Check the standard Config!
Config = {}
Config.Framework = { -- Framework Settings
["Export"] = {
["UseExport"] = true,
["ResourceName"] = "es_extended"
["Event"] = {
["EventName"] = "esx:getSharedObject"
Config.Locale = "en" -- Language
Config.Marker = {
type = 21,
size = {
x = 0.5,
y = 0.5,
z = 0.5
color = {
r = 249,
g = 28,
b = 42,
a = 144
rotate = true,
jump = false,
drawdistance = 10.0 -- Distance to see the marker
Config.Blips = {
Shops = {
["shop"] = {
enabled = true,
sprite = 52,
color = 2,
scale = 0.7,
text = "Supermarket"
["blackmarket"] = {
enabled = true,
sprite = 626,
color = 75,
scale = 0.7,
text = "Blackmarket"
["constructionmarket"] = {
enabled = true,
sprite = 779,
color = 17,
scale = 0.7,
text = "Construction market"
Robbery = {
enabled = true,
sprite = 156,
scale = 0.7,
text = "Robbery"
RobberyDispatch = {
RadiusOfBlip = 100,
blipspriteradius = 161,
middleblipsprite = 137, -- Sprite of Blip
display = 6, -- Display
scale = 1.0, -- Scale = Float
colour = 3
RobberPolice = {
timeuntilblipremove = 1 * 60000 -- 1 minute
Config.Categories = { -- Shop Categories
["shop"] = { -- Shop Type
label = "Products", -- Category Name
icon = [[
<svg class="category-icn" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 15 15" fill="none"><path d="M14.09 5.76983C13.7575 5.38658 13.2757 5.16667 12.7676 5.16667H12.7175C12.4264 2.54517 10.198 0.5 7.50013 0.5C4.80221 0.5 2.57388 2.54517 2.28279 5.16667H2.25013C1.74263 5.16667 1.26138 5.38658 0.928294 5.76983C0.59521 6.15308 0.445877 6.66117 0.517627 7.16458L1.13654 11.4952C1.38154 13.2085 2.87138 14.5 4.60154 14.5H10.4168C12.147 14.5 13.6368 13.2079 13.8818 11.4952L14.5007 7.16458C14.5725 6.66175 14.4225 6.15367 14.09 5.76983ZM7.50013 1.66667C9.55346 1.66667 11.2574 3.19092 11.5415 5.16667H3.45879C3.74288 3.19092 5.44679 1.66667 7.50013 1.66667ZM5.16679 11.5833C5.16679 11.9059 4.90604 12.1667 4.58346 12.1667C4.26088 12.1667 4.00013 11.9059 4.00013 11.5833V8.08333C4.00013 7.76075 4.26088 7.5 4.58346 7.5C4.90604 7.5 5.16679 7.76075 5.16679 8.08333V11.5833ZM8.08346 11.5833C8.08346 11.9059 7.82271 12.1667 7.50013 12.1667C7.17754 12.1667 6.91679 11.9059 6.91679 11.5833V8.08333C6.91679 7.76075 7.17754 7.5 7.50013 7.5C7.82271 7.5 8.08346 7.76075 8.08346 8.08333V11.5833ZM11.0001 11.5833C11.0001 11.9059 10.7394 12.1667 10.4168 12.1667C10.0942 12.1667 9.83346 11.9059 9.83346 11.5833V8.08333C9.83346 7.76075 10.0942 7.5 10.4168 7.5C10.7394 7.5 11.0001 7.76075 11.0001 8.08333V11.5833Z" fill="var(--main-clr)"/></svg>
]] -- SVG Icon for the category
label = "Food", -- Category Name
icon = [[
<svg class="category-icn" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 15 15" fill="none"><path d="M14.5 10.1254V10.4171H5.75C5.71383 10.0496 5.75465 9.67867 5.86987 9.32788C5.98508 8.9771 6.17216 8.65418 6.41916 8.37974C6.66616 8.10529 6.96765 7.88535 7.30441 7.73395C7.64116 7.58255 8.00578 7.50301 8.375 7.50041H11.875C12.5712 7.50041 13.2389 7.77697 13.7311 8.26925C14.2234 8.76153 14.5 9.42921 14.5 10.1254ZM11.1167 12.6507C11.0209 12.7145 10.9083 12.7485 10.7932 12.7485C10.6781 12.7485 10.5655 12.7145 10.4697 12.6507L8.86675 11.5837H5.75C5.71392 11.9512 5.75481 12.3221 5.87006 12.6728C5.98531 13.0236 6.17239 13.3465 6.41937 13.6209C6.66635 13.8953 6.96781 14.1153 7.30452 14.2667C7.64123 14.4181 8.00581 14.4977 8.375 14.5004H11.875C12.2442 14.4978 12.6088 14.4183 12.9456 14.2669C13.2823 14.1155 13.5838 13.8955 13.8308 13.6211C14.0778 13.3466 14.2649 13.0237 14.3801 12.6729C14.4953 12.3221 14.5362 11.9512 14.5 11.5837H12.7208L11.1167 12.6507ZM4.58333 10.1254V11.8754C4.58343 12.858 4.96683 13.8019 5.65199 14.5062H4.31033C3.59973 14.5054 2.91383 14.2455 2.38119 13.7751C1.84855 13.3047 1.50573 12.6563 1.41699 11.9512L0.534411 4.91741C0.489003 4.66521 0.499158 4.40615 0.564168 4.15829C0.629179 3.91043 0.747479 3.67973 0.910819 3.48229C1.07416 3.28485 1.2786 3.12542 1.5099 3.01512C1.74119 2.90482 1.99376 2.8463 2.24999 2.84366H6.10991L6.21083 2.03632C6.26383 1.61336 6.46939 1.22428 6.78892 0.942127C7.10845 0.659975 7.51997 0.504151 7.94625 0.503906H9.83333C9.98804 0.503906 10.1364 0.565364 10.2458 0.674761C10.3552 0.784157 10.4167 0.93253 10.4167 1.08724C10.4167 1.24195 10.3552 1.39032 10.2458 1.49972C10.1364 1.60911 9.98804 1.67057 9.83333 1.67057H7.94625C7.31041 1.67057 7.34716 2.39682 7.28474 