Check the standard Config!
Config = {}
Config.Start = {
esxevent = "esx:getSharedObject",
oxinventory = false,
codemInv = true,
coreinventory = false,
language = "de", -- de, pl, en, fr
ShowBlip = true, -- If true then a Blip will be created. if false then not!
Blips = {
Blipsprite = 119, -- Blip Sprite
BlipColor = 37,
BlipName = "FFA"
PedOrMarker = true, -- If true then Ped. If false then Marker
Marker = {
markertype = 1, -- Type of the Marker
size = vector(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), -- Size of the Marker
color = 1 -- Color of the Marker
Ped = {
pedmodel = GetHashKey("s_m_y_armymech_01") -- Ped model
Locations = {
-- Points where the People can join the ffa
{x = 528.54815673828, y = -3057.1840820313, z = 6.0696277618408, h = 1.0679651498795},
{x = -265.68548583984, y = -2016.3725585938, z = 30.145582199097, h = 222.11012268066} -- x,y,z coordinate. If you have Peds activated then you have to insert a heading aka h. With a marker you can leave it on standart!
deathtimer = 5, -- Respawntime in seconds
zonecolor = {r = 255, g = 0, b = 0}
Config.Notifys = {
Inmenu = {
InfoLength = 2, -- In seconds
ErrorLength = 2, -- In seconds
WaitLength = 2 -- In seconds
OutOfMenu = {
KillLength = 2, -- In seconds
KilledLength = 2, -- In seconds
GetIntoFFALength = 2, -- In seconds
LeaveFFALenght = 2 -- In seconds
Config.Custom = {
defaultmaxplayer = 20,
Maps = {
name = "HAFEN",
src = "", -- Low frame
img = "", -- Main frame
middlecoords = vector3(978.52, -3034.07, 5.9),
infinitammo = true,
dimension = 100,
ZoneRadius = 50.0,
ZoneHoehe = 50.0,
SpawnCoords = {
{x = 964.21, y = -3017.98, z = 5.9, heading = 266.47},
{x = 963.73, y = -3049.73, z = 5.9, heading = 268.35},
{x = 1002.05, y = -3072.99, z = 5.9, heading = 48.77},
{x = 961.08, y = -3034.39, z = 5.9, heading = 267.91},
{x = 992.28, y = -2994.05, z = 5.9, heading = 165.08}
Weapons = {
label = "AssoultSMG",
name = "weapon_assaultsmg",
src = "",
attachments = false
Config.StandartFFA = {
name = "Only Revolver",
spielermax = 10,
img = "",
middlecoords = vector3(978.52, -3034.07, 5.9),
weapons = {
name = "WEAPON_REVOLVER", -- Weapon name
label = "Revolver", -- Label that will be displayed on the UI
attachments = {
} -- If you don't want any weapon essays, then leave this field on standart
infinitammo = true,
dimension = 100,
ZoneRadius = 50.0,
ZoneHoehe = 50.0,
SpawnCoords = {
{x = 964.21, y = -3017.98, z = 5.9, heading = 266.47},
{x = 963.73, y = -3049.73, z = 5.9, heading = 268.35},
{x = 1002.05, y = -3072.99, z = 5.9, heading = 48.77},
{x = 961.08, y = -3034.39, z = 5.9, heading = 267.91},
{x = 992.28, y = -2994.05, z = 5.9, heading = 165.08}
Config.Discord = {
time = 60, -- Do not make it less then 60 min
On = true,
title = "FFA Ergebnisse",
color = 11027200,
avatar_url = "",
footertext = "S-Scripts",
icon_url = "",
thumbnailurl = "",
webhook = "Your Webhook",
Sorting = 1, -- 1 Sort by kd; 2 Sort by kill; 3 Sort by deaths; 4 Random
top = 10
If you find any errors in the configuration and you can't fix them yourself, open a ticket!
Last updated