaces. You must have all items with you to start the update. Every update takes time.", -- Description
reqitems = {
-- Items that will be needed
name = "screws",
count = "50",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "metal",
count = "100",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "concrete",
count = "10",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "money",
count = "1000",
types = "money",
owned = false
upgradetype = "Garage",
-- Do not change
platz = 4, -- Max garage spots
herstellungzeit = 1
-- In hours => manufacturing time
[2] = {
headingname = "Garage",
-- Display name for titel
desciription = "Upgrade to 8 spaces. You must have all items with you to start the update. Every update takes time.", -- Description
reqitems = {
-- Items that will be needed
name = "screws",
count = "100",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "metal",
count = "200",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "concrete",
count = "20",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "money",
count = "50000",
types = "money",
owned = false
upgradetype = "Garage",
-- Do not change
platz = 8, -- Max garage spots
herstellungzeit = 2
-- In hours => manufacturing time
[3] = {
headingname = "Garage",
-- Display name for titel
desciription = "Upgrade to 12 spaces. You must have all items with you to start the update. Every update takes time.", -- Description
reqitems = {
-- Items that will be needed
name = "screws",
count = "200",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "metal",
count = "500",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "concrete",
count = "50",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "money",
count = "100000",
types = "money",
owned = false
platz = 12, -- Max garage spots
upgradetype = "Garage", -- Do not change
herstellungzeit = 5
-- In hours => manufacturing time
[4] = {
-- Shell number
["Lager"] = {
-- Uprade nane. Do not change
[0] = {
slots = 5, -- Slots for Warehouse
weight = 500
[1] = {
-- Upgrades. Max 3
headingname = "Storage capacity", -- Display name for titel
desciription = "Upgrade to 1000 KG. You must have all items with you to start the update. Every update takes time.", -- Description
reqitems = {
-- Items that will be needed
name = "screws",
count = "10",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "metal",
count = "50",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "money",
count = "1000",
types = "money",
owned = false
slots = 10, -- Slots for Warehouse
weight = 1000, -- Max kg for Warehouse
upgradetype = "Lager", -- Do not change
herstellungzeit = 1 -- In hours => manufacturing time
[2] = {
headingname = "Storage capacity", -- Display name for titel
desciription = "Upgrade to 2000 KG. You must have all items with you to start the update. Every update takes time.", -- Description
reqitems = {
-- Items that will be needed
name = "screws",
count = "50",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "metal",
count = "100",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "money",
count = "10000",
types = "money",
owned = false
slots = 20,
-- Slots for Warehouse
weight = 2000,
-- Max kg for Warehouse
upgradetype = "Lager",
-- Do not change
herstellungzeit = 3
-- In hours => manufacturing time
[3] = {
headingname = "Storage capacity", -- Display name for titel
desciription = "Upgrade to 10000 KG. You must have all items with you to start the update. Every update takes time.", -- Description
reqitems = {
-- Items that will be needed
name = "screws",
count = "200",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "metal",
count = "500",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "money",
count = "50000",
types = "money",
owned = false
slots = 30,
-- Slots for Warehouse
weight = 10000,
-- Max kg for Warehouse
upgradetype = "Lager",
-- Do not change
herstellungzeit = 5
-- In hours => manufacturing time
["Security"] = {
[0] = {
cams = 1 -- Max cams
[1] = {
headingname = "Security level", -- Display name for titel
desciription = "Upgrade to 2 cams. You must have all items with you to start the update. Every update takes time.", -- Description
reqitems = {
-- Items that will be needed
name = "screws",
count = "50",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "metal",
count = "100",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "electronics_parts",
count = "10",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "money",
count = "1000",
types = "money",
owned = false
cams = 2, -- Max cams
upgradetype = "Security",
-- Do not change
herstellungzeit = 1
-- In hours => manufacturing time
[2] = {
headingname = "Security level", -- Display name for titel
desciription = "Upgrade to 3 cams. You must have all items with you to start the update. Every update takes time.", -- Description
reqitems = {
-- Items that will be needed
name = "screws",
count = "100",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "metal",
count = "200",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "electronics_parts",
count = "20",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "money",
count = "50000",
types = "money",
owned = false
cams = 3,
-- Max cams
upgradetype = "Security",
-- Do not change
herstellungzeit = 2
-- In hours => manufacturing time
[3] = {
headingname = "Security level", -- Display name for titel
desciription = "Upgrade to 4 cams. You must have all items with you to start the update. Every update takes time.", -- Description
reqitems = {
-- Items that will be needed
name = "screws",
count = "200",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "metal",
count = "500",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "electronics_parts",
count = "50",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "money",
count = "100000",
types = "money",
owned = false
cams = 4,
-- Max cams
upgradetype = "Security",
-- Do not change
herstellungzeit = 5
-- In hours => manufacturing time
["Garage"] = {
[0] = {
platz = 1 -- Max cars
[1] = {
headingname = "Garage", -- Display name for titel
desciription = "Upgrade to 2 spaces. You must have all items with you to start the update. Every update takes time.", -- Description
reqitems = {
-- Items that will be needed
name = "screws",
count = "200",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "metal",
count = "500",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "concrete",
count = "100",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "money",
count = "10000",
types = "money",
owned = false
upgradetype = "Garage",
-- Do not change
platz = 2, -- Max garage spots
herstellungzeit = 1
-- In hours => manufacturing time
[2] = {
headingname = "Garage",
-- Display name for titel
desciription = "Upgrade to 3 spaces. You must have all items with you to start the update. Every update takes time.", -- Description
reqitems = {
-- Items that will be needed
name = "screws",
count = "100",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "metal",
count = "200",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "concrete",