2.84424H8.66666C8.92817 2.84609 9.18597 2.9062 9.42133 3.0202C9.65669 3.13419 9.86368 3.2992 10.0273 3.50323C10.1908 3.70727 10.3069 3.94519 10.367 4.1997C10.4271 4.45421 10.4297 4.71892 10.3747 4.97457L10.2037 6.33374H8.375C7.36967 6.33467 6.40578 6.73444 5.69491 7.44532C4.98403 8.15619 4.58426 9.12008 4.58333 10.1254ZM7.13833 4.01091L6.99425 5.16707H9.17591L9.2255 4.77332C9.25259 4.68548 9.25878 4.59252 9.24357 4.50186C9.22835 4.4112 9.19216 4.32535 9.13787 4.25117C9.08357 4.17699 9.01269 4.11652 8.93088 4.07461C8.84907 4.03269 8.75859 4.01047 8.66666 4.00974L7.13833 4.01091ZM5.81883 5.16707L5.96408 4.00857H2.24999C2.16287 4.00916 2.07697 4.02915 1.99853 4.06708C1.92009 4.105 1.85108 4.15992 1.79651 4.22784C1.74194 4.29576 1.70318 4.37498 1.68304 4.45974C1.6629 4.54451 1.66189 4.6327 1.68008 4.71791L1.73841 5.16707H5.81883Z" fill="var(--main-clr)"/></svg>
]] -- SVG Icon for the category
label = "Tools", -- Category Name
icon = [[
<svg class="category-icn" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 15 15" fill="none"><path d="M13.6641 9.60251C12.944 8.88181 11.9447 8.57649 10.6614 8.92042L6.08515 4.33958L6.14564 4.11087C6.40921 3.12196 6.12442 2.05897 5.40265 1.3372C4.66776 0.60174 3.62301 0.331884 2.63495 0.603298C2.49405 0.64199 2.38437 0.752705 2.34704 0.89399C2.30972 1.03527 2.35065 1.18545 2.45393 1.28878L3.5558 2.39065C3.87794 2.71358 3.87479 3.23076 3.5566 3.54981C3.24091 3.86634 2.71028 3.86585 2.39585 3.5506L1.29376 2.44843C1.19043 2.34504 1.03982 2.30449 0.898537 2.34203C0.757225 2.37955 0.64692 2.4895 0.608365 2.63054C0.340916 3.60775 0.604018 4.65898 1.34244 5.3974C2.06229 6.11777 3.06031 6.42418 4.3444 6.07951L8.92095 10.6604C8.57942 11.9433 8.87403 12.9329 9.60386 13.6627C10.3397 14.3991 11.3849 14.667 12.3708 14.3964C12.5118 14.3578 12.6215 14.247 12.6588 14.1058C12.6962 13.9645 12.6553 13.8143 12.5519 13.7109L11.4503 12.6093C11.1282 12.2864 11.1313 11.7691 11.4495 11.4501C11.7691 11.1321 12.2986 11.1372 12.6102 11.4497L13.7124 12.5516C13.8158 12.6549 13.9664 12.6955 14.1076 12.6579C14.2489 12.6204 14.3592 12.5105 14.3978 12.3695C14.6652 11.3924 14.4022 10.3409 13.6641 9.60251Z" fill="var(--main-clr)"/><path d="M4.89008 7.78906L0.980147 11.6995C0.340276 12.3394 0.340276 13.3799 0.980147 14.0197C1.62002 14.6596 2.66056 14.6596 3.3004 14.0197L7.21026 10.1094L4.89008 7.78906ZM2.91507 12.7469C2.75484 12.9071 2.49535 12.9071 2.33511 12.7469C2.17491 12.5867 2.17491 12.3271 2.33511 12.1669L4.82285 9.67871C4.98305 9.5185 5.24263 9.5185 5.40281 9.67871C5.56301 9.83891 5.56301 10.0985 5.40281 10.2587L2.91507 12.7469Z" fill="var(--main-clr)"/><path d="M14.3796 1.32723L13.6725 0.620153C13.5394 0.48707 13.3329 0.461641 13.1715 0.55841L10.9964 1.86334C10.7675 2.00063 10.7286 2.31637 10.9173 2.50507L11.0905 2.67815L8.32928 5.42803L9.48962 6.58836L12.2508 3.83848L12.4947 4.08242C12.6834 4.27106 12.9991 4.23223 13.1364 4.00337L14.4413 1.82825C14.5381 1.66684 14.5126 1.46032 14.3796 1.32723Z" fill="var(--main-clr)"/></svg>
]] -- SVG Icon for the category
label = "Electronic", -- Category Name
icon = [[
<svg class="category-icn" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 15 15" fill="none"><path d="M5.75 5.75H9.25V9.25H5.75V5.75ZM13.3333 6.91667V8.08333H13.9167C14.2375 8.08333 14.5 8.34583 14.5 8.66667C14.5 8.9875 14.2375 9.25 13.9167 9.25H13.3333V10.4167H13.9167C14.2375 10.4167 14.5 10.6792 14.5 11C14.5 11.3208 14.2375 11.5833 13.9167 11.5833H13.0883C12.7967 12.2542 12.2542 12.7908 11.5833 13.0883V13.9167C11.5833 14.2375 11.3208 14.5 11 14.5C10.6792 14.5 10.4167 14.2375 10.4167 13.9167V13.3333H9.25V13.9167C9.25 14.2375 8.9875 14.5 8.66667 14.5C8.34583 14.5 8.08333 14.2375 8.08333 13.9167V13.3333H6.91667V13.9167C6.91667 14.2375 6.65417 14.5 6.33333 14.5C6.0125 14.5 5.75 14.2375 5.75 13.9167V13.3333H4.58333V13.9167C4.58333 14.2375 4.32083 14.5 4 14.5C3.67917 14.5 3.41667 14.2375 3.41667 13.9167V13.0883C2.74583 12.7967 2.20917 12.2542 1.91167 11.5833H1.08333C0.7625 11.5833 0.5 11.3208 0.5 11C0.5 10.6792 0.7625 10.4167 1.08333 10.4167H1.66667V9.25H1.08333C0.7625 9.25 0.5 8.9875 0.5 8.66667C0.5 8.34583 0.7625 8.08333 1.08333 8.08333H1.66667V6.91667H1.08333C0.7625 6.91667 0.5 6.65417 0.5 6.33333C0.5 6.0125 0.7625 5.75 1.08333 5.75H1.66667V4.58333H1.08333C0.7625 4.58333 0.5 4.32083 0.5 4C0.5 3.67917 0.7625 3.41667 1.08333 