Check the standard Config!
Config = {}
Config.Main = {
Information = {
language = "en",
esxevent = "es_extended",
notifys = "sservice",
msnotifytimer = 400
Function = {
Dealer = {
Defaultjob = nil,
OnBuyVehicleFuel = 10,
SpeedMultiplier = 3.6, -- For KMH
MaxValues = {
maxkmh = 400,
acceleration = 1,
fuel = 100,
seats = 6
LetterPlate = 5,
NumberPlate = 5,
TakeOnlyForJobJobName = false
testdrive = {
Bucket = {
differentdimension = true,
randomdimension = true,
setdimensionnumber = 1
NumberPlate = "TESTDRIVE", -- Plate that should be displayed
TestTime = 1, -- In minutes
PlateCharAmount = 7,
OnTestDriveFuel = 10,
TpBack = false,
finefornotdeliveringvehicle = 100,
BackWaypoint = true,
AllowedToLeaveVehicle = false,
BillDamage = {
BillWhenDamagedVehicle = true,
BillAmount = 110,
MinEngineHealth = 950.0,
MinOverAllHealth = 950.0
Visuals = {
Dealer = {
EnablePed = true,
PedDealer = {
Ped = GetHashKey("s_m_m_fiboffice_02")
MarkerDealer = {
markertype = 1, --
markersize = vector3(1.5, 1.5, 0.5),
markercolor = {r = 1, g = 1, b = 1}
Config.DealerShips = {
active = true,
dealertext = "CarDealer",
descriptiontext = "Find your dream car, we offer everything from Super Sport to Offroad!",
coords = vector4(-57.02269744873, -1098.9249267578, 26.422389984131, 21.841342926025),
vehicleshowroom = vector4(-43.543800354004, -1097.3842773438, 26.422357559204, 218.34017944336),
onbuycoords = vector4(-52.867084503174, -1108.5841064453, 26.435792922974, 95.426681518555),
testdrive = {
spawncoords = vector4(-30.013010025024, -1088.5520019531, 26.422061920166, 336.28558349609),
bringbackcoords = vector4(-30.013010025024, -1088.5520019531, 26.422061920166, 336.28558349609)
OnlyForJobs = {},
DiscountJobs = {
["lcn"] = 20
-- ["JOBNAME"] = Percent
camdistance = 5.0,
OpenTimes = {
active = false,
OpenTime = 2,
CloseTime = 20
types = {
["Sport"] = true,
["Normal"] = true,
["compact"] = true,
["Coupes"] = true,
["Cycles"] = true,
["bike"] = true,
["Muscle"] = true,
["Offroad"] = true,
["suv"] = true,
["Sedans"] = true,
["Super"] = true,
["Vans"] = true,
["Custom"] = true,
["Boats"] = false,
["Helicopters"] = false,
["Planes"] = false
Blips = {
Dealer = {
Blipsprite = 821, --
BlipColor = 24,
BlipScale = 0.8,
BlipName = "Cardealer"
GiveBackBlip = {
Blipsprite = 811, --
BlipColor = 1,
BlipScale = 0.8,
BlipName = "Bring Back Spot",
BlipRoute = true,
BlipRouteColor = 3
Visuals = {
MarkerTestDrive = {
markertype = 1, --
markersize = vector3(5.5, 5.5, 2.5),
markercolor = {r = 255, g = 1, b = 1}
active = true,
dealertext = "BoatDealer",
descriptiontext = "Find your dream boat, we offer everything from small boats to yachts!",
coords = vector4(-718.19970703125, -1327.0118408203, 1.5962911844254, 51.482158660889),
vehicleshowroom = vector4(-716.43304443359, -1343.7489013672, -0.5, 139.32934570312),
onbuycoords = vector4(-772.3994140625, -1409.1306152344, 0.46888434886932, 140.30297851562),
testdrive = {
spawncoords = vector4(-772.3994140625, -1409.1306152344, 0.46888434886932, 140.30297851562),
bringbackcoords = vector4(-806.11450195312, -1423.0838623047, 0.55591189861298, 51.196109771729)
OnlyForJobs = {},
DiscountJobs = {
["lcn"] = 20
-- ["JOBNAME"] = Percent
OpenTimes = {
active = false,
OpenTime = 2,
CloseTime = 21
camdistance = 10.0,
types = {
["Sport"] = false,
["Normal"] = false,
["compact"] = false,
["Coupes"] = false,
["Cycles"] = false,
["bike"] = false,
["Muscle"] = false,
["Offroad"] = false,
["suv"] = false,
["Sedans"] = false,
["Super"] = false,
["Vans"] = false,
["Custom"] = false,
["Boats"] = true,
["Helicopters"] = false,
["Planes"] = false
Blips = {
Dealer = {
Blipsprite = 410, --
BlipColor = 24,
BlipScale = 0.8,
BlipName = "BoatDealer"
GiveBackBlip = {
Blipsprite = 811, --
BlipColor = 1,
BlipScale = 0.8,
BlipName = "Bring Back Spot",
BlipRoute = true,
BlipRouteColor = 3
Visuals = {
MarkerTestDrive = {
markertype = 1, --
markersize = vector3(5.5, 5.5, 2.5),
markercolor = {r = 255, g = 1, b = 1}
active = true,
dealertext = "HeliDealer",
descriptiontext = "Find your dream helicopter, we offer everything from slow to fast!",
coords = vector4(-737.470703125, -1504.9709472656, 5.0005197525024, 24.040031433105),
vehicleshowroom = vector4(-744.47314453125, -1467.6882324219, 5.4645662307739, 141.42115783691),
onbuycoords = vector4(-723.89337158203, -1443.2938232422, 5.4633002281189, 140.791015625),
testdrive = {
spawncoords = vector4(-723.89337158203, -1443.2938232422, 5.4633002281189, 140.791015625),
bringbackcoords = vector4(-746.91607666016, -1432.7725830078, 5.4636425971985, 50.347503662109)
OnlyForJobs = {},
DiscountJobs = {
["lcn"] = 20
-- ["JOBNAME"] = Percent
OpenTimes = {
active = false,
OpenTime = 2,
CloseTime = 21
camdistance = 10.0,
types = {
["Sport"] = false,
["Normal"] = false,
["compact"] = false,
["Coupes"] = false,
["Cycles"] = false,
["bike"] = false,
["Muscle"] = false,
["Offroad"] = false,
["suv"] = false,
["Sedans"] = false,
["Super"] = false,
["Vans"] = false,
["Custom"] = false,
["Boats"] = false,
["Helicopters"] = true,
["Planes"] = false
Blips = {
Dealer = {
Blipsprite = 64, --
BlipColor = 24,
BlipScale = 0.8,
BlipName = "HeliDealer"
GiveBackBlip = {
Blipsprite = 811, --
BlipColor = 1,
BlipScale = 0.8,
BlipName = "Bring Back Spot",
BlipRoute = true,
BlipRouteColor = 3
Visuals = {
MarkerTestDrive = {
markertype = 1, --
markersize = vector3(5.5, 5.5, 2.5),
markercolor = {r = 255, g = 1, b = 1}
active = true,
dealertext = "PlaneDealer",
descriptiontext = "Find your dream plane, we offer everything from small to luxury!",
coords = vector4(-932.0751953125, -2994.59375, 13.945077896118, 56.352184295654),
vehicleshowroom = vector4(-964.43286132812, -2984.1877441406, 14.546795845032, 59.097217559814),
onbuycoords = vector4(-1063.7326660156, -2977.8212890625, 14.568148612976, 150.73573303223),
testdrive = {
spawncoords = vector4(-1063.7326660156, -2977.8212890625, 14.568148612976, 150.73573303223),
bringbackcoords = vector4(-983.89678955078, -3014.9982910156, 14.547114372253, 240.75811767578)
OnlyForJobs = {},
DiscountJobs = {
["lcn"] = 20
-- ["JOBNAME"] = Percent
OpenTimes = {
active = false,
OpenTime = 2,
CloseTime = 20
camdistance = 15.0,
types = {
["Sport"] = false,
["Normal"] = false,
["compact"] = false,
["Coupes"] = false,
["Cycles"] = false,
["bike"] = false,
["Muscle"] = false,
["Offroad"] = false,
["suv"] = false,
["Sedans"] = false,
["Super"] = false,
["Vans"] = false,
["Custom"] = false,
["Boats"] = false,
["Helicopters"] = false,
["Planes"] = true
Blips = {
Dealer = {
Blipsprite = 423, --
BlipColor = 24,
BlipScale = 0.8,
BlipName = "PlaneDealer"
GiveBackBlip = {
Blipsprite = 811, --
BlipColor = 1,
BlipScale = 0.8,
BlipName = "Bring Back Spot",
BlipRoute = true,
BlipRouteColor = 3
Visuals = {
MarkerTestDrive = {
markertype = 1, --
markersize = vector3(5.5, 5.5, 2.5),
markercolor = {r = 255, g = 1, b = 1}
Config.Colors = {
costextra = true,
defaultspawncolor = 9,
Colors = {
[1] = {
r = 255,
g = 1,
b = 1,
costextra = 10
[2] = {
r = 255,
g = 169,
b = 71,
costextra = 10
[3] = {
r = 255,
g = 237,
b = 71,
costextra = 10
[4] = {
r = 132,
g = 255,
b = 71,
costextra = 10
[5] = {
r = 71,
g = 255,
b = 160,
costextra = 10
[6] = {
r = 71,
g = 160,
b = 255,
costextra = 10
[7] = {
r = 71,
g = 74,
b = 255,
costextra = 10
[8] = {
r = 135,
g = 71,
b = 255,
costextra = 10
[9] = {
r = 255,
g = 255,
b = 255,
costextra = 10
[10] = {
r = 77,
g = 77,
b = 77,
costextra = 10
ConfigServer = {}
ConfigServer.Discord = {
On = true,
title = "S-Cardealer",
author = "S-Roleplay",
color = 16711680,
avatar_url = "",
footertext = "S-Scripts",
icon_url = "",
thumbnailurl = ""
ConfigServer.Webhooks = {
["Default"] = ""
Config.Vehicles = {
titel = "Compacts",
type = "compact",
description = "Category for compact cars",
vehicles = {
{label = "asbo", name = "asbo", type = "car", price = 1000, infotext = "Here you can see a compact car!"},
label = "blista",
name = "blista",
type = "car",
price = 1000,
infotext = "Here you can see a compact car!"
