Check the default Config!
Config = {}
Config.Inventory = {
Main = {
language = "de", -- select your language
esxevent = "es_extended",
notifys = "sservice"
OpenInv = {
Key = "f2", -- Standard key to open the inventory - Each player can still change this key in their own game settings!
Trunk = "k" -- Standard key to open the trunk - Each player can still change this key in their own game settings!
Settings = {
WeaponAsItem = true,
GreenMoneyAsItem = true,
BlackMoneyAsItem = false
Functions = {
EnableCrafter = true, -- Turn Crafter function on / off
EnableTrunk = true, -- Turn Trunk fuction on / off
EnableGloveBox = true, -- Turn Glovebox function on / off
EnableSearchPlayer = true -- Turn SearchPlayer fuction on / off
Info = {
MaxCapacityWithOutBag = 500, -- in kg
allowmultipleitemconsumption = true, -- Can players consume several items at once?
DistanceOfMaxGivingItems = 10.0, -- Maximum distance in meters to give an item to another player
Trunk = {
CheckForDoorState = true, -- If false the script will only be looking if the runk is closed
NoTrunkCarClass = {
-- Select vehicle classes without luggage compartment
CarClassWeight = {
[0] = 45, --Compact
[1] = 45, --Sedan
[2] = 75, --SUV
[3] = 45, --Coupes
[4] = 45, --Muscle
[5] = 45, --Sports Classics
[6] = 45, --Sports
[7] = 45, --Super
[8] = 0, --Motorcycles
[9] = 45, --Off-road
[10] = 300, --Industrial
[11] = 45, --Utility
[12] = 100, --Vans
[13] = 0, --Cycles
[14] = 50, --Boats
[15] = 10, --Helicopters
[16] = 10, --Planes
[17] = 45, --Service
[18] = 45, --Emergency
[19] = 45, --Military
[20] = 500, --Commercial
[21] = 0 --Trains
MaxTrunkDistance = 2.5, -- Maximum distance in meters to open the trunk
EverySeatAnotherStash = false -- Should there be a different new glove compartment for every seat in the car?
SearchPlayer = {
ShowIngameName = true -- If false the steam name will be shown
DropItems = {
MarkerDistance = 7.0, -- Maximum visible range of the marker
OpenDropItems = 4.0, -- area in meters where you can open the garbage on the floor
ClusterItems = 5.0, -- within this radius in meters, the items are stacked in a pile of garbage
MaxDropWeight = 10000 -- Maximum weight that can be dropped on one point
Crafter = {
AllowedJobs = {
-- Permitted jobs that can open the Crafter
["unemployed"] = true
Markers = {
MarkerSelectPlayer = {
-- marker over the head
markersize = vector3(0.3, 0.3, 0.2),
markertype = 0,
markercolor = {r = 255, g = 1, b = 1}
DropMarker = {
-- marker on the ground
markersize = vector3(0.3, 0.3, 0.2),
markertype = 2,
markercolor = {r = 255, g = 1, b = 1}
Controls = {
-- Control keys for give an item to another player - change at your own risk!
NextPlayerGiftItem = 335,
PreviousPlayerGiftItem = 334,
GiftPlayer = 191,
CancelAction = 194
Animation = {
PlayerInv = {
-- Animation which should be played when you open a player inventory
active = false,
AnimDict = "mp_common",
AnimName = "givetake1_a"
TakeItem = {
-- Animation which should be played when you want to pick up an item
active = false,
AnimDict = "pickup_object",
AnimName = "putdown_low"
Config.CraftableItems = {
-- You can add up to 6 items that are needed to create the item.
name = "cheeseburger", -- item name
label = "Cheese Burger", -- item display name
timeinsec = 15, -- how long should the craft action last in seconds
required = {
itemname = "bread", -- item name
itemamount = 1 -- how many items are needed
itemname = "cheese", -- item name
itemamount = 1 -- how many items are needed
name = "joint",
label = "Joint",
timeinsec = 15,
required = {
itemname = "paper",
itemamount = 1
itemname = "weed",
itemamount = 5
itemname = "filter",
itemamount = 1
name = "kebab",
label = "Kebab",
timeinsec = 15,
required = {
itemname = "doener",
itemamount = 5
itemname = "bread",
itemamount = 1
itemname = "salat",
itemamount = 5
If you find any errors in the configuration and you can't fix them yourself, open a ticket!
Last updated