3.41667H1.91167C2.20333 2.74583 2.74583 2.20917 3.41667 1.91167V1.08333C3.41667 0.7625 3.67917 0.5 4 0.5C4.32083 0.5 4.58333 0.7625 4.58333 1.08333V1.66667H5.75V1.08333C5.75 0.7625 6.0125 0.5 6.33333 0.5C6.65417 0.5 6.91667 0.7625 6.91667 1.08333V1.66667H8.08333V1.08333C8.08333 0.7625 8.34583 0.5 8.66667 0.5C8.9875 0.5 9.25 0.7625 9.25 1.08333V1.66667H10.4167V1.08333C10.4167 0.7625 10.6792 0.5 11 0.5C11.3208 0.5 11.5833 0.7625 11.5833 1.08333V1.91167C12.2542 2.20333 12.7908 2.74583 13.0883 3.41667H13.9167C14.2375 3.41667 14.5 3.67917 14.5 4C14.5 4.32083 14.2375 4.58333 13.9167 4.58333H13.3333V5.75H13.9167C14.2375 5.75 14.5 6.0125 14.5 6.33333C14.5 6.65417 14.2375 6.91667 13.9167 6.91667H13.3333ZM10.4167 9.83333V5.16667C10.4167 4.84583 10.1542 4.58333 9.83333 4.58333H5.16667C4.84583 4.58333 4.58333 4.84583 4.58333 5.16667V9.83333C4.58333 10.1542 4.84583 10.4167 5.16667 10.4167H9.83333C10.1542 10.4167 10.4167 10.1542 10.4167 9.83333Z" fill="#FF3636"/></svg>
]] -- SVG Icon for the category
["blackmarket"] = { -- Category
label = "Equipment", -- Category Name
icon = [[
<svg class="category-icn" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 15 15" fill="none"><path d="M14.4897 0.23537C14.312 0.0736512 14.0352 0.0892664 13.8653 0.259159L13.7308 0.393661L13.4292 0.0921082C13.3172 -0.019923 13.1348 -0.0332238 13.0158 0.071366C12.8853 0.185946 12.8805 0.384813 13.0013 0.505604L13.3101 0.814364L12.8065 1.31795L12.6276 1.13903C12.4533 0.964745 12.1708 0.964745 11.9965 1.13903L8.81301 4.32255C8.68677 4.44879 8.65249 4.63169 8.70912 4.78922L8.39187 5.10647C8.34303 5.08851 8.29115 5.07861 8.23812 5.07861C8.11979 5.07861 8.00626 5.12563 7.92259 5.20931L7.42308 5.70882L6.9524 5.23813C6.69447 4.98018 6.28674 4.95943 6.004 5.18985L4.18337 6.67315C4.02828 6.79951 3.9335 6.98657 3.92333 7.18638C3.91317 7.38615 3.98846 7.58188 4.12991 7.72333L4.76925 8.36267L4.26974 8.86219C4.18607 8.94586 4.13905 9.05938 4.13905 9.17771C4.13905 9.23174 4.1493 9.28456 4.16788 9.33416L3.85909 9.63926C3.70153 9.58263 3.51863 9.6169 3.39242 9.74314L0.494838 12.6407C0.317504 12.8181 0.321078 13.1067 0.502778 13.2795L2.18184 14.877C2.37836 15.064 2.69483 15.0339 2.8525 14.8131L5.23841 11.4734C5.35991 11.2962 5.33785 11.0575 5.18588 10.9056L4.94281 10.6625L5.19066 10.4142L5.58303 10.8065L6.32969 13.031C6.39201 13.2166 6.56527 13.3353 6.75253 13.3353C6.79132 13.3353 6.83073 13.3302 6.8699 13.3195L8.78571 12.7982C8.93081 12.7587 9.05199 12.6532 9.10068 12.5109C9.16991 12.3086 9.08779 12.0921 8.91215 11.9844L8.7272 11.871L8.15143 9.75498L8.67239 9.31286C9.46074 9.8719 10.4089 10.1777 11.384 10.1777C11.5498 10.1777 11.7164 10.1689 11.8832 10.1509C12.0477 10.1332 12.1882 10.0237 12.2482 9.86956L12.7567 8.56427C12.8132 8.4191 12.7899 8.25498 12.6953 8.13123C12.6007 8.00748 12.4484 7.942 12.2935 7.95861C11.5379 8.03927 10.7856 7.88906 10.1293 7.54476C10.1324 7.51506 10.1348 7.48526 10.1361 7.45526C10.1526 7.05015 9.99766 6.65335 9.71096 6.36665L9.47483 6.13052L9.73235 5.873L10.1741 6.31474C10.258 6.39867 10.3716 6.44543 10.4896 6.44543C10.4988 6.44543 10.5081 6.44514 10.5174 6.44455C10.6452 6.43658 10.7634 6.37409 10.8419 6.27299L13.6261 2.69013C13.7642 2.51247 13.7484 2.25987 13.5893 2.10079L13.4375 1.949L14.5052 0.881278C14.6846 0.701981 14.6794 0.408016 14.4897 0.23537ZM6.64847 9.06017L6.4199 9.28872C6.3618 9.34679 6.28569 9.37585 6.20955 9.37585C6.1334 9.37585 6.05726 9.34682 5.99919 9.28872C5.88303 9.17256 5.88303 8.98418 5.99922 8.86802L6.2278 8.63947C6.34399 8.52331 6.53237 8.52331 6.6485 8.63947C6.76466 8.75563 6.76466 8.94401 6.64847 9.06017ZM5.40031 7.73162L4.90504 7.23636L6.43885 5.98673L6.79203 6.3399L5.40031 7.73162Z" fill="#FF3636"/></svg>
]] -- SVG Icon for the category
label = "Drugs", -- Category Name
icon = [[
<svg class="category-icn" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 15 15" fill="none"><path d="M7.6505 12.9413C7.19142 12.3142 6.91667 11.5437 6.91667 10.7083C6.91667 8.61767 8.61767 6.91667 10.7083 6.91667C11.5437 6.91667 12.3137 7.19142 12.9413 7.6505L7.6505 12.9413ZM8.47533 13.7662C9.10242 14.2253 9.873 14.5 10.7078 14.5C12.7984 14.5 14.4994 12.799 14.4994 10.7083C14.4994 9.873 14.2247 9.103 13.7656 8.47533L8.47533 13.7656V13.7662ZM7.49942 6.91667V4C7.49942 2.07033 5.92908 0.5 3.99942 0.5C2.06975 0.5 0.5 2.07033 0.5 4V6.91667H7.5H7.49942ZM5.74942 10.7083C5.74942 9.74292 6.02942 8.84517 6.50658 8.08333H0.5V11C0.5 12.9297 2.07033 14.5 4 14.5C5.00275 14.5 5.90633 14.0736 6.54508 13.3952C6.044 12.6205 5.75 11.6994 5.75 10.7083H5.74942Z" fill="#FF3636"/></svg>