label = "brioso",
name = "brioso",
type = "car",
price = 1000,
infotext = "Here you can see a compact car!"
label = "brioso2",
name = "brioso2",
type = "car",
price = 1000,
infotext = "Here you can see a compact car!"
{label = "club", name = "club", type = "car", price = 1000, infotext = "Here you can see a compact car!"},
label = "dilettante",
name = "dilettante",
type = "car",
price = 1000,
infotext = "Here you can see a compact car!"
label = "dilettante2",
name = "dilettante2",
type = "car",
price = 1000,
infotext = "Here you can see a compact car!"
{label = "issi2", name = "issi2", type = "car", price = 1000, infotext = "Here you can see a compact car!"},
{label = "issi3", name = "issi3", type = "car", price = 1000, infotext = "Here you can see a compact car!"},
{label = "issi4", name = "issi4", type = "car", price = 1000, infotext = "Here you can see a compact car!"},
{label = "issi5", name = "issi5", type = "car", price = 1000, infotext = "Here you can see a compact car!"},
{label = "issi6", name = "issi6", type = "car", price = 1000, infotext = "Here you can see a compact car!"},
{label = "kanjo", name = "kanjo", type = "car", price = 1000, infotext = "Here you can see a compact car!"},
label = "weevil",
name = "weevil",
type = "car",
price = 1000,
infotext = "Here you can see a compact car!"
label = "weevil2",
name = "weevil2",
type = "car",
price = 1000,
infotext = "Here you can see a compact car!"
titel = "Coupes",
type = "Coupes",
description = "Category for coupes",
vehicles = {
label = "cogcabrio",
name = "cogcabrio",
type = "car",
price = 2000,
infotext = "Here you can see a coupe!"
{label = "exemplar", name = "exemplar", type = "car", price = 2000, infotext = "Here you can see a coupe!"},
{label = "f620", name = "f620", type = "car", price = 2000, infotext = "Here you can see a coupe!"},
{label = "felon", name = "felon", type = "car", price = 2000, infotext = "Here you can see a coupe!"},
{label = "felon2", name = "felon2", type = "car", price = 2000, infotext = "Here you can see a coupe!"},
{label = "jackal", name = "jackal", type = "car", price = 2000, infotext = "Here you can see a coupe!"},
{label = "oracle", name = "oracle", type = "car", price = 2000, infotext = "Here you can see a coupe!"},
{label = "oracle2", name = "oracle2", type = "car", price = 2000, infotext = "Here you can see a coupe!"},
{label = "sentinel", name = "sentinel", type = "car", price = 2000, infotext = "Here you can see a coupe!"},
label = "sentinel2",
name = "sentinel2",
type = "car",
price = 2000,
infotext = "Here you can see a coupe!"
{label = "windsor", name = "windsor", type = "car", price = 2000, infotext = "Here you can see a coupe!"},
{label = "windsor2", name = "windsor2", type = "car", price = 2000, infotext = "Here you can see a coupe!"},
{label = "zion", name = "zion", type = "car", price = 2000, infotext = "Here you can see a coupe!"},
{label = "zion2", name = "zion2", type = "car", price = 2000, infotext = "Here you can see a coupe!"}
titel = "Cycles",
type = "Cycles",
description = "Category for cycles",
vehicles = {
{label = "bmx", name = "bmx", type = "bike", price = 200, infotext = "Here you can see a cycle!"},
{label = "cruiser", name = "cruiser", type = "bike", price = 200, infotext = "Here you can see a cycle!"},
{label = "fixter", name = "fixter", type = "bike", price = 200, infotext = "Here you can see a cycle!"},
{label = "scorcher", name = "scorcher", type = "bike", price = 200, infotext = "Here you can see a cycle!"},
{label = "tribike", name = "tribike", type = "bike", price = 200, infotext = "Here you can see a cycle!"},
{label = "tribike2", name = "tribike2", type = "bike", price = 200, infotext = "Here you can see a cycle!"},
{label = "tribike3", name = "tribike3", type = "bike", price = 200, infotext = "Here you can see a cycle!"}
titel = "Motorcycles",
type = "bike",
description = "Category for motorcycles",
vehicles = {
{label = "akuma", name = "akuma", type = "bike", price = 800, infotext = "Here you can see a motorcycle!"},
{label = "avarus", name = "avarus", type = "bike", price = 800, infotext = "Here you can see a motorcycle!"},
{label = "bagger", name = "bagger", type = "bike", price = 800, infotext = "Here you can see a motorcycle!"},
{label = "bati", name = "bati", type = "bike", price = 800, infotext = "Here you can see a motorcycle!"},
{label = "bati2", name = "bati2", type = "bike", price = 800, infotext = "Here you can see a motorcycle!"},
{label = "bf400", name = "bf400", type = "bike", price = 800, infotext = "Here you can see a motorcycle!"},
label = "carbonrs",
name = "carbonrs",
type = "bike",
price = 800,
infotext = "Here you can see a motorcycle!"
label = "chimera",
name = "chimera",
type = "bike",
price = 800,
infotext = "Here you can see a motorcycle!"
label = "cliffhanger",
name = "cliffhanger",
type = "bike",
price = 800,
infotext = "Here you can see a motorcycle!"
{label = "daemon", name = "daemon", type = "bike", price = 800, infotext = "Here you can see a motorcycle!"},
label = "daemon2",
name = "daemon2",
type = "bike",
price = 800,
infotext = "Here you can see a motorcycle!"
label = "defiler",
name = "defiler",
type = "bike",
price = 800,
infotext = "Here you can see a motorcycle!"
label = "deathbike",
name = "deathbike",
type = "bike",
price = 800,
infotext = "Here you can see a motorcycle!"
label = "deathbike2",
name = "deathbike2",
type = "bike",
price = 800,
infotext = "Here you can see a motorcycle!"
label = "deathbike3",
name = "deathbike3",
type = "bike",
price = 800,
infotext = "Here you can see a motorcycle!"
label = "diablous",
name = "diablous",
type = "bike",
price = 800,
infotext = "Here you can see a motorcycle!"
label = "diablous2",
name = "diablous2",
type = "bike",
price = 800,
infotext = "Here you can see a motorcycle!"
{label = "double", name = "double", type = "bike", price = 800, infotext = "Here you can see a motorcycle!"},
{label = "enduro", name = "enduro", type = "bike", price = 800, infotext = "Here you can see a motorcycle!"},
{label = "esskey", name = "esskey", type = "bike", price = 800, infotext = "Here you can see a motorcycle!"},
{label = "faggio", name = "faggio", type = "bike", price = 800, infotext = "Here you can see a motorcycle!"},
label = "faggio2",
name = "faggio2",
type = "bike",
price = 800,
infotext = "Here you can see a motorcycle!"
label = "faggio3",
name = "faggio3",
type = "bike",
price = 800,
infotext = "Here you can see a motorcycle!"
{label = "fcr", name = "fcr", type = "bike", price = 800, infotext = "Here you can see a motorcycle!"},
{label = "fcr2", name = "fcr2", type = "bike", price = 800, infotext = "Here you can see a motorcycle!"},
label = "gargoyle",
name = "gargoyle",
type = "bike",
price = 800,
infotext = "Here you can see a motorcycle!"
label = "hakuchou",
name = "hakuchou",
type = "bike",
price = 800,
infotext = "Here you can see a motorcycle!"
label = "hakuchou2",
name = "hakuchou2",
type = "bike",
price = 800,
infotext = "Here you can see a motorcycle!"