count = "20",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "money",
count = "50000",
types = "money",
owned = false
upgradetype = "Garage",
-- Do not change
platz = 3, -- Max garage spots
herstellungzeit = 2
-- In hours => manufacturing time
[3] = {
headingname = "Garage",
-- Display name for titel
desciription = "Upgrade to 4 spaces. You must have all items with you to start the update. Every update takes time.", -- Description
reqitems = {
-- Items that will be needed
name = "screws",
count = "200",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "metal",
count = "500",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "concrete",
count = "50",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "money",
count = "100000",
types = "money",
owned = false
platz = 4, -- Max garage spots
upgradetype = "Garage", -- Do not change
herstellungzeit = 5
-- In hours => manufacturing time
[5] = {
-- Shell number
["Lager"] = {
-- Uprade nane. Do not change
[0] = {
slots = 5, -- Slots for Warehouse
weight = 1000
[1] = {
-- Upgrades. Max 3
headingname = "Storage capacity", -- Display name for titel
desciription = "Upgrade to 5000 KG. You must have all items with you to start the update. Every update takes time.", -- Description
reqitems = {
-- Items that will be needed
name = "screws",
count = "50",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "metal",
count = "100",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "money",
count = "10000",
types = "money",
owned = false
slots = 10, -- Slots for Warehouse
weight = 5000, -- Max kg for Warehouse
upgradetype = "Lager", -- Do not change
herstellungzeit = 1 -- In hours => manufacturing time
[2] = {
headingname = "Storage capacity", -- Display name for titel
desciription = "Upgrade to 10000 KG. You must have all items with you to start the update. Every update takes time.", -- Description
reqitems = {
-- Items that will be needed
name = "screws",
count = "150",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "metal",
count = "200",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "money",
count = "50000",
types = "money",
owned = false
slots = 20,
-- Slots for Warehouse
weight = 10000,
-- Max kg for Warehouse
upgradetype = "Lager",
-- Do not change
herstellungzeit = 3
-- In hours => manufacturing time
[3] = {
headingname = "Storage capacity", -- Display name for titel
desciription = "Upgrade to 50000 KG. You must have all items with you to start the update. Every update takes time.", -- Description
reqitems = {
-- Items that will be needed
name = "screws",
count = "250",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "metal",
count = "500",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "money",
count = "100000",
types = "money",
owned = false
slots = 30,
-- Slots for Warehouse
weight = 50000,
-- Max kg for Warehouse
upgradetype = "Lager",
-- Do not change
herstellungzeit = 5
-- In hours => manufacturing time
["Security"] = {
[0] = {
cams = 1 -- Max cams
[1] = {
headingname = "Security level", -- Display name for titel
desciription = "Upgrade to 2 cams. You must have all items with you to start the update. Every update takes time.", -- Description
reqitems = {
-- Items that will be needed
name = "screws",
count = "50",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "metal",
count = "100",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "electronics_parts",
count = "10",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "money",
count = "1000",
types = "money",
owned = false
cams = 2, -- Max cams
upgradetype = "Security",
-- Do not change
herstellungzeit = 1
-- In hours => manufacturing time
[2] = {
headingname = "Security level", -- Display name for titel
desciription = "Upgrade to 4 cams. You must have all items with you to start the update. Every update takes time.", -- Description
reqitems = {
-- Items that will be needed
name = "screws",
count = "100",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "metal",
count = "200",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "electronics_parts",
count = "20",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "money",
count = "50000",
types = "money",
owned = false
cams = 4,
-- Max cams
upgradetype = "Security",
-- Do not change
herstellungzeit = 2
-- In hours => manufacturing time
[3] = {
headingname = "Security level", -- Display name for titel
desciription = "Upgrade to 6 cams. You must have all items with you to start the update. Every update takes time.", -- Description
reqitems = {
-- Items that will be needed
name = "screws",
count = "200",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "metal",
count = "500",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "electronics_parts",
count = "50",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "money",
count = "100000",
types = "money",
owned = false
cams = 6,
-- Max cams
upgradetype = "Security",
-- Do not change
herstellungzeit = 5
-- In hours => manufacturing time
["Garage"] = {
[0] = {
platz = 2 -- Max cars
[1] = {
headingname = "Garage", -- Display name for titel
desciription = "Upgrade to 4 spaces. You must have all items with you to start the update. Every update takes time.", -- Description
reqitems = {
-- Items that will be needed
name = "screws",
count = "50",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "metal",
count = "100",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "concrete",
count = "10",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "money",
count = "1000",
types = "money",
owned = false
upgradetype = "Garage",
-- Do not change
platz = 4, -- Max garage spots
herstellungzeit = 1
-- In hours => manufacturing time
[2] = {
headingname = "Garage",
-- Display name for titel
desciription = "Upgrade to 8 spaces. You must have all items with you to start the update. Every update takes time.", -- Description
reqitems = {
-- Items that will be needed
name = "screws",
count = "100",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "metal",
count = "200",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "concrete",
count = "20",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "money",
count = "50000",
types = "money",
owned = false
upgradetype = "Garage",
-- Do not change
platz = 8, -- Max garage spots
herstellungzeit = 2
-- In hours => manufacturing time
[3] = {
headingname = "Garage",
-- Display name for titel
desciription = "Upgrade to 12 spaces. You must have all items with you to start the update. Every update takes time.", -- Description
reqitems = {
-- Items that will be needed
name = "screws",
count = "200",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "metal",
count = "500",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "concrete",
count = "50",
types = "item",
owned = false
name = "money",
count = "100000",
types = "money",
owned = false
platz = 12, -- Max garage spots
upgradetype = "Garage", -- Do not change
herstellungzeit = 5
-- In hours => manufacturing time
If you find any errors in the configuration and you can't fix them yourself, open a ticket!
Last updated