]] -- SVG Icon for the category
["constructionmarket"] = { -- Category
label = "Tools", -- Category Name
icon = [[
<svg class="category-icn" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 15 15" fill="none"><path d="M13.6641 9.60251C12.944 8.88181 11.9447 8.57649 10.6614 8.92042L6.08515 4.33958L6.14564 4.11087C6.40921 3.12196 6.12442 2.05897 5.40265 1.3372C4.66776 0.60174 3.62301 0.331884 2.63495 0.603298C2.49405 0.64199 2.38437 0.752705 2.34704 0.89399C2.30972 1.03527 2.35065 1.18545 2.45393 1.28878L3.5558 2.39065C3.87794 2.71358 3.87479 3.23076 3.5566 3.54981C3.24091 3.86634 2.71028 3.86585 2.39585 3.5506L1.29376 2.44843C1.19043 2.34504 1.03982 2.30449 0.898537 2.34203C0.757225 2.37955 0.64692 2.4895 0.608365 2.63054C0.340916 3.60775 0.604018 4.65898 1.34244 5.3974C2.06229 6.11777 3.06031 6.42418 4.3444 6.07951L8.92095 10.6604C8.57942 11.9433 8.87403 12.9329 9.60386 13.6627C10.3397 14.3991 11.3849 14.667 12.3708 14.3964C12.5118 14.3578 12.6215 14.247 12.6588 14.1058C12.6962 13.9645 12.6553 13.8143 12.5519 13.7109L11.4503 12.6093C11.1282 12.2864 11.1313 11.7691 11.4495 11.4501C11.7691 11.1321 12.2986 11.1372 12.6102 11.4497L13.7124 12.5516C13.8158 12.6549 13.9664 12.6955 14.1076 12.6579C14.2489 12.6204 14.3592 12.5105 14.3978 12.3695C14.6652 11.3924 14.4022 10.3409 13.6641 9.60251Z" fill="var(--main-clr)"/><path d="M4.89008 7.78906L0.980147 11.6995C0.340276 12.3394 0.340276 13.3799 0.980147 14.0197C1.62002 14.6596 2.66056 14.6596 3.3004 14.0197L7.21026 10.1094L4.89008 7.78906ZM2.91507 12.7469C2.75484 12.9071 2.49535 12.9071 2.33511 12.7469C2.17491 12.5867 2.17491 12.3271 2.33511 12.1669L4.82285 9.67871C4.98305 9.5185 5.24263 9.5185 5.40281 9.67871C5.56301 9.83891 5.56301 10.0985 5.40281 10.2587L2.91507 12.7469Z" fill="var(--main-clr)"/><path d="M14.3796 1.32723L13.6725 0.620153C13.5394 0.48707 13.3329 0.461641 13.1715 0.55841L10.9964 1.86334C10.7675 2.00063 10.7286 2.31637 10.9173 2.50507L11.0905 2.67815L8.32928 5.42803L9.48962 6.58836L12.2508 3.83848L12.4947 4.08242C12.6834 4.27106 12.9991 4.23223 13.1364 4.00337L14.4413 1.82825C14.5381 1.66684 14.5126 1.46032 14.3796 1.32723Z" fill="var(--main-clr)"/></svg>
]] -- SVG Icon for the category
Config.Robbery = { -- Robbery Settings
MaxDistance = 20, -- How far can robbers move away from the marker before the robbery stops?
PoliceJob = "police",
WeaponNeeded = false, -- weapon needed to rob a shop?
Cooldown = {
enabled = true,
time = 600 --seconds
Config.HelpNotify = function(msg)
exports["S-HUD"]:MakeHelpNotify("E", msg)
Config.Notify = function(message)
exports["S-HUD"]:MakeNotifyInfo("info", "Shops", message)
ConfigServer = {}
ConfigServer.Discord = {
On = true,
title = "S-Shops",
author = "S-Roleplay",
color = 16711680,
avatar_url = "",
footertext = "S-Scripts",
icon_url = "",
thumbnailurl = ""
ConfigServer.Webhooks = {
["Default"] = ""
Config.Shops = {
id = 1, -- 1,2,3,4,5....
type = "shop", -- You can create unlimited types in config.lua (Config.Blips and Config.Categories)
coords = vector3(1727.6478271484, 6415.3452148438, 35.037212371826),
npcheading = 243.96722412109,
blackmoney = false, -- Pay only with blackmoney
openinghours = {
enabled = true,
open = 6, -- 6 = 6 am, 18 = 6 pm | 6 = 6 uhr morgens
close = 23 -- 6 = 6 am, 18 = 6 pm | 6 = 6 uhr morgens
visuals = {
npc = {
enabled = true,
model = "mp_m_shopkeep_01"
marker = {
enabled = false,
type = 21,
size = {
x = 0.5,
y = 0.5,
z = 0.5
color = {
r = 249,
g = 28,
b = 42,
a = 144
rotate = true,
jump = false,
drawdistance = 10.0
robbery = {
enabled = true,
onlywhenopen = false,
minpolice = 0, -- How many police officers need to be online
coords = vector3(1736.5358886719, 6419.154296875, 35.037273406982),
time = 1, --minutes
reward = {
money = {
enabled = true,
type = "black_money", -- black_money or money or bank
amount = 12000 -- 1200 for a fixed price or math.random(0, 12000) for a random amount between 0 - 12000
items = {
enabled = false,
random = 3, -- false = All Items | Number = Max Random Items from List
items = {
name = "bread",
amount = 10
name = "meth",
amount = 5
id = 2, -- 1,2,3,4,5....