{label = "hexer", name = "hexer", type = "bike", price = 800, infotext = "Here you can see a motorcycle!"},
label = "innovation",
name = "innovation",
type = "bike",
price = 800,
infotext = "Here you can see a motorcycle!"
{label = "lectro", name = "lectro", type = "bike", price = 800, infotext = "Here you can see a motorcycle!"},
label = "manchez",
name = "manchez",
type = "bike",
price = 800,
infotext = "Here you can see a motorcycle!"
label = "manchez2",
name = "manchez2",
type = "bike",
price = 800,
infotext = "Here you can see a motorcycle!"
label = "nemesis",
name = "nemesis",
type = "bike",
price = 800,
infotext = "Here you can see a motorcycle!"
label = "nightblade",
name = "nightblade",
type = "bike",
price = 800,
infotext = "Here you can see a motorcycle!"
label = "oppressor",
name = "oppressor",
type = "bike",
price = 800,
infotext = "Here you can see a motorcycle!"
label = "oppressor2",
name = "oppressor2",
type = "bike",
price = 800,
infotext = "Here you can see a motorcycle!"
{label = "pcj", name = "pcj", type = "bike", price = 800, infotext = "Here you can see a motorcycle!"},
label = "ratbike",
name = "ratbike",
type = "bike",
price = 800,
infotext = "Here you can see a motorcycle!"
label = "ruffian",
name = "ruffian",
type = "bike",
price = 800,
infotext = "Here you can see a motorcycle!"
label = "sanchez",
name = "sanchez",
type = "bike",
price = 800,
infotext = "Here you can see a motorcycle!"
label = "sanchez2",
name = "sanchez2",
type = "bike",
price = 800,
infotext = "Here you can see a motorcycle!"
label = "sanctus",
name = "sanctus",
type = "bike",
price = 800,
infotext = "Here you can see a motorcycle!"
label = "shotaro",
name = "shotaro",
type = "bike",
price = 800,
infotext = "Here you can see a motorcycle!"
label = "sovereign",
name = "sovereign",
type = "bike",
price = 800,
infotext = "Here you can see a motorcycle!"
label = "stryder",
name = "stryder",
type = "bike",
price = 800,
infotext = "Here you can see a motorcycle!"
{label = "thrust", name = "thrust", type = "bike", price = 800, infotext = "Here you can see a motorcycle!"},
{label = "vader", name = "vader", type = "bike", price = 800, infotext = "Here you can see a motorcycle!"},
label = "vindicator",
name = "vindicator",
type = "bike",
price = 800,
infotext = "Here you can see a motorcycle!"
{label = "vortex", name = "vortex", type = "bike", price = 800, infotext = "Here you can see a motorcycle!"},
label = "wolfsbane",
name = "wolfsbane",
type = "bike",
price = 800,
infotext = "Here you can see a motorcycle!"
label = "zombiea",
name = "zombiea",
type = "bike",
price = 800,
infotext = "Here you can see a motorcycle!"
label = "zombieb",
name = "zombieb",
type = "bike",
price = 800,
infotext = "Here you can see a motorcycle!"
titel = "Muscle",
type = "Muscle",
description = "Category for muscle cars",
vehicles = {
{label = "blade", name = "blade", type = "car", price = 1000, infotext = "Here you can see a muscle car!"},
label = "buccaneer",
name = "buccaneer",
type = "car",
price = 1000,
infotext = "Here you can see a muscle car!"
label = "buccaneer2",
name = "buccaneer2",
type = "car",
price = 1000,
infotext = "Here you can see a muscle car!"
{label = "chino", name = "chino", type = "car", price = 1000, infotext = "Here you can see a muscle car!"},
{label = "chino2", name = "chino2", type = "car", price = 1000, infotext = "Here you can see a muscle car!"},
{label = "clique", name = "clique", type = "car", price = 1000, infotext = "Here you can see a muscle car!"},
label = "coquette3",
name = "coquette3",
type = "car",
price = 1000,
infotext = "Here you can see a muscle car!"
label = "deviant",
name = "deviant",
type = "car",
price = 1000,
infotext = "Here you can see a muscle car!"
label = "dominator",
name = "dominator",
type = "car",
price = 1000,
infotext = "Here you can see a muscle car!"
label = "dominator2",
name = "dominator2",
type = "car",
price = 1000,
infotext = "Here you can see a muscle car!"
label = "dominator3",
name = "dominator3",
type = "car",
price = 1000,
infotext = "Here you can see a muscle car!"
label = "dominator4",
name = "dominator4",
type = "car",
price = 1000,
infotext = "Here you can see a muscle car!"
label = "dominator5",
name = "dominator5",
type = "car",
price = 1000,
infotext = "Here you can see a muscle car!"
label = "dominator6",
name = "dominator6",
type = "car",
price = 1000,
infotext = "Here you can see a muscle car!"
{label = "dukes", name = "dukes", type = "car", price = 1000, infotext = "Here you can see a muscle car!"},
{label = "dukes2", name = "dukes2", type = "car", price = 1000, infotext = "Here you can see a muscle car!"},
{label = "dukes3", name = "dukes3", type = "car", price = 1000, infotext = "Here you can see a muscle car!"},
label = "faction",
name = "faction",
type = "car",
price = 1000,
infotext = "Here you can see a muscle car!"
label = "faction2",
name = "faction2",
type = "car",
price = 1000,
infotext = "Here you can see a muscle car!"
label = "faction3",
name = "faction3",
type = "car",
price = 1000,
infotext = "Here you can see a muscle car!"
label = "gauntlet",
name = "gauntlet",
type = "car",
price = 1000,
infotext = "Here you can see a muscle car!"
label = "gauntlet2",
name = "gauntlet2",
type = "car",
price = 1000,
infotext = "Here you can see a muscle car!"
label = "gauntlet3",
name = "gauntlet3",
type = "car",
price = 1000,
infotext = "Here you can see a muscle car!"
label = "gauntlet4",
name = "gauntlet4",
type = "car",
price = 1000,
infotext = "Here you can see a muscle car!"
label = "gauntlet5",
name = "gauntlet5",
type = "car",
price = 1000,
infotext = "Here you can see a muscle car!"
{label = "hermes", name = "hermes", type = "car", price = 1000, infotext = "Here you can see a muscle car!"},
label = "hotknife",
name = "hotknife",
type = "car",
price = 1000,
infotext = "Here you can see a muscle car!"
label = "hustler",
name = "hustler",
type = "car",
price = 1000,
infotext = "Here you can see a muscle car!"
label = "impaler",
name = "impaler",
type = "car",
price = 1000,
infotext = "Here you can see a muscle car!"
label = "impaler2",
name = "impaler2",
type = "car",
price = 1000,
infotext = "Here you can see a muscle car!"
label = "impaler3",
name = "impaler3",
type = "car",
price = 1000,
infotext = "Here you can see a muscle car!"
label = "impaler4",
name = "impaler4",
type = "car",
price = 1000,
infotext = "Here you can see a muscle car!"
label = "imperator",
name = "imperator",
type = "car",
price = 1000,
infotext = "Here you can see a muscle car!"
label = "imperator2",
name = "imperator2",
type = "car",
price = 1000,
infotext = "Here you can see a muscle car!"
label = "imperator3",
name = "imperator3",
type = "car",
price = 1000,
infotext = "Here you can see a muscle car!"
label = "lurcher",
name = "lurcher",
type = "car",
price = 1000,
infotext = "Here you can see a muscle car!"
label = "moonbeam",
name = "moonbeam",
type = "car",
price = 1000,
infotext = "Here you can see a muscle car!"
label = "moonbeam2",
name = "moonbeam2",
type = "car",
price = 1000,
infotext = "Here you can see a muscle car!"
label = "nightshade",
name = "nightshade",
type = "car",
price = 1000,
infotext = "Here you can see a muscle car!"
label = "phoenix",
name = "phoenix",
type = "car",
price = 1000,
infotext = "Here you can see a muscle car!"
label = "picador",
name = "picador",
type = "car",
price = 1000,
infotext = "Here you can see a muscle car!"
label = "ratloader",
name = "ratloader",
type = "car",
price = 1000,
infotext = "Here you can see a muscle car!"
label = "ratloader2",
name = "ratloader2",
type = "car",
price = 1000,
infotext = "Here you can see a muscle car!"
