🧩Exports and Events

You need specific Exports or Events for your Scripts? Here is your way to go!

Open a Interaction Notify with a specific key and message

exports["S-HUD"]:MakeHelpNotify(Key, message)

Make a Team Notify for your Team chat

exports["S-HUD"]:MakeTeamNotify(name, message, length)

Make a Info Notify.

exports["S-HUD"]:MakeNotifyInfo(category, titel, message, length,name)

category: 1 = "info"; 2 = "success"; 3 = "error"; 4 = "ooc"; Either number or word can be used. Name is only used for OOC. titel: Titel that should be displayed. message: The message that should be delivered length: The length of the message in seconds name: The name that should be shown in a ooc notify

Make a server announce for a player

exports["S-HUD"]:MakeAnnounce(message,category,name, length)

category:1 = "server"; 2 = "event"; 3 = "police"; 4 = "medic"; 5 = "faction"; Either number or word can be used name: Name that should be displayed on the Announce lenght: In Seconds

Make a progressbar in ms


Open a Text UI

exports["S-HUD"]:ShowTextUI(key, text)

Close a Text UI


Make the HUD visible


Make the HUD invisible


Enable/Disable the cinema mode for a player


Shows every Notify that is available


To integrate your own Food and Thirst System

exports["S-HUD"]:MakeFoodAndThirst(thirstpercent, hungerpercent)

Change the postition of an HUD element from left to right, or right to left. "1" = left, "2" = left

exports["S-HUD"]:PosHandler(id, number)

Sets the Range of the Voice. Used for own Voice system integration


Remove an active Progressbar


Force HUD Status Visible/Hidden

exports["S-HUD"]:ForceHudStatus(bool) // bool: true = Hidden / false = Visible

If you need a Export that is not listed above, feel free to open a ticket at our Discord, so that we can implement your new Export in no time!

Last updated