type = "shop", -- You can create unlimited types in config.lua (Config.Blips and Config.Categories)
coords = vector3(1697.9812011719, 4922.7685546875, 42.063694000244),
npcheading = 325.96978759766,
blackmoney = false,
openinghours = {
enabled = true,
open = 6, -- 6 = 6 am, 18 = 6 pm | 6 = 6 uhr morgens
close = 23 -- 6 = 6 am, 18 = 6 pm | 6 = 6 uhr morgens
visuals = {
npc = {
enabled = true,
model = "mp_m_shopkeep_01"
marker = {
enabled = false,
type = 21,
size = {
x = 0.5,
y = 0.5,
z = 0.5
color = {
r = 249,
g = 28,
b = 42,
a = 144
rotate = true,
jump = false,
drawdistance = 10.0
robbery = {
enabled = true,
onlywhenopen = false,
minpolice = 0, -- How many police officers need to be online
coords = vector3(1707.2960205078, 4919.423828125, 42.063690185547),
time = 1, --minutes
reward = {
money = {
enabled = true,
type = "black_money", -- black_money or money or bank
amount = 12000 -- 1200 for a fixed price or math.random(0, 12000) for a random amount between 0 - 12000
items = {
enabled = false,
random = 3, -- false = All Items | Number = Max Random Items from List
items = {
name = "bread",
amount = 10
name = "meth",
amount = 5
id = 3, -- 1,2,3,4,5....
type = "shop", -- You can create unlimited types in config.lua (Config.Blips and Config.Categories)
coords = vector3(1392.8513183594, 3606.5314941406, 34.980941772461),
npcheading = 198.55979919434,
blackmoney = false,
openinghours = {
enabled = true,
open = 6, -- 6 = 6 am, 18 = 6 pm | 6 = 6 uhr morgens
close = 23 -- 6 = 6 am, 18 = 6 pm | 6 = 6 uhr morgens
visuals = {
npc = {
enabled = true,
model = "mp_m_shopkeep_01"
marker = {
enabled = false,
type = 21,
size = {
x = 0.5,
y = 0.5,
z = 0.5
color = {
r = 249,
g = 28,
b = 42,
a = 144
rotate = true,
jump = false,
drawdistance = 10.0
robbery = {
enabled = true,
onlywhenopen = false,
minpolice = 0, -- How many police officers need to be online
coords = vector3(1395.4213867188, 3613.1901855469, 34.980918884277),
time = 1, --minutes
reward = {
money = {
enabled = true,
type = "black_money", -- black_money or money or bank
amount = 12000 -- 1200 for a fixed price or math.random(0, 12000) for a random amount between 0 - 12000
items = {
enabled = false,
random = 3, -- false = All Items | Number = Max Random Items from List
items = {
name = "bread",
amount = 10
name = "meth",
amount = 5
id = 4, -- 1,2,3,4,5....
type = "shop", -- You can create unlimited types in config.lua (Config.Blips and Config.Categories)
coords = vector3(2678.0090332031, 3279.2783203125, 55.241115570068),
npcheading = 337.25201416016,
blackmoney = false,
openinghours = {
enabled = true,
open = 6, -- 6 = 6 am, 18 = 6 pm | 6 = 6 uhr morgens
close = 23 -- 6 = 6 am, 18 = 6 pm | 6 = 6 uhr morgens
visuals = {
npc = {
enabled = true,
model = "mp_m_shopkeep_01"
marker = {
enabled = false,
type = 21,
size = {
x = 0.5,
y = 0.5,
z = 0.5
color = {
r = 249,
g = 28,
b = 42,
a = 144
rotate = true,
jump = false,
drawdistance = 10.0
robbery = {
enabled = true,
onlywhenopen = false,
minpolice = 0, -- How many police officers need to be online
coords = vector3(2674.5405273438, 3288.3615722656, 55.241188049316),
time = 1, --minutes
reward = {
money = {
enabled = true,
type = "black_money", -- black_money or money or bank
amount = 12000 -- 1200 for a fixed price or math.random(0, 12000) for a random amount between 0 - 12000
items = {
enabled = false,
random = 3, -- false = All Items | Number = Max Random Items from List
items = {
name = "bread",
amount = 10
name = "meth",
amount = 5
id = 5, -- 1,2,3,4,5....
type = "shop", -- You can create unlimited types in config.lua (Config.Blips and Config.Categories)
coords = vector3(1165.9630126953, 2710.8520507812, 38.157764434814),
npcheading = 178.42976379395,
blackmoney = false,
openinghours = {
enabled = true,
open = 6, -- 6 = 6 am, 18 = 6 pm | 6 = 6 uhr morgens
close = 23 -- 6 = 6 am, 18 = 6 pm | 6 = 6 uhr morgens
visuals = {
npc = {
enabled = true,
model = "mp_m_shopkeep_01"
marker = {
enabled = false,
type = 21,
size = {
x = 0.5,
y = 0.5,
z = 0.5
color = {
r = 249,
g = 28,
b = 42,
a = 144
rotate = true,
jump = false,
drawdistance = 10.0
robbery = {
enabled = true,
onlywhenopen = false,
minpolice = 0, -- How many police officers need to be online
coords = vector3(1168.7482910156, 2718.9887695312, 37.157619476318),
time = 1, --minutes
reward = {
money = {
enabled = true,
type = "black_money", -- black_money or money or bank
amount = 12000 -- 1200 for a fixed price or math.random(0, 12000) for a random amount between 0 - 12000
items = {
enabled = false,
random = 3, -- false = All Items | Number = Max Random Items from List
items = {
name = "bread",
amount = 10
name = "meth",
amount = 5
id = 6, -- 1,2,3,4,5....