{label = "ruiner", name = "ruiner", type = "car", price = 1000, infotext = "Here you can see a muscle car!"},
label = "ruiner2",
name = "ruiner2",
type = "car",
price = 1000,
infotext = "Here you can see a muscle car!"
label = "ruiner3",
name = "ruiner3",
type = "car",
price = 1000,
infotext = "Here you can see a muscle car!"
label = "sabregt",
name = "sabregt",
type = "car",
price = 1000,
infotext = "Here you can see a muscle car!"
label = "sabregt2",
name = "sabregt2",
type = "car",
price = 1000,
infotext = "Here you can see a muscle car!"
label = "slamvan",
name = "slamvan",
type = "car",
price = 1000,
infotext = "Here you can see a muscle car!"
label = "slamvan2",
name = "slamvan2",
type = "car",
price = 1000,
infotext = "Here you can see a muscle car!"
label = "slamvan3",
name = "slamvan3",
type = "car",
price = 1000,
infotext = "Here you can see a muscle car!"
label = "slamvan4",
name = "slamvan4",
type = "car",
price = 1000,
infotext = "Here you can see a muscle car!"
label = "slamvan5",
name = "slamvan5",
type = "car",
price = 1000,
infotext = "Here you can see a muscle car!"
label = "slamvan6",
name = "slamvan6",
type = "car",
price = 1000,
infotext = "Here you can see a muscle car!"
label = "stalion",
name = "stalion",
type = "car",
price = 1000,
infotext = "Here you can see a muscle car!"
label = "stalion2",
name = "stalion2",
type = "car",
price = 1000,
infotext = "Here you can see a muscle car!"
{label = "tampa", name = "tampa", type = "car", price = 1000, infotext = "Here you can see a muscle car!"},
{label = "tampa3", name = "tampa3", type = "car", price = 1000, infotext = "Here you can see a muscle car!"},
{label = "tulip", name = "tulip", type = "car", price = 1000, infotext = "Here you can see a muscle car!"},
{label = "vamos", name = "vamos", type = "car", price = 1000, infotext = "Here you can see a muscle car!"},
{label = "vigero", name = "vigero", type = "car", price = 1000, infotext = "Here you can see a muscle car!"},
{label = "virgo", name = "virgo", type = "car", price = 1000, infotext = "Here you can see a muscle car!"},
{label = "virgo2", name = "virgo2", type = "car", price = 1000, infotext = "Here you can see a muscle car!"},
{label = "virgo3", name = "virgo3", type = "car", price = 1000, infotext = "Here you can see a muscle car!"},
{label = "voodoo", name = "voodoo", type = "car", price = 1000, infotext = "Here you can see a muscle car!"},
label = "voodoo2",
name = "voodoo2",
type = "car",
price = 1000,
infotext = "Here you can see a muscle car!"
label = "yosemite",
name = "yosemite",
type = "car",
price = 1000,
infotext = "Here you can see a muscle car!"
label = "yosemite2",
name = "yosemite2",
type = "car",
price = 1000,
infotext = "Here you can see a muscle car!"
label = "yosemite3",
name = "yosemite3",
type = "car",
price = 1000,
infotext = "Here you can see a muscle car!"
titel = "Off-Road",
type = "Offroad",
description = "Category for off-road cars",
vehicles = {
label = "bfinjection",
name = "bfinjection",
type = "car",
price = 3000,
infotext = "Here you can see a off-road car!"
{label = "bifta", name = "bifta", type = "car", price = 3000, infotext = "Here you can see a off-road car!"},
label = "blazer",
name = "blazer",
type = "car",
price = 3000,
infotext = "Here you can see a off-road car!"
label = "blazer2",
name = "blazer2",
type = "car",
price = 3000,
infotext = "Here you can see a off-road car!"
label = "blazer3",
name = "blazer3",
type = "car",
price = 3000,
infotext = "Here you can see a off-road car!"
label = "blazer4",
name = "blazer4",
type = "car",
price = 3000,
infotext = "Here you can see a off-road car!"
label = "blazer5",
name = "blazer5",
type = "car",
price = 3000,
infotext = "Here you can see a off-road car!"
label = "bodhi2",
name = "bodhi2",
type = "car",
price = 3000,
infotext = "Here you can see a off-road car!"
label = "brawler",
name = "brawler",
type = "car",
price = 3000,
infotext = "Here you can see a off-road car!"
label = "bruiser",
name = "bruiser",
type = "car",
price = 3000,
infotext = "Here you can see a off-road car!"
label = "bruiser2",
name = "bruiser2",
type = "car",
price = 3000,
infotext = "Here you can see a off-road car!"
label = "bruiser3",
name = "bruiser3",
type = "car",
price = 3000,
infotext = "Here you can see a off-road car!"
label = "caracara",
name = "caracara",
type = "car",
price = 3000,
infotext = "Here you can see a off-road car!"
label = "caracara2",
name = "caracara2",
type = "car",
price = 3000,
infotext = "Here you can see a off-road car!"
label = "dloader",
name = "dloader",
type = "car",
price = 3000,
infotext = "Here you can see a off-road car!"
label = "dubsta3",
name = "dubsta3",
type = "car",
price = 3000,
infotext = "Here you can see a off-road car!"
{label = "dune", name = "dune", type = "car", price = 3000, infotext = "Here you can see a off-road car!"},
{label = "dune2", name = "dune2", type = "car", price = 3000, infotext = "Here you can see a off-road car!"},
{label = "dune3", name = "dune3", type = "car", price = 3000, infotext = "Here you can see a off-road car!"},
{label = "dune4", name = "dune4", type = "car", price = 3000, infotext = "Here you can see a off-road car!"},
{label = "dune5", name = "dune5", type = "car", price = 3000, infotext = "Here you can see a off-road car!"},
label = "everon",
name = "everon",
type = "car",
price = 3000,
infotext = "Here you can see a off-road car!"
label = "freecrawler",
name = "freecrawler",
type = "car",
price = 3000,
infotext = "Here you can see a off-road car!"
label = "hellion",
name = "hellion",
type = "car",
price = 3000,
infotext = "Here you can see a off-road car!"
label = "insurgent",
name = "insurgent",
type = "car",
price = 3000,
infotext = "Here you can see a off-road car!"
label = "insurgent2",
name = "insurgent2",
type = "car",
price = 3000,
infotext = "Here you can see a off-road car!"
label = "insurgent3",
name = "insurgent3",
type = "car",
price = 3000,
infotext = "Here you can see a off-road car!"
label = "kalahari",
name = "kalahari",
type = "car",
price = 3000,
infotext = "Here you can see a off-road car!"
label = "kamacho",
name = "kamacho",
type = "car",
price = 3000,
infotext = "Here you can see a off-road car!"
label = "marshall",
name = "marshall",
type = "car",
price = 3000,
infotext = "Here you can see a off-road car!"
{label = "mesa3", name = "mesa3", type = "car", price = 3000, infotext = "Here you can see a off-road car!"},
label = "monster",
name = "monster",
type = "car",
price = 3000,
infotext = "Here you can see a off-road car!"
label = "monster3",
name = "monster3",
type = "car",
price = 3000,
infotext = "Here you can see a off-road car!"
label = "monster4",
name = "monster4",
type = "car",
price = 3000,
infotext = "Here you can see a off-road car!"
label = "monster5",
name = "monster5",
type = "car",
price = 3000,
infotext = "Here you can see a off-road car!"
label = "outlaw",
name = "outlaw",
type = "car",
price = 3000,
infotext = "Here you can see a off-road car!"
label = "rancherxl",
name = "rancherxl",
type = "car",
price = 3000,
infotext = "Here you can see a off-road car!"
{label = "rebel", name = "rebel", type = "car", price = 3000, infotext = "Here you can see a off-road car!"},
label = "rebel2",
name = "rebel2",
type = "car",
price = 3000,
infotext = "Here you can see a off-road car!"
{label = "riata", name = "riata", type = "car", price = 3000, infotext = "Here you can see a off-road car!"},
label = "sandking",
name = "sandking",
type = "car",
price = 3000,
infotext = "Here you can see a off-road car!"
label = "sandking2",
name = "sandking2",
type = "car",
price = 3000,
infotext = "Here you can see a off-road car!"
label = "trophytruck",
name = "trophytruck",
type = "car",
price = 3000,
infotext = "Here you can see a off-road car!"
label = "trophytruck2",
name = "trophytruck2",
type = "car",
price = 3000,
infotext = "Here you can see a off-road car!"
titel = "SUVs",
type = "suv",
description = "Category for SUVs",
vehicles = {
{label = "baller", name = "baller", type = "car", price = 5000, infotext = "Here you can see a SUV!"},
{label = "baller2", name = "baller2", type = "car", price = 5000, infotext = "Here you can see a SUV!"},
{label = "baller3", name = "baller3", type = "car", price = 5000, infotext = "Here you can see a SUV!"},
{label = "baller4", name = "baller4", type = "car", price = 5000, infotext = "Here you can see a SUV!"},
{label = "baller5", name = "baller5", type = "car", price = 5000, infotext = "Here you can see a SUV!"},
{label = "baller6", name = "baller6", type = "car", price = 5000, infotext = "Here you can see a SUV!"},
{label = "bjxl", name = "bjxl", type = "car", price = 5000, infotext = "Here you can see a SUV!"},
{label = "cavalcade", name = "cavalcade", type = "car", price = 5000, infotext = "Here you can see a SUV!"},
label = "cavalcade2",
name = "cavalcade2",
type = "car",
price = 5000,
infotext = "Here you can see a SUV!"
