Here you will get all necessary permission information
["revive"] = true, -- Allows a Admin to Revive himself
["healplayer"] = true, -- Allows a Admin to Heal himself
["kill"] = true, -- Allows a Admin to Kill Player via Button
["freeze"] = true, -- Freeze Player Permission
["spectate"] = true, -- Allows a Admin to Spectate a Player
["gotoplayer"] = true, -- Allows a Admin to go to a Player
["bringplayer"] = true, -- Allows a Admin to bring a Player
["bringbackplayer"] = true, -- Allows a Admin to bring back a Player after he has brought him
["viewinventory"] = true, -- Allows a Admin to see the Inventory of a Player
["clearinventory"] = true, -- Allows a Admin to clear a Inventory
["adminping"] = true, -- Allows a Admin to Ping other Admins in the Admin chat
["jumpscare"] = true, -- Allows to Jumpscare people
["PlayertoPlayer"] = true, -- Allows a Admin to teleport a Player to another one
["GiveItem"] = true, -- Admins can give themselves items
["GiveCar"] = true, -- Admins can give Cars
["GiveWeapon"] = true, -- Admins can give Weapons
["GiveMoney"] = true, -- Admins can give Money
["GiveGroup"] = true, -- Admins can change the Group of Players
["GiveJob"] = true, -- Admins can give Jobs
["CopyOutfit"] = true, -- Copy the Outfit of a Player
["OpenClothMenu"] = true, -- Opens the Cloth Menu
["OpenFaceMenu"] = true, -- Open the Face Menu
["WarnPlayer"] = true, -- Allows a Admin to Warn Players
["KickPlayer"] = true, -- Allows a Admin to Kick Players
["noclip"] = true, -- Allows a Admin to NoClip
["aduty"] = true, -- Allows to go to the Aduty
["setinvisible"] = true, -- Allows to go Invisible
["setGodmode"] = true, -- Allows to go into Godmode
["radiusrevive"] = true, -- Allows to Revive in a specific radius
["banplayer"] = true, -- Allows a Admin to Ban Players
["GiveAllWeapon"] = true, -- Allows to Give all weapons
["SetPlayerOnFire"] = true, -- Troll menu: Sets Player on fire
["KillPlayer"] = true, -- Troll menu: Kills a Player
["ExplodePlayer"] = true, -- Troll menu: Explode a Player
["FreezePlayer"] = true, -- Frezzes a Player
["SlapPlayer"] = true, -- Troll menu: A Player will slap himself
["GravityPlayer"] = true, -- Troll menu: Gravity will be reverst
["PausePlayer"] = true, -- Troll menu: Stops a Player from everything
["FakeLag"] = true, -- Troll menu: Will do a fake game stutter
["CagePlayer"] = true, -- Troll menu: Cages a Player
["ShrinkPlayer"] = true, -- Troll menu: Shrinks a Player
["CrashGame"] = true, -- Troll menu: Crashes a Player
["StoryMode"] = true, -- Troll menu: Sends a Player into the Storymode
["DeytroyTires"] = true, -- Troll menu: Destroys Tires of a Vehicle of a Player
["FlashBang"] = true, -- Troll menu: Flash bangs a Player
["MerryWeather"] = true, -- Troll menu: A group of armed NPC will come and kill a Player
["ClownAttack"] = true, -- Troll menu: Clowns will spawn and attack the Player
["reviveother"] = true, -- Revive Other Players
["healplayerother"] = true, -- Allows a Admin to heal other Players
["SetDimension"] = true, -- Allows to change the dimension of a Player
["SetPlate"] = true, -- Allows to change the Plate of a Vehile
["DeleteRadiusVehicle"] = true, -- Allows to delete vehicles in a radius
["SpawnVehicle"] = true, -- Allows to Spawn a Vehicle
["SetPed"] = true, -- Allows to change the Ped
["ResetPed"] = true, -- Allows to Reset Ped
["ReviveAll"] = true, -- Allows to Revive all
["Announce"] = true, -- Allows to make a Announce
["bringall"] = true, -- Allows to bring all Players
["ShowCoords"] = true, -- Allows to Show Coords
["Screenshot"] = true, -- Make Screenshot
["DeleteNote"] = true, -- Delete a Note in the Note tab
["DeleteMessage"] = true, -- Delete a Vehicle in the Admin chat
["BestTuning"] = true, -- Allows to do the Best tuning on a Vehicle
["KickAll"] = true, -- Allows to kick all Players
["MarkPlayers"] = true, -- Allows to mark Players in the menu
["MakePlayerNote"] = true, -- Allows to make Player Notes in the Players Tab
["SendMessage"] = true, -- Allows to send messages into the Admin chat
["TeleportToCoord"] = true, -- Allows to teleport to a Coord
["TeleportToPlayer"] = true, -- Allows to teleport to a Player
["Aduty"] = true, -- Allows to go into Aduty
["repaircar"] = true, -- Allows to repair the car
["TPM"] = true, -- Allows to teleport to a Waypoint
["fastrun"] = true, -- Allows to fast run
["superpunch"] = true, -- Allows to do Super Punch
["superjump"] = true, -- Allows to do Super Jump
["refuel"] = true, -- Allows to refuel a Vehicle
["Driftmode"] = true, -- Allows a Admin to go into Drift Mode
["Godmodevehicle"] = true, -- Allows to give a Vehicle Godmode
["DeleteVehicle"] = true, -- Allows to Delete Vehicles
["SpawnCar"] = true, -- Allows to Spawn Cars
["Unban"] = true, -- Allows to Unban people
["copycoords"] = true, -- Allows to use the Copycoords command
["nametags"] = true -- Allows to start Nametags
Last updated