type = "shop", -- You can create unlimited types in config.lua (Config.Blips and Config.Categories)
coords = vector3(-3242.3522949219, 999.88946533203, 12.830701828003),
npcheading = 350.66812133789,
blackmoney = false,
openinghours = {
enabled = true,
open = 6, -- 6 = 6 am, 18 = 6 pm | 6 = 6 uhr morgens
close = 23 -- 6 = 6 am, 18 = 6 pm | 6 = 6 uhr morgens
visuals = {
npc = {
enabled = true,
model = "mp_m_shopkeep_01"
marker = {
enabled = false,
type = 21,
size = {
x = 0.5,
y = 0.5,
z = 0.5
color = {
r = 249,
g = 28,
b = 42,
a = 144
rotate = true,
jump = false,
drawdistance = 10.0
robbery = {
enabled = true,
onlywhenopen = false,
minpolice = 0, -- How many police officers need to be online
coords = vector3(-3249.1198730469, 1006.8283081055, 12.830720901489),
time = 1, --minutes
reward = {
money = {
enabled = true,
type = "black_money", -- black_money or money or bank
amount = 12000 -- 1200 for a fixed price or math.random(0, 12000) for a random amount between 0 - 12000
items = {
enabled = false,
random = 3, -- false = All Items | Number = Max Random Items from List
items = {
name = "bread",
amount = 10
name = "meth",
amount = 5
id = 7, -- 1,2,3,4,5....
type = "shop", -- You can create unlimited types in config.lua (Config.Blips and Config.Categories)
coords = vector3(-3038.9350585938, 584.39044189453, 7.908926486969),
npcheading = 18.477626800537,
blackmoney = false,
openinghours = {
enabled = true,
open = 6, -- 6 = 6 am, 18 = 6 pm | 6 = 6 uhr morgens
close = 23 -- 6 = 6 am, 18 = 6 pm | 6 = 6 uhr morgens
visuals = {
npc = {
enabled = true,
model = "mp_m_shopkeep_01"
marker = {
enabled = false,
type = 21,
size = {
x = 0.5,
y = 0.5,
z = 0.5
color = {
r = 249,
g = 28,
b = 42,
a = 144
rotate = true,
jump = false,
drawdistance = 10.0
robbery = {
enabled = true,
onlywhenopen = false,
minpolice = 0, -- How many police officers need to be online
coords = vector3(-3047.8994140625, 588.08068847656, 7.9089336395264),
time = 1, --minutes
reward = {
money = {
enabled = true,
type = "black_money", -- black_money or money or bank
amount = 12000 -- 1200 for a fixed price or math.random(0, 12000) for a random amount between 0 - 12000
items = {
enabled = false,
random = 3, -- false = All Items | Number = Max Random Items from List
items = {
name = "bread",
amount = 10
name = "meth",
amount = 5
id = 8, -- 1,2,3,4,5....
type = "shop", -- You can create unlimited types in config.lua (Config.Blips and Config.Categories)
coords = vector3(-2966.3510742188, 390.90533447266, 15.043354988098),
npcheading = 82.890365600586,
blackmoney = false,
openinghours = {
enabled = true,
open = 6, -- 6 = 6 am, 18 = 6 pm | 6 = 6 uhr morgens
close = 23 -- 6 = 6 am, 18 = 6 pm | 6 = 6 uhr morgens
visuals = {
npc = {
enabled = true,
model = "mp_m_shopkeep_01"
marker = {
enabled = false,
type = 21,
size = {
x = 0.5,
y = 0.5,
z = 0.5
color = {
r = 249,
g = 28,
b = 42,
a = 144
rotate = true,
jump = false,
drawdistance = 10.0
robbery = {
enabled = true,
onlywhenopen = false,
minpolice = 0, -- How many police officers need to be online
coords = vector3(-2958.6376953125, 387.36367797852, 14.043212890625),
time = 1, --minutes
reward = {
money = {
enabled = true,
type = "black_money", -- black_money or money or bank
amount = 12000 -- 1200 for a fixed price or math.random(0, 12000) for a random amount between 0 - 12000
items = {
enabled = false,
random = 3, -- false = All Items | Number = Max Random Items from List
items = {
name = "bread",
amount = 10
name = "meth",
amount = 5
id = 9, -- 1,2,3,4,5....
type = "shop", -- You can create unlimited types in config.lua (Config.Blips and Config.Categories)
coords = vector3(-561.92596435547, 286.13513183594, 82.176483154297),
npcheading = 261.34466552734,
blackmoney = false,
openinghours = {
enabled = true,
open = 6, -- 6 = 6 am, 18 = 6 pm | 6 = 6 uhr morgens
close = 23 -- 6 = 6 am, 18 = 6 pm | 6 = 6 uhr morgens
visuals = {
npc = {
enabled = true,
model = "mp_m_shopkeep_01"
marker = {
enabled = false,
type = 21,
size = {
x = 0.5,
y = 0.5,
z = 0.5
color = {
r = 249,
g = 28,
b = 42,
a = 144
rotate = true,
jump = false,
drawdistance = 10.0
robbery = {
enabled = false,
minpolice = 0, -- How many police officers need to be online
coords = vector3(-2958.6376953125, 387.36367797852, 14.043212890625),
time = 1, --minutes
reward = {
money = {
enabled = true,
type = "black_money", -- black_money or money or bank
amount = 12000 -- 1200 for a fixed price or math.random(0, 12000) for a random amount between 0 - 12000
items = {
enabled = false,
random = 3, -- false = All Items | Number = Max Random Items from List
items = {
name = "bread",
amount = 10
name = "meth",
amount = 5
id = 10, -- 1,2,3,4,5....