{label = "contender", name = "contender", type = "car", price = 5000, infotext = "Here you can see a SUV!"},
{label = "dubsta", name = "dubsta", type = "car", price = 5000, infotext = "Here you can see a SUV!"},
{label = "dubsta2", name = "dubsta2", type = "car", price = 5000, infotext = "Here you can see a SUV!"},
{label = "fq2", name = "fq2", type = "car", price = 5000, infotext = "Here you can see a SUV!"},
{label = "granger", name = "granger", type = "car", price = 5000, infotext = "Here you can see a SUV!"},
{label = "granger2", name = "granger2", type = "car", price = 5000, infotext = "Here you can see a SUV!"},
{label = "gresley", name = "gresley", type = "car", price = 5000, infotext = "Here you can see a SUV!"},
{label = "habanero", name = "habanero", type = "car", price = 5000, infotext = "Here you can see a SUV!"},
{label = "huntley", name = "huntley", type = "car", price = 5000, infotext = "Here you can see a SUV!"},
label = "landstalker",
name = "landstalker",
type = "car",
price = 5000,
infotext = "Here you can see a SUV!"
label = "landstalker2",
name = "landstalker2",
type = "car",
price = 5000,
infotext = "Here you can see a SUV!"
{label = "mesa", name = "mesa", type = "car", price = 5000, infotext = "Here you can see a SUV!"},
{label = "mesa2", name = "mesa2", type = "car", price = 5000, infotext = "Here you can see a SUV!"},
{label = "novak", name = "novak", type = "car", price = 5000, infotext = "Here you can see a SUV!"},
{label = "patriot", name = "patriot", type = "car", price = 5000, infotext = "Here you can see a SUV!"},
{label = "patriot2", name = "patriot2", type = "car", price = 5000, infotext = "Here you can see a SUV!"},
{label = "radi", name = "radi", type = "car", price = 5000, infotext = "Here you can see a SUV!"},
{label = "rebla", name = "rebla", type = "car", price = 5000, infotext = "Here you can see a SUV!"},
{label = "rocoto", name = "rocoto", type = "car", price = 5000, infotext = "Here you can see a SUV!"},
{label = "seminole", name = "seminole", type = "car", price = 5000, infotext = "Here you can see a SUV!"},
{label = "seminole2", name = "seminole2", type = "car", price = 5000, infotext = "Here you can see a SUV!"},
{label = "serrano", name = "serrano", type = "car", price = 5000, infotext = "Here you can see a SUV!"},
{label = "toros", name = "toros", type = "car", price = 5000, infotext = "Here you can see a SUV!"},
{label = "xls", name = "xls", type = "car", price = 5000, infotext = "Here you can see a SUV!"},
{label = "xls2", name = "xls2", type = "car", price = 5000, infotext = "Here you can see a SUV!"}
titel = "Sedans",
type = "Sedan",
description = "Category for sedans",
vehicles = {
{label = "asea", name = "asea", type = "car", price = 1000, infotext = "Here you can see a sedan!"},
{label = "asea2", name = "asea2", type = "car", price = 1000, infotext = "Here you can see a sedan!"},
{label = "astrom", name = "astrom", type = "car", price = 1000, infotext = "Here you can see a sedan!"},
{label = "cog55", name = "cog55", type = "car", price = 1000, infotext = "Here you can see a sedan!"},
{label = "cog552", name = "cog552", type = "car", price = 1000, infotext = "Here you can see a sedan!"},
label = "cognoscenti",
name = "cognoscenti",
type = "car",
price = 1000,
infotext = "Here you can see a sedan!"
label = "cognoscenti2",
name = "cognoscenti2",
type = "car",
price = 1000,
infotext = "Here you can see a sedan!"
{label = "emperor", name = "emperor", type = "car", price = 1000, infotext = "Here you can see a sedan!"},
{label = "emperor2", name = "emperor2", type = "car", price = 1000, infotext = "Here you can see a sedan!"},
{label = "emperor3", name = "emperor3", type = "car", price = 1000, infotext = "Here you can see a sedan!"},
{label = "fugitive", name = "fugitive", type = "car", price = 1000, infotext = "Here you can see a sedan!"},
{label = "glendale", name = "glendale", type = "car", price = 1000, infotext = "Here you can see a sedan!"},
label = "glendale2",
name = "glendale2",
type = "car",
price = 1000,
infotext = "Here you can see a sedan!"
{label = "ingot", name = "ingot", type = "car", price = 1000, infotext = "Here you can see a sedan!"},
{label = "intruder", name = "intruder", type = "car", price = 1000, infotext = "Here you can see a sedan!"},
{label = "limo2", name = "limo2", type = "car", price = 1000, infotext = "Here you can see a sedan!"},
{label = "premier", name = "premier", type = "car", price = 1000, infotext = "Here you can see a sedan!"},
{label = "primo", name = "primo", type = "car", price = 1000, infotext = "Here you can see a sedan!"},
{label = "primo2", name = "primo2", type = "car", price = 1000, infotext = "Here you can see a sedan!"},
{label = "regina", name = "regina", type = "car", price = 1000, infotext = "Here you can see a sedan!"},
{label = "romero", name = "romero", type = "car", price = 1000, infotext = "Here you can see a sedan!"},
{label = "stafford", name = "stafford", type = "car", price = 1000, infotext = "Here you can see a sedan!"},
{label = "stanier", name = "stanier", type = "car", price = 1000, infotext = "Here you can see a sedan!"},
{label = "stratum", name = "stratum", type = "car", price = 1000, infotext = "Here you can see a sedan!"},
{label = "stretch", name = "stretch", type = "car", price = 1000, infotext = "Here you can see a sedan!"},
{label = "superd", name = "superd", type = "car", price = 1000, infotext = "Here you can see a sedan!"},
{label = "surge", name = "surge", type = "car", price = 1000, infotext = "Here you can see a sedan!"},
label = "tailgater",
name = "tailgater",
type = "car",
price = 1000,
infotext = "Here you can see a sedan!"
{label = "warrener", name = "warrener", type = "car", price = 1000, infotext = "Here you can see a sedan!"},
label = "warrener2",
name = "warrener2",
type = "car",
price = 1000,
infotext = "Here you can see a sedan!"
label = "washington",
name = "washington",
type = "car",
price = 1000,
infotext = "Here you can see a sedan!"
titel = "Sport",
type = "Sport",
description = "Category for sport cars",
vehicles = {
{label = "alpha", name = "alpha", type = "car", price = 10000, infotext = "Here you can see a sport car!"},
label = "banshee",
name = "banshee",
type = "car",
price = 10000,
infotext = "Here you can see a sport car!"
label = "banshee2",
name = "banshee2",
type = "car",
price = 10000,
infotext = "Here you can see a sport car!"
{label = "bestia", name = "bestia", type = "car", price = 10000, infotext = "Here you can see a sport car!"},
label = "blista2",
name = "blista2",
type = "car",
price = 10000,
infotext = "Here you can see a sport car!"
label = "blista3",
name = "blista3",
type = "car",
price = 10000,
infotext = "Here you can see a sport car!"
label = "buffalo",
name = "buffalo",
type = "car",
price = 10000,
infotext = "Here you can see a sport car!"
label = "buffalo2",
name = "buffalo2",
type = "car",
price = 10000,
infotext = "Here you can see a sport car!"
label = "buffalo3",
name = "buffalo3",
type = "car",
price = 10000,
infotext = "Here you can see a sport car!"
label = "carbonizzare",
name = "carbonizzare",
type = "car",
price = 10000,
infotext = "Here you can see a sport car!"
{label = "comet2", name = "comet2", type = "car", price = 10000, infotext = "Here you can see a sport car!"},
{label = "comet3", name = "comet3", type = "car", price = 10000, infotext = "Here you can see a sport car!"},
{label = "comet4", name = "comet4", type = "car", price = 10000, infotext = "Here you can see a sport car!"},
{label = "comet5", name = "comet5", type = "car", price = 10000, infotext = "Here you can see a sport car!"},
label = "coquette",
name = "coquette",
type = "car",
price = 10000,
infotext = "Here you can see a sport car!"
label = "coquette4",
name = "coquette4",
type = "car",
price = 10000,
infotext = "Here you can see a sport car!"
label = "drafter",
name = "drafter",
type = "car",
price = 10000,
infotext = "Here you can see a sport car!"
{label = "elegy", name = "elegy", type = "car", price = 10000, infotext = "Here you can see a sport car!"},
{label = "elegy2", name = "elegy2", type = "car", price = 10000, infotext = "Here you can see a sport car!"},
label = "furoregt",
name = "furoregt",
type = "car",
price = 10000,
infotext = "Here you can see a sport car!"
label = "fusilade",
name = "fusilade",
type = "car",
price = 10000,
infotext = "Here you can see a sport car!"
{label = "futo", name = "futo", type = "car", price = 10000, infotext = "Here you can see a sport car!"},
{label = "futo2", name = "futo2", type = "car", price = 10000, infotext = "Here you can see a sport car!"},
{label = "gb200", name = "gb200", type = "car", price = 10000, infotext = "Here you can see a sport car!"},
label = "growler",
name = "growler",
type = "car",
price = 10000,
infotext = "Here you can see a sport car!"
label = "hotring",
name = "hotring",
type = "car",
price = 10000,
infotext = "Here you can see a sport car!"
label = "imorgon",
name = "imorgon",
type = "car",
price = 10000,
infotext = "Here you can see a sport car!"
label = "italigto",
name = "italigto",
type = "car",
price = 10000,
infotext = "Here you can see a sport car!"
label = "italirsx",
name = "italirsx",
type = "car",
price = 10000,
infotext = "Here you can see a sport car!"
{label = "jester", name = "jester", type = "car", price = 10000, infotext = "Here you can see a sport car!"},
label = "jester2",
name = "jester2",
type = "car",
price = 10000,
infotext = "Here you can see a sport car!"
label = "jester3",
name = "jester3",
type = "car",
price = 10000,
infotext = "Here you can see a sport car!"
label = "jester4",
name = "jester4",
type = "car",
price = 10000,
infotext = "Here you can see a sport car!"
label = "khamelion",
name = "khamelion",
type = "car",
price = 10000,
infotext = "Here you can see a sport car!"
{label = "komoda", name = "komoda", type = "car", price = 10000, infotext = "Here you can see a sport car!"},
{label = "locust", name = "locust", type = "car", price = 10000, infotext = "Here you can see a sport car!"},
{label = "lynx", name = "lynx", type = "car", price = 10000, infotext = "Here you can see a sport car!"},
{label = "mamba", name = "mamba", type = "car", price = 10000, infotext = "Here you can see a sport car!"},
label = "massacro",
name = "massacro",
type = "car",
price = 10000,
infotext = "Here you can see a sport car!"
label = "massacro2",
name = "massacro2",
type = "car",
price = 10000,
infotext = "Here you can see a sport car!"
{label = "neo", name = "neo", type = "car", price = 10000, infotext = "Here you can see a sport car!"},
{label = "neon", name = "neon", type = "car", price = 10000, infotext = "Here you can see a sport car!"},
{label = "ninef", name = "ninef", type = "car", price = 10000, infotext = "Here you can see a sport car!"},
{label = "ninef2", name = "ninef2", type = "car", price = 10000, infotext = "Here you can see a sport car!"},
{label = "omnis", name = "omnis", type = "car", price = 10000, infotext = "Here you can see a sport car!"},
label = "paragon",
name = "paragon",
type = "car",
price = 10000,
infotext = "Here you can see a sport car!"
label = "paragon2",
name = "paragon2",
type = "car",
price = 10000,
infotext = "Here you can see a sport car!"
{label = "pariah", name = "pariah", type = "car", price = 10000, infotext = "Here you can see a sport car!"},
label = "penumbra",
name = "penumbra",
type = "car",
price = 10000,
infotext = "Here you can see a sport car!"
label = "penumbra2",
name = "penumbra2",
type = "car",
price = 10000,
infotext = "Here you can see a sport car!"
{label = "raiden", name = "raiden", type = "car", price = 10000, infotext = "Here you can see a sport car!"},
label = "rapidgt",
name = "rapidgt",
type = "car",
price = 10000,
infotext = "Here you can see a sport car!"
label = "rapidgt2",
name = "rapidgt2",
type = "car",
price = 10000,
infotext = "Here you can see a sport car!"
{label = "raptor", name = "raptor", type = "car", price = 10000, infotext = "Here you can see a sport car!"},
{label = "remus", name = "remus", type = "car", price = 10000, infotext = "Here you can see a sport car!"},
label = "revolter",
name = "revolter",
type = "car",
price = 10000,
infotext = "Here you can see a sport car!"
{label = "rt3000", name = "rt3000", type = "car", price = 10000, infotext = "Here you can see a sport car!"},
{label = "ruston", name = "ruston", type = "car", price = 10000, infotext = "Here you can see a sport car!"},
label = "schafter2",
name = "schafter2",
type = "car",
price = 10000,
infotext = "Here you can see a sport car!"
label = "schafter3",
name = "schafter3",
type = "car",
price = 10000,
infotext = "Here you can see a sport car!"
label = "schafter4",
name = "schafter4",
type = "car",
price = 10000,
infotext = "Here you can see a sport car!"
label = "schlagen",
name = "schlagen",
type = "car",
price = 10000,
infotext = "Here you can see a sport car!"
label = "schwarzer",
name = "schwarzer",
type = "car",
price = 10000,
infotext = "Here you can see a sport car!"
label = "sentinel3",
name = "sentinel3",
type = "car",
price = 10000,
infotext = "Here you can see a sport car!"
label = "seven70",
name = "seven70",
type = "car",
price = 10000,
infotext = "Here you can see a sport car!"
label = "specter",
name = "specter",
type = "car",
price = 10000,
infotext = "Here you can see a sport car!"
label = "specter2",
name = "specter2",
type = "car",
price = 10000,
infotext = "Here you can see a sport car!"
label = "streiter",
name = "streiter",
type = "car",
price = 10000,
infotext = "Here you can see a sport car!"
{label = "sugoi", name = "sugoi", type = "car", price = 10000, infotext = "Here you can see a sport car!"},
{label = "sultan", name = "sultan", type = "car", price = 10000, infotext = "Here you can see a sport car!"},
label = "sultan2",
name = "sultan2",
type = "car",
price = 10000,
infotext = "Here you can see a sport car!"
label = "sultan3",
name = "sultan3",
type = "car",
price = 10000,
infotext = "Here you can see a sport car!"
label = "sultanrs",
name = "sultanrs",
type = "car",
price = 10000,
infotext = "Here you can see a sport car!"
{label = "surano", name = "surano", type = "car", price = 10000, infotext = "Here you can see a sport car!"},
{label = "tampa2", name = "tampa2", type = "car", price = 10000, infotext = "Here you can see a sport car!"},
{label = "tropos", name = "tropos", type = "car", price = 10000, infotext = "Here you can see a sport car!"},
{label = "vectre", name = "vectre", type = "car", price = 10000, infotext = "Here you can see a sport car!"},
label = "verlierer2",
name = "verlierer2",
type = "car",
price = 10000,
infotext = "Here you can see a sport car!"
{label = "vstr", name = "vstr", type = "car", price = 10000, infotext = "Here you can see a sport car!"},
{label = "zr350", name = "zr350", type = "car", price = 10000, infotext = "Here you can see a sport car!"},
{label = "zr380", name = "zr380", type = "car", price = 10000, infotext = "Here you can see a sport car!"},
{label = "zr3802", name = "zr3802", type = "car", price = 10000, infotext = "Here you can see a sport car!"},
{label = "zr3803", name = "zr3803", type = "car", price = 10000, infotext = "Here you can see a sport car!"}
titel = "Super",
type = "supersport",
description = "Category for super cars",
vehicles = {
{label = "adder", name = "adder", type = "car", price = 20000, infotext = "Here you can see a super car!"},
label = "autarch",
name = "autarch",
type = "car",
price = 20000,
infotext = "Here you can see a super car!"
label = "banshee2",
name = "banshee2",
type = "car",
price = 20000,
infotext = "Here you can see a super car!"
{label = "bullet", name = "bullet", type = "car", price = 20000, infotext = "Here you can see a super car!"},
label = "cheetah",
name = "cheetah",
type = "car",
price = 20000,
infotext = "Here you can see a super car!"
label = "cheetah2",
name = "cheetah2",
type = "car",
price = 20000,
infotext = "Here you can see a super car!"
label = "cyclone",
name = "cyclone",
type = "car",
price = 20000,
infotext = "Here you can see a super car!"
label = "cyclone2",
name = "cyclone2",
type = "car",
price = 20000,
infotext = "Here you can see a super car!"
label = "deveste",
name = "deveste",
type = "car",
price = 20000,
infotext = "Here you can see a super car!"
{label = "emerus", name = "emerus", type = "car", price = 20000, infotext = "Here you can see a super car!"},
label = "entity2",
name = "entity2",
type = "car",
price = 20000,
infotext = "Here you can see a super car!"
label = "entity3",
name = "entity3",
type = "car",
price = 20000,
infotext = "Here you can see a super car!"
label = "entityxf",
name = "entityxf",
type = "car",
price = 20000,
infotext = "Here you can see a super car!"
{label = "fmj", name = "fmj", type = "car", price = 20000, infotext = "Here you can see a super car!"},
{label = "furia", name = "furia", type = "car", price = 20000, infotext = "Here you can see a super car!"},
{label = "gp1", name = "gp1", type = "car", price = 20000, infotext = "Here you can see a super car!"},
label = "infernus",
name = "infernus",
type = "car",
price = 20000,
infotext = "Here you can see a super car!"
label = "italigtb",
name = "italigtb",
type = "car",
price = 20000,
infotext = "Here you can see a super car!"
label = "italigtb2",
name = "italigtb2",
type = "car",
price = 20000,
infotext = "Here you can see a super car!"
label = "krieger",
name = "krieger",
type = "car",
price = 20000,
infotext = "Here you can see a super car!"