type = "shop", -- You can create unlimited types in config.lua (Config.Blips and Config.Categories)
coords = vector3(372.51861572266, 326.42959594727, 103.56636810303),
npcheading = 257.31768798828,
blackmoney = false,
openinghours = {
enabled = true,
open = 6, -- 6 = 6 am, 18 = 6 pm | 6 = 6 uhr morgens
close = 23 -- 6 = 6 am, 18 = 6 pm | 6 = 6 uhr morgens
visuals = {
npc = {
enabled = true,
model = "mp_m_shopkeep_01"
marker = {
enabled = false,
type = 21,
size = {
x = 0.5,
y = 0.5,
z = 0.5
color = {
r = 249,
g = 28,
b = 42,
a = 144
rotate = true,
jump = false,
drawdistance = 10.0
robbery = {
enabled = true,
onlywhenopen = false,
minpolice = 0, -- How many police officers need to be online
coords = vector3(380.26403808594, 332.17132568359, 103.56648254395),
time = 1, --minutes
reward = {
money = {
enabled = true,
type = "black_money", -- black_money or money or bank
amount = 12000 -- 1200 for a fixed price or math.random(0, 12000) for a random amount between 0 - 12000
items = {
enabled = false,
random = 3, -- false = All Items | Number = Max Random Items from List
items = {
name = "bread",
amount = 10
name = "meth",
amount = 5
id = 11, -- 1,2,3,4,5....
type = "shop", -- You can create unlimited types in config.lua (Config.Blips and Config.Categories)
coords = vector3(1164.8032226562, -322.64898681641, 69.205169677734),
npcheading = 94.242118835449,
blackmoney = false,
openinghours = {
enabled = true,
open = 6, -- 6 = 6 am, 18 = 6 pm | 6 = 6 uhr morgens
close = 23 -- 6 = 6 am, 18 = 6 pm | 6 = 6 uhr morgens
visuals = {
npc = {
enabled = true,
model = "mp_m_shopkeep_01"
marker = {
enabled = false,
type = 21,
size = {
x = 0.5,
y = 0.5,
z = 0.5
color = {
r = 249,
g = 28,
b = 42,
a = 144
rotate = true,
jump = false,
drawdistance = 10.0
robbery = {
enabled = true,
onlywhenopen = false,
minpolice = 0, -- How many police officers need to be online
coords = vector3(1160.5952148438, -313.55923461914, 69.205017089844),
time = 1, --minutes
reward = {
money = {
enabled = true,
type = "black_money", -- black_money or money or bank
amount = 12000 -- 1200 for a fixed price or math.random(0, 12000) for a random amount between 0 - 12000
items = {
enabled = false,
random = 3, -- false = All Items | Number = Max Random Items from List
items = {
name = "bread",
amount = 10
name = "meth",
amount = 5
id = 12, -- 1,2,3,4,5....
type = "shop", -- You can create unlimited types in config.lua (Config.Blips and Config.Categories)
coords = vector3(-1486.1845703125, -378.01315307617, 40.163417816162),
npcheading = 136.25221252441,
blackmoney = false,
openinghours = {
enabled = true,
open = 6, -- 6 = 6 am, 18 = 6 pm | 6 = 6 uhr morgens
close = 23 -- 6 = 6 am, 18 = 6 pm | 6 = 6 uhr morgens
visuals = {
npc = {
enabled = true,
model = "mp_m_shopkeep_01"
marker = {
enabled = false,
type = 21,
size = {
x = 0.5,
y = 0.5,
z = 0.5
color = {
r = 249,
g = 28,
b = 42,
a = 144
rotate = true,
jump = false,
drawdistance = 10.0
robbery = {
enabled = true,
onlywhenopen = false,
minpolice = 0, -- How many police officers need to be online
coords = vector3(-1478.5848388672, -374.43869018555, 39.163333892822),
time = 1, --minutes
reward = {
money = {
enabled = true,
type = "black_money", -- black_money or money or bank
amount = 12000 -- 1200 for a fixed price or math.random(0, 12000) for a random amount between 0 - 12000
items = {
enabled = false,
random = 3, -- false = All Items | Number = Max Random Items from List
items = {
name = "bread",
amount = 10
name = "meth",
amount = 5
id = 13, -- 1,2,3,4,5....
type = "shop", -- You can create unlimited types in config.lua (Config.Blips and Config.Categories)
coords = vector3(-1221.9790039062, -908.27886962891, 12.326382637024),
npcheading = 31.130336761475,
blackmoney = false,
openinghours = {
enabled = true,
open = 6, -- 6 = 6 am, 18 = 6 pm | 6 = 6 uhr morgens
close = 23 -- 6 = 6 am, 18 = 6 pm | 6 = 6 uhr morgens
visuals = {
npc = {
enabled = true,
model = "mp_m_shopkeep_01"
marker = {
enabled = false,
type = 21,
size = {
x = 0.5,
y = 0.5,
z = 0.5
color = {
r = 249,
g = 28,
b = 42,
a = 144
rotate = true,
jump = false,
drawdistance = 10.0
robbery = {
enabled = true,
onlywhenopen = false,
minpolice = 0, -- How many police officers need to be online
coords = vector3(-1219.9521484375, -916.66729736328, 11.326261520386),
time = 1, --minutes
reward = {
money = {
enabled = true,
type = "black_money", -- black_money or money or bank
amount = 12000 -- 1200 for a fixed price or math.random(0, 12000) for a random amount between 0 - 12000
items = {
enabled = false,
random = 3, -- false = All Items | Number = Max Random Items from List
items = {
name = "bread",
amount = 10
name = "meth",
amount = 5
id = 14, -- 1,2,3,4,5....
type = "shop", -- You can create unlimited types in config.lua (Config.Blips and Config.Categories)
coords = vector3(-706.12310791016, -913.54669189453, 19.215581893921),
npcheading = 86.972198486328,
blackmoney = false,
openinghours = {
enabled = true,
open = 6, -- 6 = 6 am, 18 = 6 pm | 6 = 6 uhr morgens
close = 23 -- 6 = 6 am, 18 = 6 pm | 6 = 6 uhr morgens
visuals = {
npc = {
enabled = true,
model = "mp_m_shopkeep_01"
marker = {
enabled = false,
type = 21,
size = {
x = 0.5,
y = 0.5,
z = 0.5
color = {
r = 249,
g = 28,
b = 42,
a = 144
rotate = true,
jump = false,
drawdistance = 10.0
robbery = {
enabled = true,
onlywhenopen = false,
minpolice = 0, -- How many police officers need to be online
coords = vector3(-708.38781738281, -904.27099609375, 19.215581893921),
time = 1, --minutes
reward = {
money = {
enabled = true,
type = "black_money", -- black_money or money or bank
amount = 12000 -- 1200 for a fixed price or math.random(0, 12000) for a random amount between 0 - 12000
items = {
enabled = false,
random = 3, -- false = All Items | Number = Max Random Items from List
items = {
name = "bread",
amount = 10
name = "meth",
amount = 5
id = 15, -- 1,2,3,4,5....