{label = "le7b", name = "le7b", type = "car", price = 20000, infotext = "Here you can see a super car!"},
{label = "nero", name = "nero", type = "car", price = 20000, infotext = "Here you can see a super car!"},
{label = "nero2", name = "nero2", type = "car", price = 20000, infotext = "Here you can see a super car!"},
{label = "osiris", name = "osiris", type = "car", price = 20000, infotext = "Here you can see a super car!"},
label = "penetrator",
name = "penetrator",
type = "car",
price = 20000,
infotext = "Here you can see a super car!"
label = "pfister811",
name = "pfister811",
type = "car",
price = 20000,
infotext = "Here you can see a super car!"
label = "prototipo",
name = "prototipo",
type = "car",
price = 20000,
infotext = "Here you can see a super car!"
{label = "reaper", name = "reaper", type = "car", price = 20000, infotext = "Here you can see a super car!"},
{label = "s80", name = "s80", type = "car", price = 20000, infotext = "Here you can see a super car!"},
{label = "sc1", name = "sc1", type = "car", price = 20000, infotext = "Here you can see a super car!"},
label = "scramjet",
name = "scramjet",
type = "car",
price = 20000,
infotext = "Here you can see a super car!"
{label = "sheava", name = "sheava", type = "car", price = 20000, infotext = "Here you can see a super car!"},
label = "stinger",
name = "stinger",
type = "car",
price = 20000,
infotext = "Here you can see a super car!"
{label = "taipan", name = "taipan", type = "car", price = 20000, infotext = "Here you can see a super car!"},
label = "tempesta",
name = "tempesta",
type = "car",
price = 20000,
infotext = "Here you can see a super car!"
label = "tezeract",
name = "tezeract",
type = "car",
price = 20000,
infotext = "Here you can see a super car!"
{label = "thrax", name = "thrax", type = "car", price = 20000, infotext = "Here you can see a super car!"},
{label = "tigon", name = "tigon", type = "car", price = 20000, infotext = "Here you can see a super car!"},
{label = "torero", name = "torero", type = "car", price = 20000, infotext = "Here you can see a super car!"},
{label = "t20", name = "t20", type = "car", price = 20000, infotext = "Here you can see a super car!"},
label = "turismor",
name = "turismor",
type = "car",
price = 20000,
infotext = "Here you can see a super car!"
{label = "tyrant", name = "tyrant", type = "car", price = 20000, infotext = "Here you can see a super car!"},
{label = "tyrus", name = "tyrus", type = "car", price = 20000, infotext = "Here you can see a super car!"},
{label = "vacca", name = "vacca", type = "car", price = 20000, infotext = "Here you can see a super car!"},
{label = "vagner", name = "vagner", type = "car", price = 20000, infotext = "Here you can see a super car!"},
label = "vigilante",
name = "vigilante",
type = "car",
price = 20000,
infotext = "Here you can see a super car!"
label = "visione",
name = "visione",
type = "car",
price = 20000,
infotext = "Here you can see a super car!"
{label = "voltic", name = "voltic", type = "car", price = 20000, infotext = "Here you can see a super car!"},
label = "voltic2",
name = "voltic2",
type = "car",
price = 20000,
infotext = "Here you can see a super car!"
{label = "xa21", name = "xa21", type = "car", price = 20000, infotext = "Here you can see a super car!"},
label = "zentorno",
name = "zentorno",
type = "car",
price = 20000,
infotext = "Here you can see a super car!"
label = "zorrusso",
name = "zorrusso",
type = "car",
price = 20000,
infotext = "Here you can see a super car!"
titel = "Vans",
type = "Vans",
description = "Category for vans",
vehicles = {
{label = "bison", name = "bison", type = "car", price = 4000, infotext = "Here you can see a van!"},
{label = "bison2", name = "bison2", type = "car", price = 4000, infotext = "Here you can see a van!"},
{label = "bison3", name = "bison3", type = "car", price = 4000, infotext = "Here you can see a van!"},
{label = "bobcatxl", name = "bobcatxl", type = "car", price = 4000, infotext = "Here you can see a van!"},
{label = "boxville", name = "boxville", type = "car", price = 4000, infotext = "Here you can see a van!"},
{label = "boxville2", name = "boxville2", type = "car", price = 4000, infotext = "Here you can see a van!"},
{label = "boxville3", name = "boxville3", type = "car", price = 4000, infotext = "Here you can see a van!"},
{label = "boxville4", name = "boxville4", type = "car", price = 4000, infotext = "Here you can see a van!"},
{label = "boxville5", name = "boxville5", type = "car", price = 4000, infotext = "Here you can see a van!"},
{label = "burrito", name = "burrito", type = "car", price = 4000, infotext = "Here you can see a van!"},
{label = "burrito2", name = "burrito2", type = "car", price = 4000, infotext = "Here you can see a van!"},
{label = "burrito3", name = "burrito3", type = "car", price = 4000, infotext = "Here you can see a van!"},
{label = "burrito4", name = "burrito4", type = "car", price = 4000, infotext = "Here you can see a van!"},
{label = "burrito5", name = "burrito5", type = "car", price = 4000, infotext = "Here you can see a van!"},
{label = "camper", name = "camper", type = "car", price = 4000, infotext = "Here you can see a van!"},
{label = "gburrito", name = "gburrito", type = "car", price = 4000, infotext = "Here you can see a van!"},
{label = "gburrito2", name = "gburrito2", type = "car", price = 4000, infotext = "Here you can see a van!"},
{label = "journey", name = "journey", type = "car", price = 4000, infotext = "Here you can see a van!"},
{label = "minivan", name = "minivan", type = "car", price = 4000, infotext = "Here you can see a van!"},
{label = "minivan2", name = "minivan2", type = "car", price = 4000, infotext = "Here you can see a van!"},
{label = "paradise", name = "paradise", type = "car", price = 4000, infotext = "Here you can see a van!"},
{label = "pony", name = "pony", type = "car", price = 4000, infotext = "Here you can see a van!"},
{label = "pony2", name = "pony2", type = "car", price = 4000, infotext = "Here you can see a van!"},
{label = "rumpo", name = "rumpo", type = "car", price = 4000, infotext = "Here you can see a van!"},
{label = "rumpo2", name = "rumpo2", type = "car", price = 4000, infotext = "Here you can see a van!"},
{label = "rumpo3", name = "rumpo3", type = "car", price = 4000, infotext = "Here you can see a van!"},
{label = "speedo", name = "speedo", type = "car", price = 4000, infotext = "Here you can see a van!"},
{label = "speedo2", name = "speedo2", type = "car", price = 4000, infotext = "Here you can see a van!"},
{label = "speedo4", name = "speedo4", type = "car", price = 4000, infotext = "Here you can see a van!"},
{label = "surfer", name = "surfer", type = "car", price = 4000, infotext = "Here you can see a van!"},
{label = "surfer2", name = "surfer2", type = "car", price = 4000, infotext = "Here you can see a van!"},
{label = "taco", name = "taco", type = "car", price = 4000, infotext = "Here you can see a van!"},
{label = "youga", name = "youga", type = "car", price = 4000, infotext = "Here you can see a van!"},
{label = "youga2", name = "youga2", type = "car", price = 4000, infotext = "Here you can see a van!"},
{label = "youga3", name = "youga3", type = "car", price = 4000, infotext = "Here you can see a van!"}
titel = "Custom",
type = "Custom",
description = "Category for custom cars",
vehicles = {
{label = "M4", name = "m4lb", type = "car", price = 10, infotext = "Here you can see a custom car!"}
titel = "Boats",
type = "Boats",
description = "Category for boats",
vehicles = {
{label = "avisa", name = "avisa", type = "boat", price = 25000, infotext = "Here you can see a boat!"},
{label = "dinghy", name = "dinghy", type = "boat", price = 25000, infotext = "Here you can see a boat!"},
{label = "dinghy2", name = "dinghy2", type = "boat", price = 25000, infotext = "Here you can see a boat!"},
{label = "dinghy3", name = "dinghy3", type = "boat", price = 25000, infotext = "Here you can see a boat!"},
{label = "dinghy4", name = "dinghy4", type = "boat", price = 25000, infotext = "Here you can see a boat!"},
{label = "dinghy5", name = "dinghy5", type = "boat", price = 25000, infotext = "Here you can see a boat!"},
{label = "jetmax", name = "jetmax", type = "boat", price = 25000, infotext = "Here you can see a boat!"},
{label = "kosatka", name = "kosatka", type = "boat", price = 25000, infotext = "Here you can see a boat!"},
{label = "longfin", name = "longfin", type = "boat", price = 25000, infotext = "Here you can see a boat!"},
{label = "marquis", name = "marquis", type = "boat", price = 25000, infotext = "Here you can see a boat!"},
label = "patrolboat",
name = "patrolboat",
type = "boat",
price = 25000,
infotext = "Here you can see a boat!"