type = "shop", -- You can create unlimited types in config.lua (Config.Blips and Config.Categories)
coords = vector3(1134.2451171875, -982.46887207031, 46.415836334229),
npcheading = 274.28790283203,
blackmoney = false,
openinghours = {
enabled = true,
open = 6, -- 6 = 6 am, 18 = 6 pm | 6 = 6 uhr morgens
close = 23 -- 6 = 6 am, 18 = 6 pm | 6 = 6 uhr morgens
visuals = {
npc = {
enabled = true,
model = "mp_m_shopkeep_01"
marker = {
enabled = false,
type = 21,
size = {
x = 0.5,
y = 0.5,
z = 0.5
color = {
r = 249,
g = 28,
b = 42,
a = 144
rotate = true,
jump = false,
drawdistance = 10.0
robbery = {
enabled = true,
onlywhenopen = false,
minpolice = 0, -- How many police officers need to be online
coords = vector3(1125.8070068359, -980.62359619141, 45.415767669678),
time = 1, --minutes
reward = {
money = {
enabled = true,
type = "black_money", -- black_money or money or bank
amount = 12000 -- 1200 for a fixed price or math.random(0, 12000) for a random amount between 0 - 12000
items = {
enabled = false,
random = 3, -- false = All Items | Number = Max Random Items from List
items = {
name = "bread",
amount = 10
name = "meth",
amount = 5
id = 16, -- 1,2,3,4,5....
type = "shop", -- You can create unlimited types in config.lua (Config.Blips and Config.Categories)
coords = vector3(24.3909740448, -1347.3607177734, 29.497020721436),
npcheading = 272.13919067383,
blackmoney = false,
openinghours = {
enabled = true,
open = 6, -- 6 = 6 am, 18 = 6 pm | 6 = 6 uhr morgens
close = 23 -- 6 = 6 am, 18 = 6 pm | 6 = 6 uhr morgens
visuals = {
npc = {
enabled = true,
model = "mp_m_shopkeep_01"
marker = {
enabled = false,
type = 21,
size = {
x = 0.5,
y = 0.5,
z = 0.5
color = {
r = 249,
g = 28,
b = 42,
a = 144
rotate = true,
jump = false,
drawdistance = 10.0
robbery = {
enabled = true,
onlywhenopen = false,
minpolice = 0, -- How many police officers need to be online
coords = vector3(30.329992294312, -1339.8204345703, 29.497049331665),
time = 1, --minutes
reward = {
money = {
enabled = true,
type = "black_money", -- black_money or money or bank
amount = 12000 -- 1200 for a fixed price or math.random(0, 12000) for a random amount between 0 - 12000
items = {
enabled = false,
random = 3, -- false = All Items | Number = Max Random Items from List
items = {
name = "bread",
amount = 10
name = "meth",
amount = 5
id = 17, -- 1,2,3,4,5....
type = "shop", -- You can create unlimited types in config.lua (Config.Blips and Config.Categories)
coords = vector3(-46.701179504395, -1757.9652099609, 29.421014785767),
npcheading = 50.811893463135,
blackmoney = false,
openinghours = {
enabled = true,
open = 6, -- 6 = 6 am, 18 = 6 pm | 6 = 6 uhr morgens
close = 23 -- 6 = 6 am, 18 = 6 pm | 6 = 6 uhr morgens
visuals = {
npc = {
enabled = true,
model = "mp_m_shopkeep_01"
marker = {
enabled = false,
type = 21,
size = {
x = 0.5,
y = 0.5,
z = 0.5
color = {
r = 249,
g = 28,
b = 42,
a = 144
rotate = true,
jump = false,
drawdistance = 10.0
robbery = {
enabled = true,
onlywhenopen = false,
minpolice = 0, -- How many police officers need to be online
coords = vector3(-42.566669464111, -1749.078125, 29.421020507812),
time = 1, --minutes
reward = {
money = {
enabled = true,
type = "black_money", -- black_money or money or bank
amount = 12000 -- 1200 for a fixed price or math.random(0, 12000) for a random amount between 0 - 12000
items = {
enabled = false,
random = 3, -- false = All Items | Number = Max Random Items from List
items = {
name = "bread",
amount = 10
name = "meth",
amount = 5
id = 18,
type = "blackmarket",
coords = vector3(1915.3297, 582.7209, 176.3677),
npcheading = 12.5,
blackmoney = false,
openinghours = {
enabled = true,
open = 18,
close = 22
visuals = {
npc = {
enabled = true,
model = "mp_m_shopkeep_01"
marker = {
enabled = false,
type = 21,
size = {
x = 0.5,
y = 0.5,
z = 0.5
color = {
r = 249,
g = 28,
b = 42,
a = 144
rotate = true,
jump = false,
drawdistance = 10.0
robbery = {
enabled = false,
coords = vector3(0, 0, 0),
time = 4, --minutes
reward = {
money = {
enabled = true,
type = "black_money",
amount = 12000 -- math.random(0, 12000)
items = {
enabled = true,
random = 3, -- false = All Items | Number = Max Random Items from List
items = {
name = "bread",
amount = 10
id = 18,
type = "constructionmarket",
coords = vector3(2747.4675292969, 3472.9045410156, 55.67110824585),
npcheading = 244.01777648926,
blackmoney = false,
openinghours = {
enabled = false,
open = 18,
close = 22
visuals = {
npc = {
enabled = true,
model = "mp_m_shopkeep_01"
marker = {
enabled = false,
type = 21,
size = {
x = 0.5,
y = 0.5,
z = 0.5
color = {
r = 249,
g = 28,
b = 42,
a = 144
rotate = true,
jump = false,
drawdistance = 10.0
robbery = {
enabled = false,
coords = vector3(0, 0, 0),
time = 4, --minutes
reward = {
money = {
enabled = true,
type = "black_money",
amount = 12000 -- math.random(0, 12000)
items = {
enabled = true,
random = 3, -- false = All Items | Number = Max Random Items from List
items = {
name = "bread",
amount = 10
If you find any errors in the configuration and you can't fix them yourself, open a ticket!
Last updated