{label = "seashark", name = "seashark", type = "boat", price = 25000, infotext = "Here you can see a boat!"},
label = "seashark2",
name = "seashark2",
type = "boat",
price = 25000,
infotext = "Here you can see a boat!"
label = "seashark3",
name = "seashark3",
type = "boat",
price = 25000,
infotext = "Here you can see a boat!"
{label = "speeder", name = "speeder", type = "boat", price = 25000, infotext = "Here you can see a boat!"},
{label = "speeder2", name = "speeder2", type = "boat", price = 25000, infotext = "Here you can see a boat!"},
{label = "squalo", name = "squalo", type = "boat", price = 25000, infotext = "Here you can see a boat!"},
label = "submersible",
name = "submersible",
type = "boat",
price = 25000,
infotext = "Here you can see a boat!"
label = "submersible2",
name = "submersible2",
type = "boat",
price = 25000,
infotext = "Here you can see a boat!"
{label = "suntrap", name = "suntrap", type = "boat", price = 25000, infotext = "Here you can see a boat!"},
{label = "toro", name = "toro", type = "boat", price = 25000, infotext = "Here you can see a boat!"},
{label = "toro2", name = "toro2", type = "boat", price = 25000, infotext = "Here you can see a boat!"},
{label = "tropic", name = "tropic", type = "boat", price = 25000, infotext = "Here you can see a boat!"},
{label = "tropic2", name = "tropic2", type = "boat", price = 25000, infotext = "Here you can see a boat!"},
{label = "tug", name = "tug", type = "boat", price = 25000, infotext = "Here you can see a boat!"}
titel = "Helicopters",
type = "Helicopters",
description = "Category for helicopters",
vehicles = {
label = "annihilator",
name = "annihilator",
type = "fly",
price = 50000,
infotext = "Here you can see a helicopter!"
label = "annihilator2",
name = "annihilator2",
type = "fly",
price = 50000,
infotext = "Here you can see a helicopter!"
label = "buzzard",
name = "buzzard",
type = "fly",
price = 50000,
infotext = "Here you can see a helicopter!"
label = "buzzard2",
name = "buzzard2",
type = "fly",
price = 50000,
infotext = "Here you can see a helicopter!"
label = "cargobob",
name = "cargobob",
type = "fly",
price = 50000,
infotext = "Here you can see a helicopter!"
label = "cargobob2",
name = "cargobob2",
type = "fly",
price = 50000,
infotext = "Here you can see a helicopter!"
label = "cargobob3",
name = "cargobob3",
type = "fly",
price = 50000,
infotext = "Here you can see a helicopter!"
label = "cargobob4",
name = "cargobob4",
type = "fly",
price = 50000,
infotext = "Here you can see a helicopter!"
label = "frogger",
name = "frogger",
type = "fly",
price = 50000,
infotext = "Here you can see a helicopter!"
label = "frogger2",
name = "frogger2",
type = "fly",
price = 50000,
infotext = "Here you can see a helicopter!"
{label = "havok", name = "havok", type = "fly", price = 50000, infotext = "Here you can see a helicopter!"},
label = "hunter",
name = "hunter",
type = "fly",
price = 50000,
infotext = "Here you can see a helicopter!"
label = "maverick",
name = "maverick",
type = "fly",
price = 50000,
infotext = "Here you can see a helicopter!"
label = "savage",
name = "savage",
type = "fly",
price = 50000,
infotext = "Here you can see a helicopter!"
label = "seasparrow",
name = "seasparrow",
type = "fly",
price = 50000,
infotext = "Here you can see a helicopter!"
label = "seasparrow2",
name = "seasparrow2",
type = "fly",
price = 50000,
infotext = "Here you can see a helicopter!"
label = "seasparrow3",
name = "seasparrow3",
type = "fly",
price = 50000,
infotext = "Here you can see a helicopter!"
label = "skylift",
name = "skylift",
type = "fly",
price = 50000,
infotext = "Here you can see a helicopter!"
label = "supervolito",
name = "supervolito",
type = "fly",
price = 50000,
infotext = "Here you can see a helicopter!"
label = "supervolito2",
name = "supervolito2",
type = "fly",
price = 50000,
infotext = "Here you can see a helicopter!"
{label = "swift", name = "swift", type = "heli", price = 50000, infotext = "Here you can see a helicopter!"},
label = "swift2",
name = "swift2",
type = "heli",
price = 50000,
infotext = "Here you can see a helicopter!"
label = "valkyrie",
name = "valkyrie",
type = "heli",
price = 50000,
infotext = "Here you can see a helicopter!"
label = "valkyrie2",
name = "valkyrie2",
type = "heli",
price = 50000,
infotext = "Here you can see a helicopter!"
label = "volatus",
name = "volatus",
type = "heli",
price = 50000,
infotext = "Here you can see a helicopter!"
titel = "Planes",
type = "Planes",
description = "Category for planes",
vehicles = {
label = "alphaz1",
name = "alphaz1",
type = "fly",
price = 100000,
infotext = "Here you can see a plane!"
label = "avenger",
name = "avenger",
type = "fly",
price = 100000,
infotext = "Here you can see a plane!"
label = "avenger2",
name = "avenger2",
type = "fly",
price = 100000,
infotext = "Here you can see a plane!"
{label = "besra", name = "besra", type = "fly", price = 100000, infotext = "Here you can see a plane!"},
{label = "blimp", name = "blimp", type = "fly", price = 100000, infotext = "Here you can see a plane!"},
{label = "blimp2", name = "blimp2", type = "fly", price = 100000, infotext = "Here you can see a plane!"},
{label = "blimp3", name = "blimp3", type = "fly", price = 100000, infotext = "Here you can see a plane!"},
label = "bombushka",
name = "bombushka",
type = "fly",
price = 100000,
infotext = "Here you can see a plane!"
label = "cargoplane",
name = "cargoplane",
type = "fly",
price = 100000,
infotext = "Here you can see a plane!"
{label = "dodo", name = "dodo", type = "fly", price = 100000, infotext = "Here you can see a plane!"},
{label = "duster", name = "duster", type = "fly", price = 100000, infotext = "Here you can see a plane!"},
{label = "howard", name = "howard", type = "fly", price = 100000, infotext = "Here you can see a plane!"},
{label = "hydra", name = "hydra", type = "fly", price = 100000, infotext = "Here you can see a plane!"},
{label = "jet", name = "jet", type = "fly", price = 100000, infotext = "Here you can see a plane!"},
{label = "lazer", name = "lazer", type = "fly", price = 100000, infotext = "Here you can see a plane!"},
{label = "luxor", name = "luxor", type = "fly", price = 100000, infotext = "Here you can see a plane!"},
{label = "luxor2", name = "luxor2", type = "fly", price = 100000, infotext = "Here you can see a plane!"},
label = "mammatus",
name = "mammatus",
type = "fly",
price = 100000,
infotext = "Here you can see a plane!"
label = "microlight",
name = "microlight",
type = "fly",
price = 100000,
infotext = "Here you can see a plane!"
{label = "miljet", name = "miljet", type = "fly", price = 100000, infotext = "Here you can see a plane!"},
{label = "nimbus", name = "nimbus", type = "fly", price = 100000, infotext = "Here you can see a plane!"},
{label = "nokota", name = "nokota", type = "fly", price = 100000, infotext = "Here you can see a plane!"},
{label = "pyro", name = "pyro", type = "fly", price = 100000, infotext = "Here you can see a plane!"},
{label = "rogue", name = "rogue", type = "fly", price = 100000, infotext = "Here you can see a plane!"},
label = "seabreeze",
name = "seabreeze",
type = "fly",
price = 100000,
infotext = "Here you can see a plane!"
{label = "shamal", name = "shamal", type = "fly", price = 100000, infotext = "Here you can see a plane!"},
label = "starling",
name = "starling",
type = "fly",
price = 100000,
infotext = "Here you can see a plane!"
label = "strikeforce",
name = "strikeforce",
type = "fly",
price = 100000,
infotext = "Here you can see a plane!"
{label = "stunt", name = "stunt", type = "fly", price = 100000, infotext = "Here you can see a plane!"},
{label = "titan", name = "titan", type = "fly", price = 100000, infotext = "Here you can see a plane!"},
{label = "tula", name = "tula", type = "fly", price = 100000, infotext = "Here you can see a plane!"},
{label = "velum", name = "velum", type = "fly", price = 100000, infotext = "Here you can see a plane!"},
{label = "velum2", name = "velum2", type = "fly", price = 100000, infotext = "Here you can see a plane!"},
{label = "vestra", name = "vestra", type = "fly", price = 100000, infotext = "Here you can see a plane!"}
If you find any errors in the configuration and you can't fix them yourself, open a ticket!
Last updated